Chapter 13

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Super that night was interesting to say the least. Emilia sat in between Aster and Ivan, grateful that Ivan no longer smelled. Aster also seemed relieved of this having told Emilia earlier that if the stench wouldn't come off, Ivan would be dinning with the horses. The comment had made Emilia laugh. 

"Glad to see that you clean up nicely." Emilia looked to her Father who was sitting on the other side of the table, staring at Ivan as he talked. Emilia couldn't help but think that her Father could read her mind sometimes, he always seemed to know what she was thinking. Then again, perhaps it wasn't mind reading but just showed how much alike the two actually were.

"It was nice to be able to wash, so thank you." Ivan replied to her Father seemingly grateful. He was shoveling the food on his plate in his mouth as if he only had a certain amount of time to eat it or it would be thrown out. 

"So how is it that the two of you came to be traveling together?" Emilia's Father asked looking between the two boys who sat on either side of his daughter, beside him Emilia's Mother chuckled taking a sip of her water.

"You two boys better be careful, my dear husband is as nosy as our darling daughter, he'll ask questions until your mouth is dry if you're not careful." Emilia's Mother warned them winking at Emilia who glared at her Mother. She wasn't nosy, simply curious. It has hardly the same. Her Mother laughed at the look and beside her Emilia heard Aster chuckle at this.

"I'm afraid we have nothing worth sharing." Aster disappointed Emilia by saying. She had been hoping for a story tonight, it was the whole point of super. At least to her it was. "We've been friends for years', Ivan and I, and like any boys our age we were simply tired of home and decided to leave in search of an adventure." Emilia was listening with interest as he unraveled his story to them, not even realizing that to her, his story was thrilling. She knew that during his travels he must have come across something thrilling, after all he'd been separated from his other friends', that right there was a story waiting to be told. 

"How long have you boys been on the road?" Emilia's Mother asked her brow knitted with concern. "Your Mother's must be sick with worry." She told them in her famous motherly tone that had Emilia rolling her eyes'. Aster didn't seem to mind it though, instead he laughed at her protectiveness.

"Let's see, how long has it been Ivan? About two months?" Aster scratched at his head as he thought about the question and Emilia could see him counting in his head as he tried to figure it out. She was gaping at him in surprise though. Two months! He'd been traveling around for that long! How could he claim not to have any good stories? He had to have a ton of them from traveling around for that length of time.

"I'd say at least two and a half, remember we all got split up during our first week and were trying to find each other." Ivan chimed in, taking another big bite of food. Aster nodded his head as if suddenly remembering.

"Do you find yourself getting lost often then?" Emilia asked only half teasingly, the other half of her was curious to hear his answer.

"You don't even know the half of it!" Ivan was quick to say and everyone at the table laughed at this except Aster who was glaring daggers at Ivan, but the look wasn't one of malice just two friends teasing each other so Ivan didn't back down. "Aster seems collected to anyone who just meets him, but trust me, I've known him for years' and he's always getting himself into trouble. It's like it's drawn to him." Ivan teased and Emilia laughed at hearing this.

"So it seems I'm not the only trouble around after all." She tells Aster who smiles sheepishly at her words' shrugging his shoulders.

"Sorry, Trouble, but didn't you listen? It's like trouble is drawn to me, just proves that you really are, that's why it was you that almost drowned me at the well and not anyone else." He teased her back winking and she felt herself blushing at his words'.

"That's a long time to be away from home." Emilia's Father cut in the silence that had followed by saying a slight frown on his face as he looked between Emilia and Aster, and Emilia knew he was about to ask a thousand questions. "Where did you say you were from?" Her Father asked him while tearing off a hunk of bread.

"Um, I don't think we ever did." Aster admitted sheepishly and Emilia looked beside her over at him seeing that his mouth was set in a tight line. Even though she had only just met him, she already knew him well enough to know that this meant he didn't really want to talk about it. And she couldn't help wondering why it was he didn't like talking about his home. 

Everyone at the table was quiet, the rest of the room loud with chatter and foods and cups moving about, they were all waiting to see if Aster would offer anymore to her Father's question and when it became clear that he wasn't going to say anymore on the subject her Father coughed clearing his throat. "Well, then, are you boys headed to a certain area? I could help set you back on the right track if you need me to." He offered trying to ease the tension a little despite his curious ways and Emilia smiled over at her Mother who seemed impressed that he had backed down so easily.

"Actually I'm not really sure myself where we're headed." Aster admitted back to being easy going. And Emilia raised a brow wondering how he didn't even know where he was going. He laughed at her look. "We'll have to figure that out once we are all back together. But when we figure it out we'll appreciate any guidance you can offer." Aster told her Father respectfully and he seemed pleased with this.

"Of course. I'll be more than happy to help." Her Father told him with the nod of his head. 

"Alright, whose ready for some pie?" Emilia's Mother asked quick to change the topic before her husband could do anymore poking into Aster's background, and despite being curious herself, Emilia was glad. She could tell Aster wasn't comfortable sharing certain things' about himself and she didn't want him to think he was being forced to reveal things' about himself that he wanted to remain a secret, for whatever reason they were a secret.

Sometimes she hated how nosy she was. It made it difficult during times like this.


A/N- Hey guys sorry for the late update! I've been busy trying to figure out where I want this story to go and how I want everything to play out. I'm still figuring things out, just writing as it comes to me, so please bare with me while I figure everything out. I'm going to try to have another update out by sometime next week. Hope you enjoy and please leave a comment and let me know what you think! Love you guys! ^-^

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