Chapter 28

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The clanging notes of the piano were becoming louder and louder. Keys that shouldn't have been played together crashed over one another in a chaotic melody of madness. He couldn't drown out the noise no matter how hard he tried.

"Where are you?" he asked. "Why have you left me? I'm your son. Don't you love me?"

A woman in the corner of the room was sobbing, "Jackson. Jackson. Jackson. Where are you Jackson? I miss you. Why don't you play your music for me anymore?"

"All you care about is him? What about me? Don't you care about me? What do I have to do for you to care about me? I even played the songs you like so much. I'm your son too!"

The music stopped and the dark room began to slowly glow red. His hands felt wet. He lifted his palms which were now damp with blood.

"No one will ever love you. You're a monster," a woman's voice hissed. "No one will ever want you. Monsters don't deserve love."

He struggled for breath as her words echoed in his head.

"Monsters don't deserve love. No one will ever love you."

The notes of the piano started up again and became louder and more erratic. He was gasping for air. His knees hit the hard floor beneath him as he struggled to catch a breath.

"This blood is your fault. Yours!" he screamed. "Why couldn't you just give me your heart?"

The piano music stopped and everything became dark.

Dani's eyes flashed open. She was in an unfamiliar bed. It took a moment for her to remember where she was. She turned to her right to see Jax sprawled out on a nearby chair.

He had checked them into a hotel a few hours earlier. She still couldn't believe that Billy was somehow involved with the murders. He was her friend and she trusted him. She'd bet money it was Derek. She just needed to convince Jax of that fact.

While Dani and Jax were holed up in their hotel room, Tammy Owens was trying to finish a plate of eggs and sausage at King's Diner. She had been there for hours, waiting for the father of her unborn baby to show up. He had been avoiding her calls and she was desperate to find out what was going on.

She was all alone except for him and whatever attention he would throw her way. The bits of himself that he shared weren't enough. He had wanted to break up but Tammy couldn't accept that. She wouldn't.

"Can I get you anything else?" Dolores asked Tammy, patting her gray hair.

" thanks. I'm kind of on a budget," Tammy said.

"How many months are you?" Dolores asked.

Tammy patted her stomach, "Six months."

"I hope you're ready. Babies are a handful...and expensive."

"Yeah, I've been meaning to find a job as soon as I can," Tammy admitted.

Dolores was wise enough not to assume anything, so she asked, "Is the father in the picture?"

Tammy gave a weak smile, "I'm still not sure about that one."

"Honey, let me give you some free advice. If you're six months into this and you're still not sure if he's in or not...he's not. Don't expect someone to change overnight."

"I don't know what else to do. If he doesn't help me through this..."

"Well if you're interested, the diner is hiring. I'm not saying it's easy but we're pretty laid back here and most of the customers are regulars."

"Really?" Tammy thought of running into her baby's father, "No, I'd better not. I'd have to quit because of the baby soon anyway."

"So take some time off. Our boss Oliver is a total pushover when it comes to pretty girls or babies."

Her baby's father ate here. After tonight, she knew he really was breaking up with her. Or as he so bluntly put it, he was putting an end to their nonexistent relationship.

"I don't know," Tammy hesitated.

"Do you have any other options?" Dolores asked, crossing her arms.


"Then I'm sure Oliver would love to have you. We just got a new cook too. His name is Donovan and he's a total babe," Dolores grinned. "I call dibs on him by the way."

"Is he an older gentleman?" Tammy asked.

Dolores giggled, "Of course not. He's young enough to have fun and old enough to be legal. Just the way I like them."

Tammy balked at the older woman's words.

"I'll tell Oliver you're applying," Dolores said.

"If you're sure it's no problem, I'll apply."

Twenty minutes later, Oliver was handing Tammy her official apron.

Meanwhile, Freddy was eyeing Belcher as they set up their instruments for their performance at the Pony House later that night.

"What's the matter? You've been giving me the stink eye since yesterday. Don't tell me you actually believe that I'm the Maestro," Belcher laughed.

Freddy looked down at feet, "Of course not."

"Good," Belcher patted his friend's arm.

"It's just lied. You said you were here 'till one and that I could be your alibi," Freddy reminded him.

"So what? You're my best friend. I'd do it for you," Belcher shrugged.

"What if he finds out you're lying?"

"How will he find out?" Belcher asked. "If he asks you, just cover for me. Got it?"

Freddy watched Belcher leave without waiting for him to respond. He was probably going outside to smoke a joint. They'd been friends for years. If Belcher needed an alibi, Freddy figured he might as well give him one.

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