Chapter 2

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Dolores Greene was patting down her grey hair as she scrutinized Dani's outfit, "That's what you're wearing, honey?" They were in the kitchen of King's Diner, the smell of peanut-butter banana pancakes swirling around them. 

Dani looked down at her denim dress, "Is it not fancy enough?"

The look on the older waitress' face indicated it was not. 

"Didn't you at least want to put on some make-up?" Dolores asked, staring at the dark circles beneath Dani's eyes. 

Dani frowned. Her dark circles had earned her the nickname Panda Eyes from Jax. Dolores believed that Dani suffered from insomnia. Dani refused to admit that her lack of sleep was caused by her nightmares. Admitting to her nightmares would also mean having to explain that Dani had the unique ability to see a person's fears or nightmares after touching them. She didn't want Dolores to fear her or think she was strange. 

"I am wearing make-up," Dani insisted.

The back door to to the kitchen slammed shut and Dolores turned to see Donovan, one of cooks, enter. 

"Let's get a man's opinion shall we? A handsome man's opinion."

Dani rolled her eyes, "Dolores, Jax won't care what I'm wearing."

"All men care and if they don't, at least you should," Dolores whispered as she gave a fat smile to Donovan who was tying an apron around his waist. "Hi Sugar. You working the late shift tonight?"

Donovan nodded, his blue eyes twinkling, "I am. You two are looking lovely this evening. Am I guessing right to think Dani has a date?"

Dani felt her cheeks heat up. She didn't like him talking about her as if she weren't standing right next to him.

Donovan continued, "She looks great."

"She says thank you," Dani said dryly.

"He's just being sweet," Dolores chided her. "Donovan, don't you think that Dani should be dressed up a bit more for her date with Jax?"

Donovan walked around Dani, inspecting her, "It depends...what are you two going to do?"

"I don't know. He wouldn't tell me," Dani admitted.

"Then I think you're dressed fine. If he takes you to some swanky place, it's his fault if you're not dressed up enough. If he takes you to laser tag or something...dump him. Otherwise, you look great," Donovan turned his back to her to face the stack of pans on the counter.

"Thanks Donovan."

"No problem," he said, still not looking at her. "That Jax guy is real lucky, Dani. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you in anything...even a paper bag. I know I would. "

"You're melting this old heart of mine," Dolores cried.

"Did Dolores just admit she was old?" Oliver Lee, the owner of King's Diner, joked as he came into the kitchen. He looked at Dani and sighed, "Are you serious about this detective?"

"What's with all the questions? You all are acting as though this is a stranger. It's just Jax!"

"I can talk to him if you want. Man to man. Find out what his intentions are," Oliver offered.

Dolores rolled her eyes, "She's already wearing his ring. I think it's a bit too late for that Oliver-doll."

"Well...if you need me, I'm here for you," Oliver said softly, causing Dani to feel something warm in her belly. Dani hugged Oliver and then Dolores.

"You two are like family to me. You know that right?"

"What about me?" Donovan asked.

"You can be the adopted brother I didn't want," Dani joked.

Donovan shook his head and laughed.

"Have a good time, Dani," Oliver said. "Call me if you need me."

"She won't need you, Oliver," Dolores grinned. "She's going to have that beefcake detective to take care of her. If only I were thirty years younger."

They laughed as Dani got a text message from Jax that he was waiting for her outside. He was leaning against his car, his ankles crossed and he grinned once he saw her approaching. 

"Do my eyes deceive me? Is this beautiful woman really going on a date with me?" Jax asked aloud, pointing to Dani. A passerby who had heard him, shrugged. 

"Stop it, you're embarrassing me."

Jax grabbed her hand and kissed her palm, sending a shiver down Dani's spine. She normally didn't like anyone touching her but Jax was an exception. She already knew his fears and he knew about her nightmares. 

