Your Teacher Asks For Your Phone

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"Y/n give me your phone. You're not supposed to be on it during class." Your teacher tells you.

"Has the bell rung?" You asked.

"Um no. Not yet." They replied.

"Then class hasn't started."


You keep your phone in your locker.


"Y/n give me your phone. It's class time." Your teacher told you.

"But daaaad." You whined.

Yeah you were in your dad's class. Question though is it Cory or Hugo?


"Y/n give me your phone." You teacher ordered.

"Sure." When they weren't looking you took out a back up phone.


"Y/n give me your phone. It's time for class not Facegram or Snapbook or Instachat time." Your teacher ordered.

"Well you see I'd love to and all, but it's legally in my dad's name and he doesn't go to this school so it's technically theft." You explained.

Your teacher backed away.

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