You Shop With Cory

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I've decided not to do the schedule


"Cory did he have to come with us?" You asked as you pointed at Everest. The ten year old just flipped you off. "Cory did you see that?!"

"Ev don't do that." Cory told him.

Two minutes later

"Cory Kim please come to the security desk. Cory Kim please come to the security desk." Cory sighed when he heard that over the mall intercom.

He walked over to the nearest security desk. "Um hello. I'm Cory Kim."

"Oh yeah your son is the biter." The guy behind the desk stated. Cory looked really confused. The guy showed Cory to a certain part of the mall where the held people at. You wear handcuffed to a chair glaring at Everest.

Everest was also handcuffed to a chair, but he had a mouth guard on. "What did they do?"

"There was a teen that was making fun of your son, and your daughter punched the guy. The two started beating him up, and when the security guards tried to stop them your son bit one." A security guard stated.

"Well she isn't my daughter yet... Did the security guard sneak up on Everest?" Cory asked. The guard that Everest nodded, and Cory sighs. "When Everest was younger someone kidnapped him. Now anytime someone sneaks up on him he tried to protect himself."


"Let's not tell Joseph you two almost got arrested."

"Agreed." You and Ev both mumbled.


Went pretty normal. After words you two got ice cream.


Cory took you, Ernest, and Chance to the mall. You and Chance sat in a coffee shop complaining about life. "I just can't believe it." Chance mumbled as he took a sip of his coffee.

"What? How much life sucks?" You asked.

"No Ernest is dating my crush." Chance stated.

"YOU LIKE LUCIAN?!" You yelled right when Ernest and Cory walked into the place. Chance sunk into his seat. "Oh shit sorry."

"I'm going to die now. I'm going to freaking die now." The goth boy mumbled.


"Pink twin? Blue twin do you copy?" You spoke into your walkie talkie.

"We copy. Over." The twins replied.

"Attack." You, Calum, and Cody started shooting Cory with a Nerf gun as he walked into the toy store.


He had to drag you away from the knife store. You had to drag him away from GameStop and Character Box.

"Please just one manhwa?" Cory asked as you hid his wallet.

"Cory I don't even know what that means." You told him.

"It's the Korean word for manga." Some random girl with brown curly hair and glasses stated.

A/N: Favorite celebrity?

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