Your Dad Walks In On You and Your Boyf Doing Something

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"What is that noise?" Joseph asked about to go upstairs, but Cory latches onto his leg. "Cory? What are you doing?"

"Don't go up there!" Cory ordered.

"Why not?" Joseph asked.

"Just don't!" Cory replied.

"Are they having sex or something?" Joseph asked calmly. Cory nodded.

"What's sex?" Everest asked.

Yeah Joseph didn't walk in.


"Excuse me Y/n, but- oh." Damien quickly closed the door blushing. "Don't do that when I'm home please!"


"Get away from my daughter." Your dad told your boyfriend Charlie. He stood in the doorway crossing his arms not leaving until Charlie was gone.

Good thing nothing happened yet.


Patrick isn't even allowed in your house at the moment. He ticked Cory off for some reason.


Chris froze as a knife got stuck in the wall next to him. He slowly looked over at your dad. "Get away from her you demon."

"Sir I think you got me and my father mixed up..." Chris mumbled.

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