Chapter 4

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"Ryker, I'm here if you want to talk." Kennah's soft voice walked on egg shells around him.

He hadn't spoken a word since she got there, 6 hours ago. His lifeless frame sat on the couch where Officer Connors had placed him shortly after he blacked out. He was awake now, but then again still not there.

"Here." Officer Connors murmured, passing Kennah a hot cup of coffee. He knew it was going to be a long day and Ryker didn't have anyone else besides Kennah, so he stayed.

"Thanks." She replied, pressing the warm cup between both her hands. She gently blew through the steam before taking a small sip. "is there anything else we can do for him."

"Just be here, until he is ready." He brought the cup to his lips mumbling a few more words before taking a sip. Even with the cup pressed against his lips and the mumbling of the words, Kennah heard him plain as day – If he's ever ready.

They spoke back and forth about Ryker, as if he wasn't in the room. After all, he hadn't responded to anything they tried. Perhaps he was still in shock and unable to even hear them. No one could tell, and Ryker wasn't making it easy to figure out.

Kennah sighed as she rubbed the back of her hand across her eyes. The gurgling sound echoing from within her stomach caught the attention of Conners, "Are you hungry?" she shook her head with a small nod, "Why don't we take a drive a grab a pizza. Ryker should get something into him, and we could use some air." He paused, waiting for Kennah who looked defeated but somehow knew Conners was right. Sitting around the house wasn't helping Ryker, and it wasn't helping them either.

"We'll be right back, ok." She kissed the top of Rykers head and allowed her hand to brush through his hair, pausing at the back of his neck before she left.

The moment the door closed behind them Ryker waited for the sound of the engine before jumping off the couch and grabbing his coat. He couldn't stand being stuck at this pity party, especially with him being the guest of honor. He carefully opened the front door piercing out to see the car half way down the road.

This is the denial phase, he thought to himself. He had always heard his dad talk about these phases after his mother's passing. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Malcolm never really made It to the Acceptance phase, even after 18-years.

He is dead, not coming back, Ryker tried telling himself. If somehow he could jump from the denial phase straight to the acceptance of it all. Nonetheless, this emotional hurricane surrounding him wanted nothing more than to destroy him entirely. 

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