Touch Me I'm Going to Scream, Part 1

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"You're just dreaming now. You know that? NBA's a pipe dream, son. Might as well give it up." Nathan smirked as he was blocked Jamie as they pretended to play basketball in the living room. 

"No, it's not. I'm Nathan Scott." Jamie exclaimed as he pretended to score a basket.  

"Two points." Grace and Claudia exclaimed as they walked into the living room smiling. 

"Hey, mama! Gracie!" Jamie shouted as he ran up to them. 

"What?" Claudia asked as she kneeled down so she was beside them both at eye level.  

"You should have seen daddy last night. He's gonna play in the NBA for sure." Jamie grinned at Claudia. Claudia smiled at Nathan who was in the kitchen. 

"Oh, we'll see, huh?" Claudia replied encouragingly. "Hey, listen, um, I was talking to Chester, and apparently he hasn't been fed this morning." Claudia explained, her children were not the best at remembering to feed their pet rabbit. 

"He always tells on us." Grace sighed and Jamie nodded his head in agreement. 

"You better get our of here, you wascally rabbit feeder. Go." Claudia grinned at children before they ran off to feed their rabbit. Claudia walked over to Nathan and sat beside him at the breakfast bar. Nathan gave her a cup of coffee. "Making progresson the court, huh?" Claudia asked as she took the cup of coffee off of Nathan. 

"Yeah. Last night, for the first time, I, uh... I felt like I was on my way back." Nathan admitted and Claudia turned on the stool and hugged him.

"I'm so glad for you, Nathan." She grinned as they hugged. 

"How you doing in the studio?" Nathan asked and Claudia thought for a moment before she nodded her head. 

"Uh. Good. Last night, for the first time, I felt like I was on my way back." Claudia explained, using the same words as Nathan. "I got one song finished, Karma." Claudia added. 

"That's my girl." Nathan smiled before they kissed, it was so great to have Claudia and Nathan back like this. 

"Never gets old." Claudia sighed to herself as they looked at each other smiling. 


Nathan walked onto the basketball with his children. They loved coming to Raven's tryouts. 

"Uh my dawgs. What's up, my dudes?" Quentin asked as he walked up to Nathan's children. They were growing attached to Quentin. "Give me one more. Oh, there it is." Quentin exclaimed as they high-fived each other. "Hey, let me throw J. Scott up there, and one of y'all dunk him." Quentin shouted jokingly as Grace ran after them.

"While the cat's away, huh?" Nathan asked jokingly to Skills, obviously meaning Lucas. 

"Nah, they just having some fun. Why, what's with you?" Skills asked as they both watched the   boys speak to the children.

"Well, apparently, my mom's dating some freak she met online." Nathan sighed, the 'freak' was Skills. Music started to play in the gym and the basketball team start to dance.  Quentin called the two Scott twins over to him.

"Hey, ballers, come here. Yeah. Come on, you ready? All right, do what I do, all right?" Quentin asked and the two children nod their heads. They started to imitate Quentin's dance moves. Nathan looked at his children laughing. Skills blew the whistle. 

"Hit the showers." He smirked and the music stopped. Quentin looked over at Nathan.

"Hey, hey, Nate. Come on, man. Let's show them how it's done old school." Quentin shouted and Nathan raised a brow at him.

"Old school, huh?" He asked smirking.

"Let's do this." Quentin exclaimed. Nathan ran over to him and snatched the ball off of him. 

"What's up? What's up?" Quentin asked tauntingly as Nathan scored. He jumped down from the hoop. "There it is! That's my man." Quentin exclaimed excitably as he ran down the court. Nathan grimaced as he held onto his back, he was in pain.


In Red Bedroom Records, Brooke and Claudia were watching a video. It was a video of a teenage girl stealing clothes from Brooke's shop, Clothes over Bros. 

"Do you know her?" Brooke asked and Claudia honestly didn't recognise her.  Claudia shook her head. "It's okay. I was hoping you might recognise her from school." Brooke explained and Claudia took one more look at the girl. 

"It's hard to tellfrom that. It sucks that you had to go through that. I'm sorry." Claudia replied sympathetically as she turned to face Brooke. 

"It's fine. In the grand scheme of things I have to deal with, this is really nothing." Brooke stated honestly, Claudia raised a brow at her. 

"Why, what else is going on?" Claudia asked intrigued. 

"Oh, do you remember someone by the name of Victoria Davis?" Brooke asked rhetorically and Claudia gave her a 'oh' facial expression.

"Oh, I get shivers when you say the name." Claudia replied honestly. Brooke's mom was one scary women. 

"Yeah. It's okay. Me, too. I actually wanted to tell you and Peyton about it at the same time. Is she here?" Brooke asked and Claudia shook her head. 

