Dream Architect: Eryx (E) [Archive]

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Hello! I'm Eryx (eryxnaps) and I've been an amateur graphics designer for a few months now, but I'm new to making covers for other people so I'm excited. It takes me about 2-3 days to make a cover and I'll inform you prior if the delivery gets a bit delayed. I'm good at making typographic covers but I'm open to trying to make new stuff❤

Here are some of my covers:


1| Please don't complete the payment till I accept your request. Complete the payment within a day of me accepting.

2| Be patient. As I mentioned before, it takes me 2-3 days to complete a cover I can't do it faster than that.

3| After completing the cover, I won't make changes to it more than two times. Do let me know if you aren't going to use the cover.

4| Your book must have at least three chapters. Prologue included.

5| I won't be making covers for fanfics. Sorry!

6| If I refuse, please don't make a fuss. I don't usually refuse covers but if I do, it's only when the request is beyond my capabilities. I'm sure you'll find a better designer!


1| A permanent follow on wattpad (or) instagram. (Both usernames are eryxnaps)

2| A shout-out to JaxCreation 's book 'Sometimes I Art Stuff' (you must announce it to your followers on your message board I'll come check :D)


Author name:


Sub-title (if any):


Color scheme:

Cover type (Manip/Typographic/Simple/Vector/):

Objects (if it's an object based cover):

Face (Include the details of the person you want on the cover like hair/ eye/ skin color, build, etc):

References (if you have any pic/book cover for me to refer to):

Ideas (a general idea of how you want your book to be):

Designer's pick (This is optional, but you can skip references and ideas and choose this if you wanna leave the cover completely up to me if you don't have an idea on what you're looking for. Ah, and only if you trust me enough😅 I may not be able to live up to your expectations.)

Tag designer:

Thanks for requesting!


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