Chapter 17

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"You idiot! What are you doing?"

"Stopping you from getting yourself killed," Tristan answered as he shoved a sock in his brother-in-law's mouth. "I did you the favor of calling your partner to talk some sense into you."

"Roberto!" Jax called out from outside Roberto's home.

"Speak of the devil," Tristan muttered before pointing a finger at a tied up and gagged Roberto, "Stay."

He laughed when Roberto twisted against the ropes that were holding him in place before opening the door to Jax.

"Is he alright?" Jax asked. He heard Roberto grunting and pushed past Tristan, "Was this really necessary?"

"He wouldn't listen and he was bound to get caught going in and out of those buildings. That's gang territory! We'll never get Gladys back if he gets himself killed."

Jax rubbed his eyes, trying to concentrate, "I left my girl for this? Fine, let's deal with the issue at hand. I know you were trying to help but tying up my partner wasn't very wise."

"It looks pretty wise to me," Tristan snorted.

Jax removed the gag, "Because knowing my partner, he's probably going to kick your ass once I let him go."

"You got that right," Roberto roared.

"You two can't just do whatev-"

"What is it?" Tristan asked as Jax had stopped talking to answer his phone. His face had gone pale and he mouth was slightly open.

"What happened?" Roberto asked. "Is it about Gladys?"

Jax shook his head, "I'll be right back."

"Don't tell me it's about your girlfriend again?" Tristan's voice echoed behind him.

Jax ignored him and stepped outside. Once he was alone, he continued.

"What do you want Carter?"

"Is that any way to greet your brother? The brother that you haven't seen in years?"

"If you're after a family reunion, tell me where you're at so I can throw your ass in prison. I promise to visit."

Carter laughed, "You always did have a weird sense of humor."

"You killed Vivian."

"I killed Vivian? Do you have any proof?" Carter asked, mirth coating his words. "As someone who went to law school and then became a detective, I'd think you'd know that's the first thing you'd need."

"I'll find some."

"You'd try and put your brother away for some woman? I always thought blood was thicker than water."

"What you have running through you has nothing to do with me," Jax spat. "Where are you?"

Silence greeted Jax. For a moment he thought his brother had disconnected the call. He repeated himself, "Where are you?"

"I heard you the first time brother dear. I'm just trying to decide if I should give you a hint. Remember when we were young? We used to play cops and robbers? Look at us now. Cops and killers. It's sort of sentimental, isn't it?"

"You're sick. Where are you?"

"Fine, I'll give you a hint. It's more fun if I do."


"I'm closer than you think. How's your partner holding up?"


"Roberto. Detective Roberto Montoya. How's he doing? Now that his wife is missing, he must be devastated."

"How do you know- don't tell me you-" Jax cursed instead of finishing his sentence. "It was you who sent those gangsters to the restaurant, wasn't it?"

"Fine, I won't tell you how I know. It's more fun if you make wild guesses all on your own."

"Tell me the truth, dammit," Jax's hand tightened around his phone. "Do you have anything to do with Gladys disappearing?"

"Let's just say I'm aware of who has her."

"Why won't you tell me the truth? Do you know how torn up Roberto is?"

"Does it bother you that your partner's suffering? Forgive me but I find that amusing. I'm very familiar with how Roberto is feeling. Losing the woman you love. I've experienced it. I've seen it firsthand."

"Don't you dare bring Vivian into this," Jax warned.

"Are you still carrying a torch for her? I thought you were over her now that I've seen that waitress you've been dating. Pretty thing and just your type."

"My type?"

"A damsel in distress. Ever since Vivian, that's become your pattern. Haven't you noticed? You don't date seriously but the women you've slept with have all needed your help. It's quite disturbing. Especially when I think how you're considered the normal one between us. After that whole Maestro fiasco, you've been glued to the hip of that waitress."

"How did you know about that?"

Carter laughed, "Oh brother, I know more than you can imagine. The fact that I know so much about you and you know so little about me saddens me. It really does. You probably wouldn't recognize me if we met on the street."

More laughter from Carter caused Jax to bristle in anger, "Where are you Carter? You weren't always like this. Why don't you turn yourself in?"

"Turn myself in? For what? You chose Vivian over me. She chose you over me. Mother and father always praised you while I was never good enough. Do you know what it's like to be compared to someone else your entire life?"

"Is that what this is all about? Some inferiority complex?"

"Shut up! That's not what this is about. This is about me embracing who I am. It's about me giving you the chance to understand your brother. I want you to understand all the hurt I went through growing up. I have to teach you what it was like."

"Wasn't Vivian the lesson?"

"No. Vivian was the pre-test. Don't you get it? Vivian wasn't a lesson for you but for me."

"You're not making sense Carter."

"After Vivian was gone, I learned something. I couldn't try and destroy you by undermining your work or even physically hurting you. No. I thought and thought to myself until it finally dawned on me. Vivian was more of a 'how to get to Jax' test."

Jax waited for him to continue.

"I realized that hurting you wouldn't be as fun as hurting the ones around you. Just like Vivian. Can you imagine how happy I was to learn you'd finally fallen in love again?"

"Carter, if you even think about getting close to-"

"Don't worry. Dani's going to be safe."

A wave of relief poured over Jax.

"Well she might be safe. It all depends on you."

"What the hell are you trying to say Carter?"

"I'm saying that Dani may not be as safe as you'd like. She might end up like Gladys."

"You know where Gladys is, don't you?"

"Before I answer that, I want you to make a deal with me."

Jax harrumphed, "I don't make deals with the devil."

"Maybe you will this time since it has to deal with your partner's wife. I know where you can find her."


"First you have to promise me something."

"What?" Jax practically yelled into the phone.

"You have to promise to break up with Dani. Break up with her and I'll leave her alone. I'll also tell you where you can find Gladys."

The number on Jax's phone was private. Jax felt sweat dripping down his back and he was having trouble breathing, "I never did anything to you."

"That's not true. You existed."

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"Hate you?" Carter asked. "You're my brother. Have you ever thought that maybe this is how I'm showing you my love? I want to help free you. I realized that after Vivian was gone. Having people to love makes you weak. One by one, I'll dispose of them for you. Maybe then you'll embrace your dark side."

"Don't jerk me around. You wouldn't be doing this if you loved me. Since you know I love Dani, why are you asking me to do this?"

"Because you care about Roberto too. You don't want him to suffer like you did with Vivian. You can help him by sacrificing your girlfriend. It's not fair that you get so many people you can care about in your life and I don't."

"I don't even know if I can trust you," Jax muttered.

"That's just a chance you're going to have to take. Time's up, Jax. What's it going to be? Do you want me to reveal where Roberto's wife is? Or do you want me to go after Dani next? I should warn you not to think about lying to me. I will know if you do and then I'll make her death extra painful."

Jax licked his lips and answered, "I...I-"

"Enough! Spit it out! What's your answer?" Carter shouted.

Jax didn't wait any longer. He took a deep breath, knowing the consequences of his choice would be life-altering and quickly gave his brother an answer.

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