Morning Radiator Springs

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The next day...

The sound of the small alarm tweety clock next to me, caused my eyes to adjust to the sunlight outside the window and I stretched my tires before I went over to unpack my stuff with my laptop to place it on my desk next to me; Started writing about my first stay: 

"----Stay 1: Monday, January 1st, 2006.

time, =6:00 a.m.=----"

I typed down the time and day before I could continue, a sudden argument with the U.S. trumpet music and a 'Hendrix' music; Playing as well as it made me confused about what was going on. My answer was responded by hearing this: 


"Respect the classics man, It's Hendrix!" Hesitantly, I returned by turning back around to my laptop after hearing the shouts of two neighborhood residents, I was guessing that they don't get along with each other's personal music tastes, I chuckled at the thought of them being long-time frenemies in this small town. Before continuing to write down more:

 "---Radiator Springs... 

A place that begins with two residents, that argues about one's opposite music tastes...---"

After typing it down, I laughed for a minute and I coughed a bit before I realize that was not feeling well; Which could only be one thing. I am only feeling thirsty for who knows how long I have been on the road to find this amazing town, opening the door with the button next to me, there parked Sally. Caused me to get startled by her appearance all of a sudden, "Morning Ms. um... I forgot to ask your name." "Oh! Well, good morning my name is Nataly Adler. But just call me Nataly." I replied, "Okay, Nataly. She flashes a smile, "Breakfast is across the road is Flo's cafe. If you want, you can meet the rest of the residents who live here?" I nodded at Sally's offer as we both exited my Cozy Cone room, we began talking about which I should drive around first or take a look around Radiator Springs. Once we got across the street, I went over to see a familiar Motoroma Model: 

"You must be one of the models in the Motoroma girl models back in 1953 were you?" I excitedly spoke, could not contain my excitement right now, which was the reason that made her smile happily at me: 

"Wow! You guessed it right, hun! Surprising Flo with my knowledge of her background, I parked proudly at how much I know: "I'm Flo and this handsome fellow car is my husband, Ramone." She said by motioning to the 1959 Chevrolet Impala car named Ramone, who welcome me with a dashing smile, "If you want, you can have a paint job at Ramone's House of Body Art!" "Really? Maybe I will check it out later since it is my first day here in Radiator Springs." 

I smiled, then I turn to see another car who then said: "Nice to meet you, ma'am." The voice clicked like clockwork which could only be one thing, he is a 1942 Willy's MB Jeep and I gasp by driving around him just to remember him, sure I gave him and the rest confused looks until I began to smile even more, just by telling them about my old reports as a teenager back at college: 

"You must be a Military Army from World War 2. I continue to boost up: "Sergeant Sarge, in 1944 one of your friends lost their wheel tank in the bulge and it is an honor to meet you. I made a history report of your past and stories in my article for the NEW YORK TIMES." 

Everyone stared at me like they had seen a ghost, "You sure know your studies, huh? Well, I'm honored by your straightforward report about me. But I'm retired now." 

"Wow, that must be rough." 

"Mhm. indeed it was." Then I was met with a 1960 Volkswagen Type 2 Bus by the name of Fillmore, who had an organic oil drink, "Hello, care for some organic fuel?" 

"Wow, thank you very much." I took the second fuel that Fillmore had next to Sarge, who looked in disgust: 

"Why would you drink that garbage?" 

"Because the fuel tanks I have back in Cleveland have always been organic so, it was good for me and since my doctor back in Cleveland as a kid, she told me about my systems being a bit rusty with average oil tanks, and the solution to that problem was that I should have only organic fuel. As you can see." I explained by pointing my tire at the organic oil can by starting to drink, everyone nodded. One by one, I met Guido, Red, Lizzie, Mater, and Luigi after I repeated where I came from, where I work, how long I am currently staying, etc; Of course, Guido and his friend, Luigi wanted to show me some brand new tires for me to try one. 

Not wanting to be taken aback by the 'free of charge' I calmly told them I would think about it. They understood and we all started to have a great time talking to the rest of the town, then Sheriff came and greeted me.


We all heard a car engine nearby, I blinked and turned around before feeling myself blush when I was met with one blue car, which turned around to look at the rest and then at me, who parked right next to me for mere seconds before he ordered one can of oil in Flo's V8 cafe. 

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