1 。new club?

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❛ ᴸᵒᵘᵈ ᵛᵒⁱᶜᵉˢ ˢᵘʳᵖʳⁱˢᵉ ᵐᵉ, ᴾʳᵒᵐⁱˢᵉˢ ᵉˣᶜⁱᵗᵉ ᵐᵉ ❜

August 28th 2019

On this lovely Wednesday, about two weeks after the first day of school, a girl, by the name of Park Haejung, decided to finally propose her club idea.

It was definitely a good day to do it, with the sun rays hitting the 'done with school' students who wished nothing more than to  be at home with their cats.

Therefore, Haejung marched straight into principal Nam's office, well waited to be called in, and slapped her proposal on the desk, pushing it towards the principal.

Haejung plopped down in the chair and looked up at principal Nam who was looking at her, "So NamNam," She started.

"Don't call me NamNam, Miss Park."

Haejung merely blinked, "I want to propose a club idea."

Principal Nam nodded for her to continue, "It's called the No Dreams Club and it's meant to be a place where those with no dreams or are unsure can go and forget their worries."

"And why would I would I agree to this club? It just seems like a hangout, which you can do with your friends elsewhere?" Principal Nam questioned, perplexed.

"I was getting there." Haejung said, exasperated, "As you'll read in the folder, that's all a ruse to draw people in. It's actually for them to do fun activities to help them figure out their dreams. Without the stress."

"Hm.." Nam flipped through the pages of the folder slowly, leaving Haejung positive and nervous as she waited. "What's this about a budget?"

"Well, to do fun activities we have to have money, which comes from the school." Haejung explained with hand gestures.

Nam nodded, closing the folder before speaking, "I'll give you room 144 for meetings and a budget of $350." She concluded.

A smile crawled onto Haejung's face but was shortly softened at the deal she had to make in order to get the final agreement.


Later that afternoon, a certain sophmore girl was sipping at a bottle of strawberry milk, that she had somehow managed to get from a certain male, on her way back to class.

When she overheard the teacher talking to a student, "Can you tell Eunbi to go down to the principal's office?"


A slight pain hit Eunbi, but she didn't show it and preceeded to shake it off before making her way to the teacher, "The principal wants to see me?"

The teacher turned to her and nodded, "Yes"

With that, Eunbi was on her way.

Her walk was quiet, with the lack of students in it, so she easily made it. Upon entering, she was met with a greeting, "Nammie!" and a smile from her mother.

"Mom" Eunbi nodded in acknowledgment, flashing a small smile.

"How did that one test go today?"
Her mother asked.

Eunbi thought back on the test, she hadn't particularly studied for it so the results were unsure. She replied with a shrug,
"Okay, I guess."

"Ah, I'm sure you did well." Her mother shook it off, moving on to the actual reason she wanted to talk to her. "Anyway, I called you down to request you to join this new club and watch over it."

"What?" A shiver passed through her at the idea, negative thoughts immediately flying to her brain. "Why?"

"The girl who brought up the idea can be a little crazy, so I need someone to make sure nothing happens. And I thought of you." Principal Nam answered, "Also, it'd be a good opportunity for you to make some friends and think about your future."

Eunbi's thoughts purely consisted of 'They won't like me' and 'They won't want to be friends with me' leading to her response, "I don't want to."

Her mother sighed, "I don't really want to force you so...just think about it."

"Yeah okay." She nodded, with no chance of changing her mind.


August 29th 2019

A ding came from the speakers around the school, along with a "What's up everybody!", interrupting the break between 1st and 2nd.

The sudden noise brought many surprised actions.

Such as in room 219, where Junjie had suffered a glare from Samyeong catching him sneaking a Cheeto.

"What do you think your doing?" Samyeong questioned, hugging the bag of Cheetos to his chest in protection.

"Snacking." Junjie responded, nonchalantly as he reached for the bag with a straight face. "Just one?"

Samyeong groaned, "Just one." Returning to eating while listening to the girl's voice after giving Junjie a Cheeto.