"I have not seen her." Claudia replied and then she thought that she hasn't seen Lucas in a while either. 

"She didn't come home last night. I don't know if I should be worried." Brooke stated just as her phone buzz. "Well, apparently not." Brooke muttered before she read out a phone message. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Peyton." Both of the girls laughed, then Claudia's phone buzzed.  

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine." Claudia read out from her phone, Brooke furrowed her brows. 

"Well, at least she's being thorough." She said to herself and Claudia shook her head. 

"Oh, it's not from her." Claudia grinned a little as she saw who it was from. 

"What?" Brooke asked confused and intrigued. 

"Lucas." Claudia stated in shock as she showed Brooke the message. 

"No!" Brooke exclaimed shocked. 

"Bowchicawowwow" Claudia sang and then they both grinned at each other. "Oh I have to go." Claudia exclaimed as she looked up at the clock. "I have the hairdressers." Claudia explained as she grabbed her bag.

"Bye." Brooke laughed as she watched Claudia run off. 


"What can we do for today?" The hairdresser asked as Claudia sat in the chair and looked into the mirror.

"I am a singer and I went on tour when I was sixteen. I was this blonde before tour and then I went on tour and they dyed my hair brownish black. I am starting up a new album and I want to go back to my musical roots. So black please." Claudia rambled on and the women nodded her head.

"You are Claudia Scott, right?" She asked as she started to get the stuff ready. Claudia nodded her head. "Your album was my life saver in beauty school. I would literally listen to your music at night studying." She gushed and Claudia grinned at her.

"Thank you so much. That album is basically a collection of songs that I sang all through high school. It represents how far I came after I met my husband." Claudia explained and the hairdresser gaped at her.

"You are still dating the guy you wrote this album about?" She asked excitably. She obviously had not watched any TV interviews that Claudia did. Claudia would almost always speak about Nathan and her kids. 

"We actually got married in high school, then I went on tour without him. That was when I wrote arms of my baby, then I came back. He wanted a divorce and I wanted to get back together. Eventually we did and he thought I was trying to get pregnant so we would stay together. His dad was telling him lies. Then we got back together for real. I was a pregnant senior and had my two children on graduation." Claudia rambled on and the hair dresser listened in so intensely.

"Do you have a picture?" She asked as she mixed the dye. Claudia nodded her head and took a photo of them out of her bag. "So beautiful." She said in awe of Claudia's family.

"They are." Claudia smiled to herself as she looked at the photo with the hairdresser.

They were finally done with Claudia's hair and she loved it so much. It was the kind of vibe her new album was going to be and it was great. 


Nathan was sitting at the kitchen table watching Jamie and Grace dance. They were going over the dance that Q had taught them.

"Hey." Claudia sang as she entered her house and found her children dancing with headphones in. 

"Oh, hey, baby." Nathan grinned as he walked up to his wife. They both kissed and Nathan took the food bags from her. "I love the new hair." Nathan smiled at Claudia's new black hair.

"So do I momma." Jamie shouted over his new music. Grace nodded her head as she danced along side him.

"I want mine like that." Grace exclaimed as she continued to dance, Claudia laughed before she turned to Nathan. 

"What the heck is this?" Claudia asked laughing.

"Uh, I don't know. Q's teaching them some dance move." Nathan shouted from the kitchen as he placed the groceries onto the kitchen island. 

"Hi, mama." Grace grinned as she danced the same dance as Jamie.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, pretty cool dudes!" Claudia grinned as she tried to act cool. "Why don't you dance on upstairs and wash up for dinner, Usher and Shakira." Claudia laughed and then her children ran up the stairs. She walked into the kitchen and started to help Nathan empty the food bags.

"Where's Deb?" Claudia asked as she placed groceries into the shelves. 

"Last time I saw her, she was swimming topless in the pool." Nathan replied and Claudia looked at Nathan wide mouthed. She looked like she was catching flies. 

"God, what is with you and naked nannies in the pool?" Claudia asked jokingly but Nathan didn't look to amused. "Sorry." She muttered smiling, however, she wasn't really. 

"So, how are things in the studio? Is Peyton pulling out of her funk?" Nathan asked changing the subject and Claudia grinned to herself. 

"Peyton was out all night with Lucas." Claudia smirked at Nathan, she was so happy for Lucas and Peyton.

"Is that right? And what do you suppose they were doing?" Nathan asked surprised and Claudia raised an eyebrow at him.

"Bowchicawowwow." Claudia sang and Nathan laughed. 

