Matt Babysits You

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Mat looked all around the house for you. He couldn't find you anywhere. The only place he hasn't looked yet was the basement.

He walked downstairs to the basement, and heard a strange noise on the other side of the door. "Y/n?" He opens the door to see you in a black cloke, a black dress (ITS A ROBE!), and you were holding a black candle.

"Join the dark side." You put the candle down, and pick up a tray of brownies. "He have brownies."

Matt just shut the door, and walks into the living room to see Chris. "She did the dark side bit?"

"Yep." Matt replied


"I can't believe you would say that about me!" You yell into your phone. Matt was walking down the hallway when he heard you. "Well if thats the case then I guess we should break up!"

Matt opened the door to see you crying into your pillow. "You okay dudette?" He sat next to you a plate of banana bread in his hands.

"Guys suck." You mumble. You then look up at him. "No offense."

"Non taken."


There you were tying your brother to a tree, and a lighter in your hand. "Y/n? What are you two doing?" Matt asks you.

"Uhhh playing Salem Witch Trials?" You shrug. "Very educational."

"Okay as long as you don't really catch him on fire." Matts says as he goes back inside.



You and Matt both looked through a bush. "Awe its so cute!" You state as you look at the baby bird.

"Yeah." Matt says. He had bandages on his fingers, and hands from where the mama bird kept pecking him.


(In 2013.... Prepare to be g noted)

"Noooooo!" You scream at your TV.

"Y/n what's going on?" Matt asks as he runs into the room. If something happens to you Robert is sure to have Matt's head on a spike.

"My Chemical Romance broke up!" You cry.

"Who?" You instantly stop crying. You grab a book of your shelf, and the whole bookcase moves. In its place is two poles leading to the basement. "Come with me." You and Matt go down the poles, and you hit the ground.

In the basement was a shrine to the band.

Let's just say that later Matt ended up crying. You g noted him.

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