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I'm going to basically tell you all in steps what happened...hope you stick around till the end.Enjoy my fellow readers~8)


-I'm in my physical science classroom studying for something or doing work

-Ms.Chavez comes over and talks to me and ask if I'm feeling any better from when I fainted earlier that week

-I answer her with a yes and then she says that I honestly don't look too good  and says that if I ever need anything to call her over

-I say ok and thank her and she leaves my side to go and help others

-After a while, i begin to feel really sick and really dizzy and panic-like and then I pass out and fall into the water (don't ask me where the water came from, I have no clue as of to why it even made an appearance.)

- When I fall I fall deeper into the water and then get bitten by some poisonous fish of some sort (that fishes poison is more lethal than a snake's poison and so a human could only handle it's poison for a short period of time before they fall unconscious and end up dying.)

-By this time Chavez turned back around to my desk and didn't see me sitting there anymore and but instead saw a rather large pond of water surrounding my chair.

-She quickly made her way over and looked in the "pond" and saw me falling deeper and deeper and decided  to reach her hand out to me

- I tried to take it but as soon as I tried to reach for her hand and hold on I fell unconscious

-Chavez then reached her hand out more and finally grabbed a hold of me and pulled me back up to the surface

-when she pulled me up she carefully set me down on the floor next to another desk next to mine

- it was at this time the nurse (Ms.Block) showed u with her med kit and other things that might be used

-The nurse did "a once over" on me and found that I had 2 or 3 square patches of swelling skin and bites.

- Chavez then asked me how it happened and what happened

- I said" I don't really know, I just fell down there and then got bitten by those fish and i think those fish had poison in their fangs..."(i ended up whispering that they had poison in their fangs because I was so weak.) 

- It was then I fell out of consciousness once again

- The nurse then took out 3 shots of anti-venom(don't ask how she got the anti-venom either.)

-The nurse then tried to find good spots to inject me with it

- She decided that my neck where I had gotten bitten was not the right place and decided on my arm and on the other side of my neck where I hadn't been bitten was good enough

-It was then I regained consciousness once more and woke up screaming with my back bent and I withering in pain. (felt as if my entire body was on fire)

-Chavez was scarred and the nurse had basically ordered Ms.Chavez to try and calm me down and then hold me down

- Chavez managed to calm me down enough to hold me down

-The nurse then tried her best to explain to me that she was going to give me three shots of Anti-Venom and I try to nod

- The nurse then takes out 1 syringe and then says "Layla, this may hurt a bit but just try to stay calm." I shook my head in understanding and whispered out for her to just go already.

- She then "stabs" me with the first syringe in my upper arm (near the shoulder or on the side of the shoulder.)

-I scream and almost kick The nurse and Chavez off of me but before I could do that Chavez calms me down again

-This time another syringe makes its way in the vein of my arm I screamed once more and thrashed around crying in pain and fear

- This time the last syringe had found its way into my neck and I screamed again and crying and thrashing around in pain and agony and fear. 

-It was then that the venom and the anti-venom had somehow found its way into my throat and mouth along with blood that I had started coughing up.

-All of the syringes had been taken out and cleaned and then put back in their rightful places.

- The nurse then put on some new gloves and had started to clean up the mess of vile substances pooling around and out of my mouth

-As soon as she was done she set me back down on the floor in Chavez's arms and felt my forehead and took my temperature

-She noticed that I was running a fever and that my heartbeat wasn't as strong as it would normally be.

-She then took precautions and then put a cool wet cloth on my forehead and gave me a bit of water before she packed up and advised Ms.Chavez to keep an eye on me and make sure I get a bit of rest before going on with my day

- Chavez then nods and the nurse leaves

- Chavez then see's that I have fallen asleep/unconscious and sits there with me in her arms smiling slightly down on me

-About an hour later I awaken to see Chavez holding onto me and then I asked her what happened

-Chavez then looks at me surprised that I don't remember and then decides to ask me "Layla, do you remember what happened at least some parts of it or not at all?"

-I then say "Well...I kind of remember me falling into a dark abyss of some sort and passing out but that's really all I remember..." I say with a bit of fear lacing my voice.

- Chavez then tells me what happened

- I cry for about a minute or so before hugging her while still in a bit of pain and telling her and thanking her.

- She just smiles at me and ruffles my dark brown hair (curls) and then says no problem


And then the dream just ends here just because I woke up. Also, I think that there was some element of fantasy in there... (anyways I didn't make this dream up.)

Also, I hope you fellow readers enjoyed this dream and as always, till next time my fellow readers~!!!!!!!!8)

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