Chapter Eight: Moving On Up

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Two years later:

I positioned myself before the almost brand-new looking gravestone that stood stark against the green background of the grass, the thorns of the rose I was holding pricking the palm of my hand. I sighed softly as I knelt down, placing the rose on the soil.

"You deserved so much better than this, Chloe." I whispered. No tears filled my eyes, I had stopped crying at her grave almost a year ago. I still visited every month, just to humble myself. It served as a reminder of what the last two years of peace cost.

I stood up and turned, leaving the depressing area behind me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and plugged my earbuds in, slotting them into my ears as I allowed the sound to accost my eardrums. The wind blew by and I shuddered, wrapping my coat around me tighter. The vibrations of my footsteps seemed to echo throughout my body as though I was hollow inside.

I shook my head against my thoughts and tried to focus on the music.

Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me up in the air. I would have fought back against the muscled arms if I hadn't caught the whiff of my boyfriends cologne.

I chuckled and reached up to pull my earbuds out, turning to face him I nuzzled my nose into the crook of his neck.

"Hi." He purred.

"Hi, mon chéri." I replied, giving his cheek a chaste kiss.

Adrien set me down but kept his arms firmly around my waist, gently rubbing his nose against mine causing a giggle to erupt out of me. Even though we'd now been together for years, I still enjoyed these sweet moments and he still enjoyed delivering them to me. Some things really don't change.

"Visiting Chloe's grave?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just finished."

"You know I don't like you walking around by yourself this late at night." He sighed, eyebrows knit together in a cute fashion.

"You do realize that I'm an all-powerful superheroine who can take care of herself, right?" I asked him, smirking.

His laugh pierced the air as he grabbed my face and kissed me before pulling away just as quick, saying, "It's not you I'm worried about. It's the poor soul who might make the mistake of trying to attack you that I'm worried about."

This time both of our laughs filled the air.

"Well, what are you doing out this late anyways, Mr. Noir? I thought Carapace was on patrol tonight."

Chat's teeth shone white against the darkness of the night as he smiled at me, telling me, "He convinced me to cover for him tonight so he could have a date night with his girlfriend."

"Ever the best friend, I see."

"Yeah, I guess so. I don't mind anyways. Not like I have school to worry about in the morning anyways."

"True," I let a light sigh escape as I closed my eyes and leaned into his chest, savoring the warmth he always seemed to emit. "You know, I love these moments with you."

"I do too, Mari." His arms tightened around for a second before he dropped them, scooping up my hand into his. "Let's get you home so you can sleep."



Chat and I stood in front of our apartment complex, hands still intertwined as his thumb traced gentle shapes on the knuckle of mine. I knew that Tikki was inside waiting for me, but I lingered outside a little longer.

After Gabriel had died, Adrien sold the mansion and took over his father's company, becoming the youngest CEO in its history. Only a year later, after much help on my behalf, he realized how much he hated it and ended up giving the company to me to run. Now he was a freelance photographer and I successfully owned my own fashion company, which was slightly remodeled after I took over.

We had decided to live in an apartment together soon after we turned eighteen, deciding that living together was easier than just spending the night in each other's houses all the time.

Even though the Akuma's were no longer an issue we had to deal with, we still made it our duty to protect this city from crooks. Now the crime rate was the lowest its ever been, mostly because criminals knew that if we caught them they'd be screwed. Even still, the rush of swinging through the air with my yo-yo never ceased to fill my body with adrenaline.

Chat Noir's lips on mine distracted me from my reminiscing and I smiled into the kiss, feeling his lips hungrily latching on to my own filled me with excitement, as if this was our first time. We were both panting when we finally broke apart and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I wanted some courage." He grinned.

"For what?"


Adrien de-transformed and knelt in one swift motion, holding a black velvet box in his hands.

A gasp escaped my lips as I covered my mouth with my hands, eyes wide open in shock at the sight I was seeing.

"Marinette, I have had the pleasure of being your boyfriend for years and your work partner for even longer. We have been through so much together and now I am asking if you would like to see this thing through. Will you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?" Adrien's wavy blonde hair subtly moved in the gentle breeze, his lips slightly parted as he expectantly stared at me.

Instead of answering him verbally, I grabbed him by his shirt collar and brought his lips to mine, hungrily kissing him. When I finally pulled away from him his eyes were wide.

"Is that a yes?" He asked nervously.

"Yes!" I laughed, wiping the few tears that had managed to invade my eyes away. "Yes, you idiot. I will marry you. Yes. Of course. Took you long enough to ask me."

He stood, engulfing me in a hug so tight that I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. When he finally let go of me I cupped his cheeks, smiling as we held eye contact with each other.

"You're forgetting something." I teased him.

"What?!" He asked, panicked.

"You forgot to put the ring on my finger, dummy."

"O-Oh, right..." I could see him mentally facepalm as he grabbed the ring out of the box and slipped in on my finger.

I admired the ring on my finger. It was a single band that had alternated jewels of a small dot of emerald and a eye-shaped diamond embedded in it.

"Adrien, it's beautiful, but-..."

"What but?" Adrien interrupted me, "Is it not your style? Not your color? Should I have done rubies instead? Would you have preferred just one stone? Is it not flashy enough? Too flashy? Is it-..." I clamped by hands over his mouth, cutting him off.

"It's nothing like that, minou. I promise. What I was trying to say is that you put it on the wrong hand." I removed my hands from his mouth as his eyes widened in realization.

"Oh, oops."

After he quickly corrected his mistake I gave his a sweet kiss, the weight of the ring on my finger made my heart flutter with excitement.

Suddenly, a scream pierced the night. Chat and I both whipped our heads up towards the sound, hands tightening against each other's. It sounded like a robbery. Out of nowhere Tikki and Plagg flew by our sides, a look of determination on both of their faces.

"You ready?" Adrien asked, already saying his phrase to transform.

"Yeah, let's do this." I said, turning to Tikki who gave me a thumbs up. I smirked, the adrenaline already coursing through my body.

"Tikki, spots on!"

The End

Thank you so much for reading my book! It's been quite the journey with this book and I'm so happy to have finally brought it to a close. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, because I know I enjoyed writing this book series a lot. I am planning on eventually making a third book but that's not going to be coming out any time soon, but I will try to make the third book a reality one day. Again, thank you so much for reading this book, it means the world to me. I'm working on some other, non-ML fan fiction that I'm really hoping you guys will like just as much as this. It's a BTS fan fiction but you don't have to know BTS in order to read it. Again, and again, thank you for reading this book. I hope you have a wonderful life.

Sincerely, Anna

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