He opened the door for her and once she was in his vehicle, she couldn't help but notice that Jax kept glancing at his phone.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Nothing. I'm just waiting to hear back from forensics. We had a case earlier today and I knew the victim."

"I'm so sorry. That's crazy. If you want to postpone tonight-"

"Are you kidding? Of course I don't. I've been looking forward to this. I even got reservations at Bambino's," Jax smiled.

"That Italian place?"

"Yeah, I hope it's okay," Jax drove to the restaurant and parked next to a car he thought looked familiar. "Don't tell me he's here."

Dani gave him a confused look.  After they entered Bambino's, Dani realized who Jax had been referring to. 

Jax groaned, "What are you doing here, Montoya?"

"I told you Gladys wanted to meet Dani. You shouldn't have told me where you were going if you didn't want me to show up," Roberto Montoya whispered before greeting Dani. "Dani, this is my wife, Gladys. She's a teacher."

Jax gave Dani an apologetic look as she shook Gladys' hand. He knew Dani hated physical contact as it led to her having nightmares.

"I've been wanting to meet the woman that was able to conquer Jax," Gladys smiled. 

"Conquer?" Dani repeated. "I wouldn't say that."

"I would," Roberto laughed. "You have him totally whip-"

"Enough," Jax said frowning at his partner. He turned to Dani, "Panda Eyes, it's true. You've conquered me here." He pointed to his chest and Roberto pretended to cough while saying the word "Cheesy."

Gladys nudged her husband to behave before turning back to Dani, "I've heard so much about you from Roberto. He said you call his partner Jax-ass."

Dani's eyes widened as she glanced at Roberto who shrugged, "What can I say? We have no secrets."

"Apparently he has no shame either," Jax muttered. "Since he's crashing our first date."

"We won't bug you all night. Let's just have a drink together," Roberto said.

After they were seated, Jax suggested a toast and began pouring everyone a glass of wine. Gladys covered her wineglass with the palm of her hand, "Sorry, I can't drink tonight."

"Are you the designated driver?" Jax asked.

"Yes, but that's not the reason," Gladys placed her hand over her stomach.

Jax turned to Roberto, "Shut the hell up," and laughed at the look of pride on his partner's face. "Congratulations!"

"Congratulations," Dani said to the Montoyas.

"We've been trying for years so this is fantastic," Roberto said, holding his wife's hand. "We're really happy right now."

"Why don't you two stay and join us for dinner?" Dani suggested, ignoring Jax who was shaking his head.

"No, we couldn't," Gladys said.

A loud ruckus grabbed their attention as five men in khaki pants with grey bandannas hanging from their pockets and white T-shirts came crashing past the hostess. Shots were fired in the air as the men spread out.

"We're taking out order to go!" one of the men shouted. "Wallets and purses on the table!"

"Oh no," Gladys mouthed. "Roberto?"

"Don't worry, honey. They'll probably leave after they rob everyone," Roberto whispered which didn't do much to make his wife feel better.

One of the men walked towards Dani's table. He stared at Jax, "You a cop?"

"You a member of Los Lobos Locos?"Jax asked.

The man smiled, a gold tooth shining from the corner of his mouth, "If I am?"

The sound of sirens could be heard in the background. Someone had called the police.

"It sounds like you need to hurry," Jax said, a corner of his mouth tugged upward.

"You're not as bad as I thought. This your girl?" he pointed towards Dani.

"As you thought? You know me?" Jax asked, ignoring his question.

"Let's just say I know someone who has an interest," he said. The sirens became louder and the man's partners shouted for them to leave. The man stayed behind, his eyes on Dani.

"Who do you know that knows me?" Jax asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" the gang member smirked. "The pigs are almost here. It looks like I'm going to need a hostage."

He grabbed Dani's hair and pulled her back. She screamed and Jax stood up.

"Let her go!"

"What are you going to do if I don't?" the man aimed his gun at Jax.

"Let me go!" Dani shouted. "Jax, help!"

Jax looked over at Roberto who nodded.

