Chapter 2::

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We walked into the class hand in hand until Changbins friends waved him over to where they were sitting. I followed Changbin over where his friends had saved seats for us.

As Changbin conversed with his friend Felix I noticed the girl from earlier walking into class with the same excited smile.

She went and sat next to I.N. one of Changbin friends. He always decides to sit alone because his friends distract him in class. I noticed how she made him so happy.

I laughed when she said something funny and how she laughed at her own joke. I didn't notice Chang poking my side until it started to tickle.

"Hey!" I said as He removed his hand.

"What are you laughing at?" He says I shrug my shoulders and grabbed my pencil from my purse.

"I just thought of something funny, " He just shakes his head and wraps his arm around the back of my chair. Which earned "oo's" from his friends. It caught the attention of I.N. and the girl. I waved at the two and I.N. waved back while the girl just nodded at me.

I felt awkward for some reason after. Until the teacher finally came and began introductions and passed out the syllabus.

Class went by in a blink of an eye. The teacher dismissed us for lunch and I had to elbow Chang to wake up. Even on the first day, he manages to sleep in class.

Us and his friends sat at the same lunch table we usually do along with some girls.

"So Ayla did you hear about the new students we got?" One girl who I keep forgetting her name nudges me.

"No, " I say as I stuff my mouth with a fruit snack. She squeals in excitement which causes me to drop one.

"What the hell dude?!" I say as I pout over my ruined Gusher.

"They are literally the most cutest boys I have ever seen Ayla!" She kept talking but I ignored her. As I was busy ignoring I notice my fingers starting to turn bluish but, pale.

'Oh no,' I thought this has never happened before. I hide my hands under my thighs before anyone could notice.

"Excuse me, do you guys mind if I sit here?" A voice so warm says to the left of me. Before I could look my chest begin to hurt and I was feeling so cold. The others were looking at me funny as I was grabbing my chest.

I didn't bother looking at the guy and grabbed my purse and rushed out of the lunchroom into the bathrooms. I slung my bag next to the sink and went and locked the bathroom door so no one else could come in.

I went back and stood in front of the sink.

"No, no, no!" I grabbed my hair with both of my hands as strands of grey were showing and my eyes were their unnatural color.

But, something was new...I touched the Crescent shape that is in the middle of my forehead that was glowing.



I walked into class very excited to start a new subject that is in my interest and lifestyle. As I walked in I notice the girl from the lockers but didn't notice who she sat with.

The only person who caught my attention was a little I.N. he was waving at me signaling me to sit next to him in the empty desk. I gave him a big smile and went and sat right next to him.

"How was your summer?" He says as I pull out my notebook and pen.

"It was good yours?" I say as I recall this summer which was full of pain and hurt.

"It was so fun! Majority of the time I hanged out with the guys and one of their girlfriends, "

"I'm happy to hear that! Especially since Junior year was so stressful I'm ready for senior year to be a breeze, " he chuckles at me as I exaggerate.

"So something funny happened to me over the summer, " I say as he looks at me smiling and nodded for me to continue.

"So, I went to a local Cafe I ordered my usual and went and sat down. I was drinking my coffee when I noticed one worker behind the counter who had a tray of cupcakes. When out of nowhere he falls and the cupcakes land everywhere even on his face. So...I thought it was funny to the point my drink splashed out of my nose all on the table I was sitting at, " I.N. was holding his stomach as he was laughing. Tears were filling my eyes as I recalled the memory.

I could hear someone laughing as I wiped my eyes from the tears. I turned to I.N. to see him doing the same. Suddenly we could hear the boys in the back going "oo" which caught our attention.

Me and I.N. turned around and I see that girl sitting with Changbin and his friends. She waves at us and I.N. waves back while I just give her a nod and turn back around.

I would have never of guessed she was with that group. They are like the tyrants of the school. I have tried to be nice to a few of them but gave up because they weren't treating me the same.

The class went by like a breeze. It was now time for lunch. I grabbed my lunchbox and made my way down to the cafeteria. I seen my friends Jihyo and Nayeon waving at me at there lunch table signaling me to come sit with them.

"Hey guys! Ive missed you!" I said happily to them.

"We both have missed you too." They told me.

"God I swear I can't stand those hooligans. They are so annoying, all they do is sleep in class." Jihyo said.

" Yeah and plus there super rude, Do they think they're cool or something?" Nayeon asked.

"Girls I know you both don't like them, but have you ever thought that the reason they act like that is because of there home life?" I informed them.

While we was chatting I felt my hands growing hotter and red. I decided to put them under the table to hide them. Then my chest felt as it were on fire. My whole body started to turn red. "May I sit here?" I didn't look up at the person. I look to my side an seen that girl from earlier running out of the cafeteria.

I then started to follow. I don't know why my body is acting like this. I ran to the nearest bathroom and come to find out is locked, so I ran to the next bathroom I could find and locked the door.

I looked in the mirror and my hair was turning platinum gold and my eyes were turning to emerald green. I look at my face and seen a glowing sun shape on my forehead.

" What?!"



Hope everyone enjoys the 2nd chapter~Alex💜


I hope everyone is enjoying the new chapter. Also I would like to let you all know is that our fandom name will be Cherries. If you don't like that then it could be Sunshines. Leave it down in the comments on which one you like best. Also pls comment an vote. Cause I would like to know all your opinions on the book. Bye yall have a great day!    - Kate 💙🦋

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