Murders In Maple Bay

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A/n: This chapter contains murder, death, gore, and other messed up things.


Sixteen year old Carmen McFarland ran as fast as she could. She had to keep running, or she would be a goner. What was she running from? No one can be sure. Was it a human? A creature? Or fear itself?

She didn't realize it now, but that was exactly what the thing wanted. Carmen looked behind her to see nothing. She ran into someone. " Let me go!" She screached as she was pinned down. "Let me go! Help me! Someone help!" She cried.

"Red rover. Red rover. Send Carmen right over." That was the last thing Carmen heard before she felt the knife slit her throat. It was a calm whisper.

The next day

"Sixteen year old Carmen McFarland was found dead last night in the woods right behind Maple Bay's very own park." You looked at the TV. A murder in Maple Bay? That can't be. It's a nice quiet town. Nothing happens in Maple Bay.

"Doesn't she go to our school?" You jumped a little when you heard your future step brother, Calum.

"Did." You corrected as you looked at the picture of Carmen McFarland on the TV screen. Carmen had really pale skin, blonde hair, and dark green eyes.

"She was cute." Calum mumbled. "How do you think she died?"

"The news says it was multiple stab wounds, and a slashed throat." You stated. You changed the channel not wanting to hear more. " Who would want to hurt Carmen? She's a nice girl."

"She's also can't keep her mouth shut." Calum sat next you. "Maybe someone told her a secret, and she blabbed to the wrong person."

"Oh got something to confess." You chuckled.

"No." He replied as your dad walked into the room. "Is that blood?"

You saw something red on your dad's shirt. "I spilled some Kool-Aid." Joseph stated as he walked upstairs.

"You don't think..." Calum started.

"He didn't do it."

Damien (how come none of you decided to tell me I was spelling his name wrong this whole time?!)

"Please let me go." Seventeen years old Gale Dwight cried as she tried to get out of the ropes that was tied around her. "Why are you doing this!?"

Her answer was a slit throat. "Red rover. Red rover. Send Gale right over." Her murder said calmly.


You and Everest were walking through the park when you heard a scream. You both followed it into the woods near by to see Christie and Christian. Joseph's twins. Christie was crying, and Christian was frozen stiff starting at the ground. You hugged Christie trying to calm her down. You looked to see what was wrong.

You were shocked to see the dead body of Gale Dwight. Her dark hair was matted, her light brown eyes were lifeless, and her tanned skin was spotted with blood. A dark cloak was over her. It was similar bto the one your mom wears.

Only difference? Your dad's is Victorian. This was Edwardian.


"You're sick! Why are you doing this?! You asshole!" Seventeen year old Martha Gilson tried to hold off her attacker.

"Red rover. Red rover. Send Martha right over." The killer slit Martha's throat and watched the blood pour out. "What a waste."


"Martha Gilson was found dead this morning at her high school in the classroom of Hugo Vega. Martha Gilson is the third victim found in the past week." A news reported talked into a microphone right in front of your school.

"Did she just say Hugo Vega?" You brother looked at you worried. You slowly nodded.

"Y/n Vega! What are your thoughts about your dad being the prime suspect in the Maple Bay murder case!?" A reporter ran up to you.

"No comment." You stepbrother, Chance, walked in front of you, and guided you into the school. "You okay?"

"We need to find the real killer, and prove dad is not the killer." You told Chance, and he nodded agreeing with you.


"Red rover. Red rover. Send Allison right over." The killer looked in the girls eyes. No regret was shown. It was a blank stare. "Fuck you." They slit her throat open, and grinned.


"Allison Shaw was found dead in the boys' bathroom at Thirsty's Pizza." A reporter was shown on TV in front of the pizza place. It had police tape in front of the place, and a stretcher was being rolled out of the place with a body on it. A white sheet was over them. "This is the forth murder in Maple Bay. A pair of mens' running shoes were found at the scene of the crime. "

"Dad... Didn't you recently lose a pair of shoes?" You asked as you turned to your dad. He had a shocked expression.


"Red rover. Red rover. Send Becky right over." The killer said calmly.

"Who are you?" The teen girl looked up at their killer. "Why are you doing this?" She cried. The killer didn't answer. He slit her throat, and stabbed her ten times. Her blood drained onto the ground of the graveyard.


"Becky Moon was found dead earlier today. Multiple stab wounds were found, and her throat was cut open. This is the fifth murder, and the killer is still not found. At the scene of the crime a pocket knife was found clutched in the victim's hand. Engraved on the handle was the name Robert Small." A reporter stated at the gates of the graveyard.

"My pocket knife? That's been missing for weeks!" You heard your dad yell at the TV as you and Cory made dinner.

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