You Go Goth

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"Y/n...." Your dad stared at you in your new clothes. "You sure about this?"

"Yes." You replied as you put in your eyeball lip ring.


"Yes. Finally my little girl is goth." Damian smiled.


"As long as you get grade I don't care." Hugo shrugs as he saw you in your new clothes.


"I thought goths don't smile." Craig stated.

"The meaning of being goth is liking gothic fashion, music, and self expression. I'm not being a conformist or following mainstream things by smiling." You stated. "Goths are known for not smiling, and wearing dark cloths. My breaking that stereotype by smiling. That's how I'm not being a conformist goth."

"Still confused." Your dad stated.


"Yeah you're not cut out to be a goth." Your dad stated.

"Why do you say that?" You ask.

"Goths are a actually one of the nicest people you will ever meet." He replied. "And you're one of the meanest people I know."

You quickly open your switch blade. "You take that back!"

"Reason number one." Chris pointed at the blade as he licked his ice cream.

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