Chapter 6

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Margaret had been sent home by Emilia's Mother, who had been worried she'd catch a cold if she didn't dry off properly. She'd been told to come back once she had a change of clothes and she had run off giggling.

"Now, Emilia run off and change into some dry clothes while I show our guest to his room." Her Mother told her and she nodded. "I really am sorry for my daughters behavior, she seems to find trouble wherever she goes." She teased looking over at Emilia with a huge grin, nothing but love in her eyes and Emilia smiled back relieved she wasn't angry.

The stranger didn't seem to mind though because he just shrugged his shoulders'. "Could have been far worse things in that bucket as far as I'm concerned." He said and Emilia's Mother just stared at him not knowing what to say. "I'm joking of course." He admitted sheepishly and Emilia choked back a laugh amused by the look of surprise on her Mother's face.

"Well, I suppose you are right," Her Mother said coughing and Emilia looked over at the stranger sharing a laugh with him. "Let's get the two of you dried off before you both catch a cold." Her Mother said taking off up the stairs' that lead to the guests rooms, the stranger following up after. "Emilia come back down when you've finished alright." Her Mother called back over her shoulder and Emilia nodded, following behind them.

Emilia turned to the door at the right of the stairs as soon as you entered and unlocked the locked door. This lead to another hall which held her and her parents rooms'. She entered her own room which was at the very end of the hall, the furthest from the door and the bigger of the two rooms', with a beautiful view from the window of the rolling hills just outside the village.

She dropped out of her wet clothes trading them for dry ones before sitting by the window staring at the beautiful scenery, wishing her parents' weren't so strict on her leaving their small village.


Emilia was busy peeling potatoes for the stew her Mother was preparing for supper when Margaret returned dried and rested. "I'm baack!" She singsonged happily bouncing over to Emilia picking up a knife and helping without being asked.

"Good," Emilia's Mother said looking over at the two girls who had already fallen into a whisper of gossip. "Can I trust the two of you not to get into anymore trouble for the day?" She inquired with her hands on her hips and they both looked to one another before finally shrugging their shoulders unable to make any promises. "Well I need you to try, we've a lot of guest this evening, and the other girls didn't get to play outside like you did. "She reminded them and they both bit back their giggles. "Please take me serious when I'm lecturing you, I'd hate to have to separate the two of you." Her Mother threatened, but it was all in jest, she knew the two girls wouldn't actually listen to her. Even if she did separate them, they'd only just find their way back to each other once her back was turned, this she knew from times in the past when she'd tried it, it was just easier to let the girls' be and hope they didn't get into too much trouble.

"Psst..." Emilia looked up from the potato she'd been busy peeling and jumped slightly, startled by how close Margaret suddenly was, she was leaning so far forward Emilia worried she'd fall off her stool.

"What are you doing?" Emilia asked arching a brow as she wondered what her friend was up to.

"Have you tried asking again?" Margaret asked and Emilia knew she was referring to the letter and quickly shook her head. "Why not? I'll ask if you don't want to." Margaret quickly said and Emilia's heart started to beat at the thought of it, knowing how angry her Mother would be.

"No, don't!" She quickly said dropping her knife and taking Margaret's hand so that she couldn't run off to find her Mother to talk to, knowing she would. Margaret looked at her with a mischievous look and Emilia shook her head at her friend. "I'm serious Margaret don't, I'm going to talk to them about it again later." She promised although she wasn't sure whether she really would or not. She knew it was a lost argument. No matter what, her Parent's never seemed to change their minds on how their felt about the capital, they hated it for some reason, their anger unlike any she'd ever seen whenever the royal family was mentioned. She didn't understand it.

"Fine." Margaret pouted slumping in her stool taking up a potato and peeling it. She was only like that for a few seconds though before she perked back up. "Is that stranger still here!?" She asked as if suddenly remembering their embarrassing encounter from earlier and Emilia stared at her surprised at the sudden outburst. Even the other girls' who had been busy preparing that nights' meal spared the two girls a look at her outburst. They both lowered their eyes, peeling their potatoes until they were sure no one was paying them any attention.

"Of course, my Mother gave him a room." Emilia whispered not wanting the others to overhear. Her Mother had stepped out of the kitchen awhile ago while they had been peeling potatoes, and Emilia knew she was getting the dinning hall ready. She'd left Helga in charge to oversee that everyone was doing their tasks and the older girl kept looking at the two of them with narrowed eyes'.

"He was actually kind of handsome, behind all that grunge." Margret giggled and Emilia realized she hadn't actually been paying attention. She'd been too embarrassed about throwing water on him to concentrate on anything else after all. "Not that I'd ever want anyone besides my sweet Lionel." She quickly added referring to a boy their age she'd had a crush on since they were little. Margaret flirted with him whenever they ran into each other, but Lionel had always been awkward and shy and never seemed to realize her feelings', and had still not ever acknowledged her feelings'. It was clear though that he liked her, after all anytime Emilia ran into him in the town, he always wanted to know about Margaret and was always asking Emilia if she thought Margaret would like certain things', which he always ended up getting for her.

"Will you please just tell him how you feel outright?" Emilia suggested feeling bad for poor Lionel, who she knew had no clue that Margaret liked him, despite her obvious flirting. "He's too naive to figure it out on his own." She added sympathetically, knowing that Margaret had been waiting for a romantic moment from him, but Emilia didn't think it would happen unless Margaret acted first by telling him how she felt.

Margaret sighed, dramatically, dropping her head onto the table they were prepping the potatoes on, the movement knocking the potatoes onto the floor, but she didn't seem to notice. "Why must men be so stupid?!" She asked aloud kicking her feet in a tantrum under the table.

"I'm afraid that's just the way we're born." Came a reply from behind Emilia and she found she recognized the voice well even though they'd only just met. She met Margaret's stare and found her friend had lifted her head, staring at the spot behind Emilia with wide eyes', clearly startled at being overheard.

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