Or else where in room 159, when a soft "shit" left Yoonha's mouth as her pencil took a drastic turn through her drawing.

"Poor teddy bear" She whispered to the drawing, tracing her finger along the wrong line, "I'll fix you in a moment." She said, before focusing her attention on the announcement.

And in room 417, where Yiren yelled, "What's up!" back at the speaking, scaring even more people in her class.

With a laugh escaping Soonyi's mouth, who was currently leaning in her chair with her feet up, followed by a "What's up!"

"Shut up all of you!" Came from a droopy eyed and irritated Jinwoo, who was trying to catch a few z's that break.

"Oops" Was all that came out of Yiren's mouth while Soonyi felt flushed, hoping it didn't show, as she turned to look out the window.

Sadly, for Jinwoo, he was no longer able to sleep so he just rested his head as he listened.

"Okay that seems like enough time to get over the shock of this announcement. Sorry to interrupt your break." Haejung started.

"Anyway, my name is Haejung and I'm a Junior and today I wanted to talk to you about this club!" She introduced, getting louder as she continued, "It's called the No Dreams Club, a club where we hangout and forget our worries of the future. Maybe even discover our dreams without the pressure!"

"So come show up at room 144 after school today! And if you're on the edge about joining, I promise to show you my t-"

Haejung was abruptly stopped by the principal, "Nope nope nope, you're done there."

Choa chuckled lightly, "Hm, sounds interesting."

"Yeah it does! It seems like a great way to make friends!" Hangyu exclaimed from beside her, finding the club to be quite a fun idea.

"Yeah that too, I guess." Choa nodded along with it.

Hangyu thought Choa's reasons for being interested in the club was the same as his, but seeing it wasn't, his thinking face came on. A few moments later, a blush quickly spread across his face as he covered it with his hands. "Oh my god."

"Sorry about that," The voice on the speaker kicked back in, "I was going to promise that you would see my triangle hat, cause that's gorgeous."

A lot of sad sighs filled the classrooms, an internal one from Soonyi and a "thank god" from Hangyu, who now uncovered his face.

Meanwhile, a giggle escaped Yoonha's mouth, "What does a triangle hat look like? A birthday hat?" She asked herself, "No wait that's a cone."

Yoonha: What does a triangle hat look like?

A triangle? :Jihoon

"That'll be all! Come, show up!" Haejung screamed the ending as the speaker cut out.

"Great, now I can finally sleep." Jinwoo mumbled against his arm as his eyes closed.

However, this didn't last long, since the warning bell rang a few seconds later followed by a groan.


The door to the roof let out a loud sound as it closed behind Eunbi, causing Samyeong to look up.

With a face full of food, Samyeong simply gave a wave as a greeting.

Eunbi nodded back to him, taking a seat on the space in front of him. "Did you hear about the No Dreams Club?"

Samyeong swallowed his food before speaking, "I would be deaf if I didn't." He let out a laugh before taking another bite of his burger.

"Yeah. You would be." Eunbi nodded, her gaze going to her lap.

Samyeong frowned at this, wanting to ask what was wrong, but knew he would only become farther from her if he did.

"Are you thinking about joining?" Eunbi questioned, still looking at her lap.

"Hm" He thought as he sipped at his milk, "Probably not, I mean I have enough friends and my future is simply food and yo-"

Samyeong was cut off by Eunbi's "No!" and her head whipping up to meet his shocked eyes, "I can't be your only thoughts on future, nor can food be."

Eunbi's lip began to quiver, her confidence in this moment leaking out. She bit down on it hard, not wanting to show her weakness, how much she'd prefer for him to keep those thoughts. That she'd much rather stop pushing him away, but also knowing she would only holding him back from someone better.

Samyeong was too caught up in his whirling thoughts to notice her eyes watering, he felt hurt, dizzy, and for the first time in his life, he didn't want to eat. He was contented with just being friends with Eunbi and keeping his feelings to himself, but a part of him knew the truth.

The truth that he was holding onto an illusion.

In this moment, being disconnected from food and Eunbi, he realized he had nothing else, which made him feel sick and empty.

