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Mounted and ready, Adria had woken an hour ago and now she was wrapped in her warm clothes with the drawing slipped carefully into her pocket. Remrock whinnied into the cold air, a distant reply came from a horse from a nearby barn. Driston, Simeon and Fenyald had brought Adria to the edge of town before the sun rise to send her off.

"Remember, find Kieran and bring him back." Fenyald reminded her.

"Right." Adria murmured, her breath clearly visible in the cold air.

"Here's the map." Simeon said handing Adria a parchment. Adria shoved it in her pocket.

"Good luck." Driston muttered, "you'll need it."

With that Adria was off, Remrock bouncing underneath her and reigns in hand.

Adria had been riding for over an hour and the mountains seemed to be closer than before. After riding for about an hour more Adria decided that it was time for her to eat. She dismounted and removed the saddle pack containing food.

Adria decided to eat the fruit first, because that would be the first to go bad. She bit deeply into a juicy apple. Remrock nickered and butted Adria lightly with his head, asking for the apple. Adria hesitated then, understanding, she gave the apple to Remrock. The pony munched the apple for a minute the nickered his appreciation.

Adria gave Remrock a pat then remounted him. She rode through lunch and set up camp for the evening in the middle of the snowy dessert. After building a small fire Adria heated some precooked beef and ate. When the shadows began to darken the white landscape Adria curled up in her small shelter and fell asleep.

The early morning light woke Adria. She got up and began to pack her supplies. When that was finished Adria shared another apple with Remrock, who had been eating grass he found under the snow. It took two days for Adria to reach a mountain river, marked on the map as The Sentarian river, to refill her canteen and to give Remrock a long drink. The further up they followed the river the more wild it became.

Adria set up camp close to the river and shared the last apple with Remrock.

"Is it good, boy?" Adria asked, "what am I doing talking to a horse?" She sighed.

Adria found herself wishing for her parents and a warm bed.

The next morning Adria continued to follow the small river higher into the mountains.

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