Letters, HeartBreak and Redemption

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Claudia was sitting at her and Nathan's beach wedding spot, Nathan was still at High Flyers and Claudia was missing him uncontrollably. She had been sending him letters, but she wasn't getting any back. 

Claudia slowly took out her paper and pen and looked out onto the beautiful ocean front, it was all just so special and perfect. She never knew how to start of her letters, it was not something she was good at. She wasn't the best at winning her husband back either. She sighed a little before she put her pen to the paper.

Dear Nate, 

Hi. As you know I am not the best with these, I mean I have so far sent you twenty seven letters and they have all started like this. I don't know what to say, or so to speak write. I am have been thinking and thinking and thinking but I don't know how to fix your broken heart.

It's my fault and I am trying to fix it. I am trying to get you to speak to me again. It's difficult being here without you, I am more alone then ever. My family are gone, Haley is still away and Lucas has been hanging out with Peyton more and more. These letters are keeping me sane to be honest. 

I hope you are reading these, I am also hoping that you have been sending letters back but they are just getting lost in the mail. However, I believe that is not true- but hey! It's okay.

So anyways, I feel like I should turn onto a more happier note. Hows High Flyers?  What's it like in Florida? Last time I was there I was seven and we didn't even go to DisneyLand. I had to sit in my mum and dad's dressing room before I watched them perform all night. It was apart of their tour, which probably isn't what you want to read right now. Sorry.

If you care what is going on with me- I have some news. I went to go see a production of Rent. It was good and I nearly got thrown out for singing too loud, ridiculous if you ask me. And you probably don't want to hear about me singing.

Nathan, when you get back we will have to speak about things. Things that I will put off because I don't want to know the consequences of my actions. But I hope you know that I don't believe that it is just my fault. You will either scoff at this or believe me but it's true. I did't go on tour to be with Chris, I kissed him twice. First time he kissed me and the second time I should have pulled away that is true. But you told me to choose between my music and you. I would never dream of doing that to you, I would never make you chose between basketball and I.

Nathan please forgive me, I am a mess without you. Which probably isn't what you want to hear, or maybe it is? Maybe you want me to hurt, which I can accept but I made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes and I shouldn't be completely ignored. Isn't our love more than that.

We married each other out of love, our love doesn't just disappear or vanish. It can't, it simple can't. You have to still love me Nathan. You have to. 

I probably have been writing this letter for too long so I just want to tell you how much I love you. I love you so much, I also realise that you haven't been picking up my calls so I guess I should just stop. Much to my dismay.

Nathan I love you. I love you so much and I can't stand to be apart from you. I just hope you love me too.

Yours faithfully,

Claudia x

Claudia read over her letter a couple more times before she slipped it into the envelope and sealed it. She walked over to the post office. Just praying that Nathan would read the letter and forgive her, but she knew that wasn't going to happen.

Nathan's pride was hurt and she was going to have to make it up to him. She was going to keep on trying for his love because she knew their love was unbreakable. She didn't care if it was weeks or months. She had waited for him for sixteen years, another few months of begging for his forgiveness wasn't going to hurt.

"Nathan Scott, I am getting you back." She whispered to the letter before she sent it away. Smiling to herself. 

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