You Babysit Everest

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So you've been trying to get some money but didn't know how to get quick easy money. "Maybe try selling lemonade." Chris suggested.

"Nah." You sat on your bed upside down. 

"Hey Y/n you are trying to make money right?" Your dad asked. You nodded. "Well your history teacher is looking for someone to baby sit his youngest son Everest. He pays ten dollars an hour."

"For how long?" You asked him.

"Fives fours each Saturday." Your dad stated.

"Deal!" You grinned. How hard would it be to babysit a fifth grader?


"You evil little brat!" You yelled as you were tied to a tree in Cory's back yard. Everest smiled evilly. He held a pocket knife in his hand, and had fake blood on his face. At least you how'd it was fake.

"Watch it or I'll tell my dad you beat me." Everest stated. Shit you hated this kid. How could he possibly be related to sweet Mr. Kim, Chance, Calum, and Cody?

"I hate you!" You screeched.

"Likewise." Everest crossed his arms.


"Now be a good boy for Y/n." Cory told his son. He looked at you. "His bedtime is at nine, Calum and Cody should be back soon to help, and Chance is at his mom's. Everyone is allergic to strawberries, and don't let him have any sweets before dinner. There is money on the counter for pizza, and make sure you get him Hawaiian." 

You nodded, and Cory left the house. You looked at the spawn of Satan. Everest looked back at you. "Poker?" Both of you questioned. 


"Cheater!" Everest jumped on to your back as Calum and Cody walked into the house.


You didn't know what was wrong with Everest. He had a really high fever, and was sweating a lot. You thought it was a normal cold or stomach bug... That was until he fainted.

You sat in the emergency room holding the little boy's hand. His dad ran into the room. You called him when you got to the emergency room. Cory saw his son in the hospital bed. He sat on the other side of the bed. "I'm sorry Mr. Kim." You whispered.

"Thank you Y/n." Cory thanked you. "You did the right thing bringing him here." 


"You motherf-." You stopped yourself from cussing in front of the little kid. He had a can of spray paint in his hand, and painted a dick on your bedroom wall.


"Dad can Y/n babysit me more?" Everest asked Cory when his dad showed up. 

"Um sure." Cory shrugged. Everest never really liked his babysitters. Little did he know you and Everest spent the whole time watching Disney and horror movies. 

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