Chapter Five

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Dani's hand was about to touch the door handle of the bar's entrance when Jax opened the door.

"I just got a call. Roberto's at the police station. C'mon, I think I may have to bail him out," Jax explained as he headed past her to their car.

"Is he okay? What happened?"

"I'm not sure but the the officer that picked him up said he stunk to high heaven of alcohol."

Considering how preoccupied he looked, Dani figured it was best not to bring up her stolen purse. She sat beside Jax in silence as they drove to the police station, wondering when she could file her report and how she'd file it without Jax finding out.


The ride to the police station was quick. The tires of Jax's vehicle squealed as he stomped on the brakes to park. Once he was inside the police station, he found Roberto kicking his legs out at two officers trying to pacify him.

"Calm down, Montoya," Jax grabbed both of Roberto's shoulders and tried holding him down.

"Let me go! I just want to talk to her...that's all I want," Roberto strained his wrist against the handcuffs that another officer had placed on him. It took several men to hold him down before he would let the medic wrap up his hand.

"What the hell is going on with you?" Jax asked. "Did you and Gladys fight?"

"Fight?" Roberto took an unsteady breath. "Is that what you wanna call it? A fight? Because I think it's the end of my life."

"You're drunk--"

"And whose fault is that?" Roberto shouted. "If it wasn't for you and your family problems, I wouldn't be in this situation!"

"Roberto?" Dani's voice crept into the din of the police station. She looked around and saw several of the other officers watching the interaction between Jax and Roberto.

When he didn't respond, she stepped closer, a King's Diner to-go box in her hands, "I brought you some peanut butter banana pancakes. Jax said you'd been drinking and there's nothing like pancakes to help soak up all that alcohol. They're pretty soggy now."

"Dani, I don't think that's a good idea. When I suggested getting him something to go, I didn't realize he was like this when we left the diner," Jax said.

"No, it's fine," Dani smiled, stepping close to Roberto, her arms outstretched with the syrupy dish.

Roberto's eyes narrowed before he turned his head and snickered, his shoulders bouncing up and down, "Pancakes? You brought me pancakes?"

"Roberto-" Jax's voice sounded more like a warning than a plea.

"Are pancakes supposed to make me feel better? Are they going to get me and Gladys back together?" With his free hand he knocked the box out of her grasp, his fingers brushing up against the back of her hand.

Roberto's body slammed against the bench after Jax pushed him, "I don't care who you are, don't you dare touch my wife!"

Roberto groaned as another officer tried pulling Jax back. Dani quickly picked up the ruined pancakes and frowned, "Jax, it's okay. I'm fine. I'm going to the bathroom to wash my hands. I'll wait for you in the lobby." She looked at Roberto, "I'm not sure what's going on with you and Gladys but she loves you. I'm sure you'll get over this soon."

"Oooh...she's a psychic now. A psychic waitress," Roberto sneered. "Forget Gladys. Why don't you tell me the winning lotto numbers while you're telling fortunes."

"Roberto, I didn't mean to imply-"

"Don't talk about things you don't understand. You're living in this fantasy world, aren't you? Married to the great Jax Michaels. Let's see how you feel once you two start having problems. Maybe you'll have a miscarriage and then you'll understand how I feel. Let's see if bringing him some cold pancakes will make it all better."

Dani flinched at his mocking words, "I didn't mean to offend you, Roberto. I-I'm sorry." She turned to walk away but paused, her eyes looking at a miserable Roberto, "You're my friend so I'll forgive you for being such an idiot tonight but you're a horrible drunk, Roberto Montoya. Also, it doesn't take a psychic to know Gladys will never take you back until you get yourself together."

She didn't wait for Jax or Roberto to respond. Instead, she found herself rushing towards the bathroom. Roberto had called her a psychic. If she remembered correctly, Jax had once mistakenly called her a psychic. She didn't see the future. She saw people's fears. That was much worse. She stared at her hands as the water from the faucet rushed over them, washing away the syrup on her fingers. She wished it could wash away all the anxiety she had been feeling lately.

"Are you okay?" a stranger's voice interrupted Dani's thoughts.

Dani turned to see an older woman in a green skirt-suit staring at her, "I'm sorry...I was lost in my thoughts."

"I'd say," the older woman chortled. "I tried getting your attention several times." She patted Dani's hand and shook her head, smiling, before slowly walking away.

She thought about the man at the diner that had accidentally run into her, Roberto, and now this old woman. She was sure others had touched her as well but couldn't think about them. She knew Jax wanted children. Would they have to suffer the same way she did? Always wondering whose nightmares she would see next? What about Helen's warning? She shook her head. She definitely didn't want anyone mocking her or her children the way Roberto did earlier. She looked in the mirror and made a mental note to replace her birth control.


Later that night, with Jax beside her, Dani tossed and turned in her sleep.

A bloodied woman facing away from her was sobbing on the floor. Her hair was matted and her clothes were singed as though she had been in a fire.

A man's voice was screaming in the background, cursing for her to come back but the woman ignored him. A baby crying got her attention and she turned. It was Gladys. A small baby suddenly appeared in her arms, wrapped in a blue cotton blanket. Despite her tear-stained cheeks, she smiled and lifted a corner of the blanket away from the baby's face. She gasped.

There was no baby in her blanket. Just a blackened corpse that disintegrated in her arms.

Dani's eyes opened as she clutched the comforter. She felt Jax's arm against her torso, giving her a slight squeeze.

"You okay?" he mumbled against her shoulder.

"Fine. I'm fine. Go back to sleep," Dani whispered.

"I'm sorry about Roberto. Don't take it to heart, Panda Eyes. He's going through a tough time. I didn't even know it myself until tonight."

"He and Gladys are fighting?"

She could feel him nodding against her shoulder, "It's been a slow decline since she lost the baby and the whole fire incident."

Dani didn't know what to say.

In the darkness, Jax's voice continued, "I can understand why he blames me..."

"No," Dani said firmly. "It's not your fault either. Jax?"


"Let's promise to never be like Roberto and Gladys. Even if I push you away, you have to pull me back towards you. I'll do the same for you."

"As if I'd ever push you away," Jax gave her a quick squeeze, "I love know that, right?"

"I do."

She turned over and pressed her palm against his heart, feeling the steady rhythm of its beating. She let her thoughts drift.

Would Jax be upset if he found out about the birth control?

Would Gladys and Roberto make up?

How could she tell Jax the truth?


Six weeks suspension and some anger management classes. Roberto's actions held consequences. It was something the entire station was witness to. Roberto had left earlier that morning. Apparently his wife had dropped the charges and he was free to go. He hadn't said a word to anyone. Just listened to the captain and stormed out of the station.

When Jax arrived a few hours later, it was to be informed that he was going to temporarily have a new partner. She had just transferred in but had previously worked on some high profile cases.

Jax wanted to refuse but there was no denying Roberto's actions last night. A part of him was still upset about the way Roberto had talked to Dani. He glanced at his new partner. She was a looker, that's for sure. Long dark hair pulled back in a pony tail accentuated her high cheekbones. She was laughing at something another officer was telling her. Her light brown eyes danced in merriment as she gave him her undivided attention. When the other officer spotted Jax staring at them, he stopped laughing. He cleared his throat and pointed at Jax.

The woman turned around and held out her hand, "You must be Detective Michaels. I'm your new partner, Detective Reeves. Lilah Reeves "

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