Tears about to burst from her eyes, Eunbi quickly tried for her escape, tears falling as soon as she turned away.

"Eunbi-" Samyeong snapped out of it once he saw the sudden movement. His legs felt the urge to go after her, along with his heart, but his brain kept him seated.


Haejung skipped down the halls the minute the final bell rang, heading towards room 144.

As she approached, to her surprise, she heard music being played from inside. She tilted her head as she cautiously opened the door to the room.

"Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim!" The girl inside screamed/sang with the music as she danced.

Haejung raised her eyebrow slightly, closing the door behind her, making a slight click that notified the other girl of her existence.

Yiren's head snapped to the right, motioning Haejung over with a hand movement. And with that the two were dancing and singing to the song.

The door opened to the room again, this time emerged a sleep deprived human who was currently rethinking his decisions about entering.

"Hello!" The two girls greeted as the song ended.

Jinwoo shook his head, he came having thought it would be a little peaceful, which definitely an idiotic thought on his part.

"I'm just going to nap on that couch." At this point, he could sleep anywhere as long as he didn't have any worries. Therefore, he simply pointed at the couch in the back of the room. "Please don't bother me."

"He doesn't look too good." Haejung commented, seemingly a little worried.

"Jinwoo does look worse than usual." Yiren nodded, "But he probably won't die."

Haejung glanced at Yiren, "You mean he won't die."

"Sure" Yiren simply shrugged.

A knock broke the sudden silence before the door swung open to reveal a boy who gave off an dark emotionless aura and a shorter girl with a nervous smile on her face behind him.

"Well that's a weird friendship pairing." Yiren commented loudly, finding the sight of dark and bright together surprising.

Which with Yoonha's pink backpack with a panda keychain completely contrasted with Junjie's plain black backpack.

"We aren't friends." Junjie stated, bluntly, swinging his backpack off his shoulder and onto the floor against the wall as he walked into the room. "She was just nervously standing in front of the door, not going in."

Yoonha flushed, "I-I there were too many loud voices that I hesitated." She explained softly.

Junjie thinned his lips, a little guilty now for saying it that way, but he made no move nor did he say anything.

"Oh baby" Haejung softened her voice as she flocked to Yoonha, wrapping her arm around her. "We'll try to be quieter."

Yoonha nodded, shaking Haejung's arm off her in the process, showing a little disgust despite liking it there.

Haejung pursed her lips, "Sorry, I made you uncomfortable," She apologized, "We just met so I shouldn't."

Haejung simply gave Yoonha some room and laughed it off, "We should introduce ourselves!" She suddenly thought, "Hello, I'm Haejung!"

Right after she said her name, the door opened again, this time by a boy eating potato chips.

"Oh thank god, Foodie's back" Junjie let out a releaved sigh from the side of the room, "I thought I was hallucinating earlier."

"Foodie?" Yoonha questioned the name quietly.

"Oh I just ran out of snacks earlier." Samyeong let out a barely believable laugh.

Junjie nodded, not believing it, but knowing he shouldn't ask in front of strangers.

"Anyway, introductions!" Haejung interrupted the silence, "Once again, I'm Haejung! And I'm the BH Queen!"

Samyeong tilted his head, confused, while Yiren voiced his thoughts, "The hell is a BH Queen?!"

"Bounce House Queen! I'm great at finding bounce houses!" Haejung explained before turning to Yoonha and mouthing 'you go next'

"Um okay..." Yoonha started, "I'm Yoonha and I like pandas" She bursted out a smile as she showed her panda keychain.

Junjie fought back a smile at her cuteness.

While, on the other hand, Haejung definitely didn't, "So Cute!" She gushed.

Yoonha flushed once again, "Your turn?" She pushed the attention towards Samyeong.

Samyeong smiled, "My name is Samyeong, but you can call me Sam and I like food."

"Oh that's why he called you foodie." Yoonha said her thoughts out loud on accident.

Samyeong nodded, "Yep!" Junjie nodded along with him until Samyeong gestured for him to go.

