Wade's Sister ~ Jp

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You sigh as you look in the mirror. Your protective order brother, Wade, was finally letting you meet his friends, and you wanted to make sure you wore a nice enough outfit. They were only his friends, but you didn't want an outfit that looked like trash. Your outfit ended up being a light blue sweater (with one shoulder exposed) over a white tank top paired with skinny jeans and leopard-print Vans, being that it's March in Ohio. Satisfied enough, you pull your hair into a bun and shoot Wade a text saying you're coming over now.

On the way there, you accept that you're nervous. You've never met the people staying with Wade and his beautiful fiance, Molly, so you didn't know what they're like. Apparently, there are three guys and a girl, whose names Wade didn't give you.

Pulling into the driveway, you find Wade already waiting for you. You jump out and give him a hug, saying, "Hey bro."

"Hey, [Y/N]!" he says happily. "Are you excited?"

"And nervous. Wade, you've never bothered to introduce me to any of your YouTuber friends until today, minus Mark and Bob, or encouraged me to join you in what you do for a living!"

He sighs. "I was just trying to be protective, okay? You're my younger sister, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Just take me to your friends so I can meet them."


Wade leads you inside and to the living room, where Molly and four people you didn't recognize are chatting. One of them, a guy with purple hair, sticks out like a sore thumb. You give a friendly smile as Wade says, "Guys, this is my younger sister, [Y/N]!" He turns his attention to you and while gesturing to each of them, says, "[Y/N], this is Gar, Patrck, Marie or Mk, and Jp."

"Hi guys," you say rather shyly.

"So you're Wade's younger sister," Patrck says. "I thought you'd be taller." Mk smacks him promptly. "Ow!"

Of course someone took a jab at your shorter height compared to Wade. He's 6'4" while you're 5'8" - a full 8 inches shorter. People were often surprised by it, but you weren't, genetics just weren't on your side.

"Sorry about him," Mk said. "He doesn't know when to shut up sometimes."

You wave it off. "It's fine, genetics just aren't on my side."

You continue chatting with them, getting to know them better, until Wade says, "Hey, sis, we were about to record a challenge video, you wanna watch?"

"Sure, but whatever it is, I'm going to kill you if it affects me in any way."

He pats your head, prompting a scowl from you. "Okay, shortie."

He chuckles at your expression as he and the guys set up for whatever challenge they're doing and Molly and Mk get out bottles of something you have a feeling is disgusting. You sigh and grab a chair, ready to watch the chaos.

Over halfway into it, while you're not paying attention and checking your notifications, you hear the sound of someone vomiting followed by another person vomiting and Gar and Wade recoiling. Jp looks up from his bag to say, "I'm retiring," while Mk remarks, "Welp, there they go." Some giggles are shared, the identity of the pop was given to the guys, and you start giggling like an idiot. When Pat and Jp walk by you with their bags of vomit (that Wade yells at them about for dragging it around his house), Pat barely gets out, "I have a new flavor for you!" before you run to the bathroom to vomit.

"Are you okay, sis?!" Wade yells.

"I'm going to kill you, Wade!" you yell back before vomiting more.

Later on, after that mess of a gross pop challenge and a joke fight between you and Wade, Gar notices Jp's quiet demeanor and pulls him aside.

"Hey, you okay, dude?" he asks the younger male. "You're awfully quiet."

A blush crept up on his cheeks. "Don't tell Wade, but his sister is really cute."

"So you're telling me that you fell for Wade's sister the first day you met her?!"

"Well, not exactly...I've been following her Instagram for a while, pretty much since the one picture that Wade tagged her account in."

"Wait, I don't remember that post."

"He took it down and reposted it without her tagged because of something with her privacy?" He shrugs. "I don't remember exactly."

"Ah okay. But how did you access it anyways. Didn't Wade say it's private?"

Jp nods. "It is. I told her that I was one of Wade's friends. We've only chatted a few times, though."

Gar starts pushing Jp towards you. "Go talk to her."

"What's going on here?" you ask.

"I, uh - " Jp starts.

Gar interrupts him. "He's got something to confess."

"What is - " You stop yourself, recognizing him. "You're the guy from Instagram! Sorry for not recognizing you!"

He waves it off. "It's fine!"

Before he can say anything else, you notice Wade's glare at Jp, so you take him to where he can't see you two and say, "So, was there a reason you followed me?"

"You're my friend's sister."

"That's true." You lean against the wall in a relaxed way. "So what's the confession?"

His cheeks go tomato red. "Well, uh, Wade's gonna kill me, but, uh, I kinda like you?"

"Is that a question or a statement?"

"A statement?"

You giggle. "Okay, you adorable hockey-loving dork."

Where the hell did that come from?!

Before you or Jp can say anything, Wade barges in and says, "What is going on here, and how long have you been following each other on Instagram?"

You groan. "Wade, please, I'm a grown woman, I can handle myself. I don't need you 'protecting' me from everything and everyone."

"But I care for you and don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"This is getting ridiculous, bro. I get your concern, but I'm not a child anymore." You push yourself off the wall to stand up in front of your older brother. "You might be the older and taller sibling here, but I'm a fucking adult, so step back and let me make whatever decision I want to fucking make."

Wade sighs in defeat. "Fine. I'm sorry, sis." He wraps you in an unexpected hug. "I love you, and I don't want you to get hurt."

You smile. "Thanks, Wade. Can I get back to my conversation with Jp now?"

"Of course, sorry."

After he walks away, you return your attention to Jp and say, "I'm sorry you have to deal with that douchebag everyday."

"It's fine, but you seriously just called him that?"

You shrug. "We call each other names all the time."

"Okay, cool. Anyways - "

"Anyways, I like you too. We've had enough Instagram conversations for me to know you well."

"Oh oka- wait what?!"

You smile. "You heard me."

Jp goes from sad to shocked before giving you a kiss on your forehead as he pulls you into a hug. "I'm so glad you didn't reject me."

"How can someone reject a beautiful soul like you? Oh right, that one asshole we won't mention."

He giggled. "Yeah. Anyways, are we gonna tell Wade about us?"


"I knew there was another reason why I like you."

You giggle. "Wade's a salty old crab."


In that moment of silence, Gar runs in and ruins it by saying, "Hey, we're gonna play some games, you nerds wanna join us?"

Jp finally lets go of you as you reply, "Of course!"

Gar and Jp look at each other for a moment, a moment in which Gar realizes that Jp did confess successfully and gives him a thumbs-up. You quickly realize it and whisper, "Don't tell the salty crab."




As soon as you and Jp walk into the main room together, Wade is giving Jp a death stare, likely since you are his sister and Jp is one of his best friends. You give him a death stare yourself to tell him to back off, and he does. You smile and snake your hand into Jp's, ready for whatever comes next.



Outfit I drew inspiration from:

~ Kat

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