Q&A Answers

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Okay so Cherry_Sunday says they want to know more about Cory's ex tbh, and why is Cory rivals with Hugo?

My answer? To be honest I didn't put that much thought into making Laura.
She's Korean, a gold digger kinda, a business lady, and her kids hate her because she forgets their birthdays and when she doesn't she's working, and sends her personal assistant to give them presents.

Plus she cheated on Cory. The poor guy ;-;

Now the Cory and Hugo question -_-

Cory: He hates me for no reason

Hugo: We went to college together

Cory: Oh yeah....

Hugo: He was my roommate.

Cory: We were rivals from the start. We fought each other to get the highest grades, and I actually have no idea why.

Hugo: Your parents would have disowned you if you didn't do good in school, and I wanted to do well.

Cory: Oh yeah!

Hugo: plus something that happened when you came to our dorm drunk

Cory: Wait what...?

Okay well the next thing of questions is from PurpleLotusFlower_01 they ask
1) How is Reader-chan's cover band going?
2) Did the dads get the part the auditioned for in the movie?
3) What happened to the cult?

My answers; The cover band is going kinda great. Joseph's kid is actually planning on going on tour, we still waiting for the casting agents to contact us on the movie thing, and the cults are going good.

You can still ask questions if you want^^

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