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ankit ask where is she 

ankit- bhai !!!! where is she ??

pearl -.......

ankit- bhai is she dead?

pearl ( with teary eyes ) - yes.....

ankit ( shocked + crying  ) - bhai !!! i am sorry 

pearl - it's okay.....

ankit is feeling very bad  after listening this and now is wanted to kill that anu 

ankit went to pearl's room 

he enter his room there he saw pearl is sitting with a photo frame in his hand that photo is of surbhi..

ankit- bhai !!! i want to kill her that..... anu who destroy your life 

pearl - but.......... the  partner of rahul  was boy not a girl so how anu did it ??

ankit ( amazed ) - what ?? he is a boy you know it but how ?? you said that you didn't  saw that guy face......... so how do you know?? 

pearl - vo..... vo.... i know it because............. i....... leave it... it doesn't matter how i know it what really matters is what we have to do now..

ankit- but......... 

pearl - no buts....... 

ankit- okay, tell me what should i have to do 

pearl - first find out where is she??

ankit- anu??

pearl - yes

ankit - okay  , i will give information about this after few hours

pearl - okay...

then ankit left from his room 

pearl sit near the window and he got a call....... he receive that call and talk for an hour then suddenly ankit enter in his room and pearl cut the call 

ankit- whom you are talking to with 

pearl - no... no..... one ............  my.... my.....  team member 

ankit - did they find any clue about anu ??

pearl - no... no  ...

ankit - it's okay but i have find  something 

pearl - what ??

ankit - i have hacked the anu's  phone calls history and i have find that the  last call she receive is from an unknown number and that call is about  9 months ago and then her phone is switch off 

pearl - and... whatever happen with surbhi is also 9 months ago.........

ankit - what did this mean??

pearl - where is she living now??

ankit - bhai !! when she leave your house after your birthday she is living in mumbai  then when this happen to surbhi from that day no one saw her even where she  is working  she didn't inform there also where she is 

pearl - what is her salary 

ankit- her salary i think is 1 lakhs   per month ....... but why ??

pearl ( thinking ) - nothing........ aise hee ..........  find  anu's all  friend's number call them ask them about her 

ankit - okay....... 

then ankit left from his room and pearl sit on the bed  and started thinking something 

pearl (in mind ) - anu... no, no , anu is not the real culprit because that hooded person  who is with rahul is a boy.............

he again look at the photo frame of surbhi  hug that photo frame and said 

pearl - i am not gonna leave the real culprit,  i will make their life hell............ not gonna leave them I LOVE YOU SURBHI 

then he again got a call he pick up the call 

pearl -hello 

person - hlo....... come fast i am waiting 

pearl - okay i am coming in 10 min 

person - okay.......... and bring.... 

pearl - i know..........

person - hmm..........

then pearl take a gun and fill it with bullets and left the house ankit saw pearl leaving and going some where from his car  ankit follow him 

and reach................







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