"Fine, if you need a hostage...take me," Jax said. "Let her go. I'm sure your friend would rather have me than her."

"That's where you're wrong. I think he's saving you for last."

"You don't want to do this. Let her go," Jax said.

Dani didn't think Jax would be able to save her without getting himself hurt. She reared back and shoved the back of her head against the gang member's nose, causing him to curse and loosen his grip on her. She shoved her elbow in his stomach and grabbed his hand with the gun. Jax jumped forward while Roberto ran behind the man. Jax punched him, causing him to drop the gun which Dani picked up. Roberto tackled the man from behind just as the police came rushing in as the hostess pointed towards Dani and Jax.

Much later, Dani and Jax were leaving the restaurant as an officer explained, "We're still looking for the other gang members. Are you sure you and your girlfriend are alright?'

"We're fine," Jax assured him. "As soon as he talks, I want a phone call."

"Yes, sir," the officer said before leaving Jax to comfort Dani.

"I'm so sorry. This is not what I planned," Jax said as he pulled a still-shaking Dani into his arms. He didn't want to think about the gang-member's words. He knew someone who had an interest in him?

Dani allowed Jax to hug her before stepping out of his embrace, "I think I want to go home now."

"Are you sure? You haven't even eaten yet. We can go to a different restaurant."

"No, it's okay. I don't think I can sit through another restaurant any time soon."

"What about a drive-thru? McDonald's? Taco Hell?" Jax joked.

"Taco Hell?"

"It's hell on my intestines," Jax grinned. "For you, I'd even consider going to a Popeyes."

"You're so romantic," Dani said, heavy with her sarcasm.

"So I've been told. If you're not hungry, that's fine. Maybe we can watch a movie together at my place?"

"I'm not sleeping with you on our first date," Dani warned him. "I'm not that kind of girl."

"I didn't say you were," Jax laughed. "I'm just asking you to watch a movie with me...that's all."

"Fine, but I expect popcorn," Dani pointed a finger at him which he lightly bit, causing her to gasp.

"Deal. Panda Eyes, I'll make sure you get some popcorn and a big pickle."

Dani's eyes narrowed and Jax laughed.

"Dani Deleon, what thoughts are going through your dirty mind right now?"

She shoved him away as he opened the door for her to get into his vehicle. A bowl of popcorn and two movies later, Dani found herself asleep on Jax's sofa, her head resting on his shoulder.

"I know something is wrong. I just know it."

She was pacing in the kitchen, biting her nails as her eyes kept flickering towards the clock on the microwave. It was almost midnight. Standing behind her was a figure cloaked in black, its face hidden. It was following her steps across the linoleum floor.

A knocking at the door caused her heart to stop. She looked out the window and saw a squad car parked out front.

It couldn't be good news. They wouldn't be here if it was good news.

She walked towards the door, the figure in black right behind her. Outside were two somber-looking officers. Her knees buckled but she quickly held onto the doorknob, "How bad is it?"

The officers looked at one another, clearly not wanting to be the one with the daunting task of speaking to her.

"What is it?" she repeated, her hand on her slightly protruding stomach.

"I'm...we're...we're sorry for your loss," one of the officers steeled himself to stay. "Detective Montoya was protecting a civilian."

" isn't happening. No!" she began sobbing uncontrollably, her legs giving out underneath her. The two officers held her as she cursed at them.

The figure cloaked in black looked back. It was as if it could sense someone watching and it turned around, its face still hidden. Its figure began to grow until everyone else had disappeared and all that was left was its dark cloak.

Dani awoke with a gasp. She quickly looked around to see that she was in Jax's home. She shivered as she thought of the cloaked figure. This was clearly one of Gladys' dreams. Was the cloaked figure someone she knew?

"What wrong? Nightmare?" Jax asked, still half-asleep, his arm tightening around her.

"Go to sleep, Jax," Dani assured him it wasn't a big deal but deep in her gut, she knew something was wrong.

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