Endless Loop

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"Fuck fuck!" I'm pulling and pulling the door shut but he keeps yanking it open, I rush too close it but I feel a really hard tug at my collar on my shirt. "Shit!" He drags me to the darkness once again, I'm screaming and calling out for help...but nobody came. I wake up in my bed. Thank Satan it was only a dream. Except I feel weird and uneasy. My anxiety increases. I'm stuck in a loop, I keep waking up hoping its real. Then finally, I do.

I open my eyes, "Is this real?" I feel calm. Finally, I get up to get some water. As I'm walking towards the food museum, I notice these "things" in the living room. I'm starting to feel uneasy again. They're just on the couch like if nothing was wrong. Walking and walking, it feels like forever. Then, from a distance I noticed there are four severed heads. No bodies. Just...heads.

The couch has blood seeping into it. The heads turn my way. I feel this overwhelming emotion come over me. Its my family. " Mom, dad..?" The other two are my siblings. The mouths on them are stitched into a big smile their teeth showing and blood dripping. "H-help....u-u-us..." I run away as fast as I can, their voices echoing in my head, "P-p-please...!" Of course, I trip and start to cry.

This can't be real. I'm still dreaming, somebody, anybody!!! "Please help!!!"

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