"You're quite cute." He grinned as he walked towards her, Claudia was stacking the groceries in the shelves. "Come here." He smirked and they hugged. "Remember that time you told me you liked a guy in a uniform?" Nathan asked in a whispering tone as he wore his basketball coach uniform. 

"Yeah, like a mechanic or a firefighter, oooo wait no a police man." Claudia said as he pictured guys in uniforms in her head. Sadly high school basketball coach did not make the cut. "Sorry not a high school basketball coach." Claudia laughed before she playfully blew on his whistle that was on the counter.

"Only head coaches get whistles." He stated before he walked off, Claudia couldn't stop laughed. 

"No come back. I love a high school basketball coach." Claudia joked as Nathan walked off. She saw that there was no space on any shelves except for the tall one. Only Nathan could reach it. "Baby?" Claudia called in a sweet voice, she got no reply. "Nate? Nathan?" Claudia called again but she got nothing back. "I can't reach the high shelf." Claudia cried out loud and she was greeted with silence. She sighed as she grabbed the box and climbed onto the counter. She heard someone cleared their throat.

"Well what do we have here?" Nathan asked smirking with his arms folded over, Nathan and Grace were sitting at the kitchen counter beside him. 

"Momma, I thought we weren't meant to climb on the counter." Jamie stated confused as Claudia looked at them awkwardly. Nathan was enjoying this.

"You told us that momma." Grace added and Claudia nodded her head.

"Hey buddies." Claudia grinned wary. "I was just pointing out that we should not stand on the counters because it is no fun up her. None at all. No way." Claudia explained and then she realised she was still standing on the counter. "That is why I am coming down. Look see more fun on the ground." Claudia grinned as she jumped off of the counter and smiled at her family.


Jamie and Grace were showing Claudia the steps that they learned from Quentin today. Nathan walked up to the door and leaned against it smiling. 

"All right, you dancing fool, it's time for bed. And you, too, Jamie and Grace." Nathan joked and Claudia laughed. She hugged her children at the back. 

"Goodbye." She exclaimed in a strange voice before she kissed them goodnight. 

"Good night, mama." Grace shouted as she walked off. The children ran up to their dad."Hey, daddy, when you play in the NBA, you should play for the Bobcats." Grace explained smiling. She loved basketball as much as she loved singing. 

"That way, you can come home a lot more and see me and mama, plus, Q says they need a shooting guard." 

"Q, huh? Come here." He smiled as he lifted up both of his children. He grimaced after he felt sore pain in his back. His children were unaware that he was sore. 


Claudia walked into the bedroom, she saw Nathan sitting up reading a book. She laughed a little.

"Who are you kidding reading a book?" Claudia asked as she jumped on his knee and looked at him smiling. He chuckled as he closed the book over.

"Trying to look smart." He replied and Claudia laughed a little. "I am liking this new black hair." Nathan smiled as he touched a strand of her hair.

"Thank you. I have to tell you something." Claudia grinned awkwardly and Nathan raised an eyebrow at her.

"What did you do?" He sighed, he knew she had done something. Claudia laughed a little.

"You know how I have been limping these past few days and I haven't taken off my socks?" Claudia asked smiling and Nathan nodded his head. "Well I have a surprise." Claudia sang as she placed on foot out and took off her sock. "What do you think?" She asked awkwardly and Nathan looked at the tattoo on Claudia's foot. 

"You got a tattoo?" Nathan asked as he looked at the flower pattern on her foot. Claudia nodded her head. "Why?" He asked, Claudia still couldn't tell if Nathan was digging it.

"I got bored, you were at training, Deb took the kids to the park and I had the car keys." Claudia laughed and Nathan was still looking at it. "You like it?" Claudia asked mousy and Nathan knew that this tattoo was Claudia wrapped into one.

"Least it's not on your ass." Nathan joked and Claudia slapped his shoulder playfully before she got off of his new and sat down on the bed beside him.

"It is above my ass." Claudia groaned and Nathan laughed. "This is fun." Claudia sighed as she looked over at him. "I am so glad we are done with everything and we can move on." Claudia smiled up at Nathan.

"God I love you." He muttered and they kissed each other. 


First chapter of my sixth book, what do you think? Please don't forget to vote and comment. I am so excited to write this book because nothing goes wrong in terms of Nathan and Claudia's relationship. I think this might just be the first season ever, lol! I added in some bits, I am hoping to do this with every chapter and then add in my own chapters. 

I am going to have the best time writing this, don't forget to comment what you think. You can also message me and give me ideas. I respond quickly. Some readers have been messaging me ideas which I take into consideration.

Also the tattoo is actually Joss Stone's. I wanted to give her another one so I thought why not just do the tattoo that the celebrity has. 

Lot's of love,

Mrs N O'Brien Xx

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