Chapter 19

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Donovan watched the man with glasses get in his car as he continued to pat Dani's back, "Hey, I don't know why you're so upset but it can't be that bad, right?"

Dani stepped out of Donovan's embrace, "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying. I'm acting like such an idiot."

"It's okay to cry but if you want to tell me what's going on, maybe I can help you."

"I doubt it. My boyfriend just broke up with me," she wiped at her damp cheeks.

"Really? That's all?"

"That's all?"

"Couples break up and make up all the time. Was he cheating on you?"

Dani shook her head, "I don't think so."

"Well if he was, it's not like he'd come out and say it. Besides, men usually try to get away with dating two women as long as they can."

"What are you talking about?"

Donovan gave a crooked grin, "Sorry, what I mean to say is that if you give him some time, he'll probably come crawling to you and beg you to take him back."

"No he won't."

"Yes, he will. Trust me."

"What makes you so sure he'd do that?" Dani asked Donovan.

He gave a rueful smile before answering, "It's what I'd do. I hate seeing you like this. Normally, it doesn't bother me when a woman cries. For some reason you have an affect on me. Why is that?"

Dani felt her already flushed cheeks warm up, "I don't know but you're really sweet, you know that? You're a really good friend, Donovan."

"There's that word again. Friend." Donovan shrugged, "I'm what most women call the good guy I guess. It's probably why I'm still single. Anyway, that what I've heard. Women like bad boys."

Despite the pain she had been feeling, a giggle escaped Dani, "Bad boys. Not everyone wants a bad boy."

"Well I watched this move called Grease and I was thinking of riding a motorcycle, wearing a leather jacket, maybe even take up smoking," Donovan joked.

"Oh no, please don't," Dani laughed.

"Well I would but it's not the fifties and I can't stand the smell of cigarettes. Besides, the male lead had to sing a lot and I don't sing."

Dani stuck her hands in her pockets and looked down, she suddenly realized she had sobbed all over her co-worker that she knew had a semi-crush on her.


"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"For what?"

"For crying to you when I know..." 

"It's okay," Donovan smiled. "Even if it's not me. Even if you only see me as a friend for the rest of your life."

"I'm sorry," she lightly lifted her shoulders. "That it wasn't you."

Donovan cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck while looking away, "Well this is awkward. I was trying to be like this cool guy that was pretending not to be consoling the girl he has a one-sided crush on."

Dani didn't answer and Donovan took a deep breath and smiled at her.

"Now that I've been exposed, how about I treat you to some ice cream? It'll make you feel better and I'll feel like less of a loser."

"You're not a loser," Dani said. 

Donovan chuckled, "Thank you for saying that but I have a feeling that I'm still not going to get the girl. cream?"

Dani nodded, "Sure. Thank you."

"No thanks needed. Anytime you need ice cream, just let me know."

"Not for the ice cream. I mean, yes, thank you for the ice cream but thank you for being a good friend. I needed that more than anything."

"Anytime you need a friend, I'll be here for you."

Dani thought of her friend Billy and now Jax. Everyone really did leave her, "You'll be here for me? I hear that a lot but it's getting more and more difficult to believe."

Donovan nodded, "As long as I'm alive, I'll be your friend."


Jax was driving to Roberto's home while taking deep breathes.

"I did the right thing. I did the right thing. I did the-" he couldn't finish the sentence. He played back Dani's reaction and his blood burned.

Damn Carter. How could he do this?

Jax rubbed his chest, still feeling Dani's small fists as she hit him, trying to get him to admit that it was all a joke. He wanted to explain that it was only temporary...that he was being forced. That he would tell her the truth as soon as he could.

Jax sighed. He knew Carter could've been watching him. If Dani responded any differently than she did, he might not give up Gladys' location.

Still, Jax couldn't stop thinking how fragile her bare hands felt in his big palms. She probably didn't even notice that he had touched her for a moment...but he did. Hopefully she'd see his nightmares tonight and if she didn't, he'd get on his knees and beg her to forgive him after he stopped Carter.

An anonymous text message appeared on Jax's phone and he quickly glanced at it. It was from Carter.

How's the single life?

Jax pulled over and responded, "Where's Gladys?"

I'll text you the location tonight. You must come alone.

Jax slammed his hands against the steering wheel of his car. His brother was playing games with him. He turned his car to head back to the station. He didn't want to see Roberto until he had good news.


Gladys watched as the man on the floor began moving around.

"Where...where am I?" he groaned.

"I don't know," Gladys answered. "Who are you?"

He squinted his eyes and wriggled around until his arm was free from the ropes that had him bound, "I'm going to untie you and I'm going to need you to return the favor."

"Why should I?" Gladys asked warily. "How do I know you won't kill me as soon as I let you go?"

"You don't," he muttered. "The man that brought me here is a murderer so if I don't let you free, trust me, he will kill you."

"F-fine. I'll untie you."

"Just give me a few moments to loosen the ropes."

"I'm surprised he left you with me. Didn't he expect this to happen?"

Chencho shrugged, "Who knows. He's a total narcissist. He probably thought the drugs he pumped into me would have me out of commission for the rest of the week."

"Pumped into you? You didn't take them on your own?" Gladys asked, sweat trickling down her forehead. The room they were in was starting to feel hot.

"Of course not," he held his head for a moment as the floor started to move. "How long has it been since he's been here?"

Gladys shrugged, "Hours. I think it's night time now. He came this morning."

"Then he'll be back anytime. We have to move quickly."

Gladys nodded. Chencho untied her and she removed his ropes as well. Something familiar tickled her nose and she coughed. Was that smoke?

"Now what?" she whispered, her legs feeling the pain from moving around after being still for so long.

"Now we get the hell out of here."

"Wait!" Gladys tugged on his arm. "Do you smell that?"

Chencho coughed, "What?"

"Smoke?" she whispered.

Their eyes met as they both realized the building was on fire.

Carter watched from a distance as orange and red flames danced in the night sky. He could still smell the gasoline on his hands. He pulled out his phone and texted his brother the address where Gladys was hidden.

4101 Pine St. 2nd Floor. You better hurry before your chance to save her goes up in flames.

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