"I'm Junjie." He stated, "And that's all you need to know."

Haejung shook her head, disappointed, but wasn't about to get upset.

Yiren took the silence as her time to talk, "I'm Yiren, I'm a tall bitch that is in love with Hangyul."

"That better be X1's Hangyul or this is going to be awkward" A voice came from the head popped through the door.

"Hangyu," Yiren started, "I'm sorry, but you'll never be as good as X1's Hangyul"

"I mean I can't blame you on that one." Hangyu stated with a smile, "He's hot."

"True dat" Haejung concluded, "You just missed the introductions, um Hangyu?"

"That's Haejung, Yoonha, Sam, Yiren, and I'm Junjie." Junjie quickly introduced, pointing at each, not wanting to have to go though introductions.

Hangyu blinked slowly, having to take a good minute or so to get the names completely registered and for him to speak, "I'm Hangyu!"

"I've been blinded by teeth!"


The clock read 5:30 as the majority of the group huddled around the sleeping Jinwoo.

"He has very dark eye circles." Haejung commented, running her finger along one, "But very soft skin."

"He is very pretty, very temperamental sometimes though." Yiren stated, staring at the boy too.

Near his head, Samyeong was stacking potato chips on his forehead.

"You're all being creepy." Junjie told her from behind the group. "You should just let him sleep."

Yoonha nodded, "Yeah, let's have Haejung show us her triangle hat!"

"Um.." Everyone's attention went to Haejung as she hesitated, "I don't th-"

"Come on, you can't break your promise." Hangyu whined and begged.

Haejung caught Hangyu and Yoonha's puppy dog eyes and was forced to cave in, "Okay Okay."

While Haejung went to her bag, Samyeong accidentally woke up the sleeping Jinwoo by knocking the chip stack down towards his face

"What the-" Jinwoo questioned, having opened his eyes to a Samyeong quickly picking up chips.

"Ah sorry" Samyeong apologized, picking up the last chip and eating it.

"Um..It's okay" Jinwoo said, uneasily sitting up, "just don't do it again." He wasn't particularly mad, so he didn't want to make it a big deal.

Samyeong nodded, moving away from him a bit as Jinwoo sat up.

"What's happening?" Jinwoo asked.

"Triangle hat!" Haejung exclaimed as she skipped back with a cut out triangle on her head.

The room was then filled with disappointed faces once they finally realized what was there.

"I wasn't even expecting much," Junjie shook his head, "But I'm disappointed."

"Same" came out of Yiren and Samyeong's mouths.

"Come on guys!" Hangyu tried cheering, "It's not THAT bad. And she definitely didn't lie."

Yoonha quietly sent her cousin a text.

Yoonha: it was just a triangle cut out of paper.

Well that's disappointing :Jihoon

"Well can you guys do better?" Haejung asked, "Come back tomorrow with a triangle hat and we'll have a contest."

'Let's go!' 'Oh no' and 'um' s filled the room at the idea.

Haejung glanced at the clock and began to rush, "I actually to be somewhere soon, so please lock up when you leave." She tossed the keys at Jinwoo, who caught them calmly.

"Bye Bye!" Haejung waved as she dashed out the door.

"Well, I should get home before it gets dark." Yoonha said, grabbing her backpack.

"Yeah I should get back too" Samyeong followed Yoonha's lead in grabbing his backpack, "My grandma's making dinner and her food's delicious."

The two left each giving a smile and wave before doing so.

Two more left for reasons such as, "My cats will miss me if I'm out too long." and "I need to make sure the ghosts don't reck my house."

After their goodbyes, only Jinwoo and Junjie were left.

"Well I think I should get going." Jinwoo started, getting up from his spot on the couch, "You coming?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at Junjie.

"I'm going to hang out her for a little while." Junjie told him from his spot sitting against the wall.

"Okay, just don't stay too long, they do lock the school eventually." Jinwoo flung the keys at him, "Make sure to lock up."

Junjie caught the keys and nodded, "Bye"

"Bye" Jinwoo responded before leaving.

Junjie sighed and tilted his head back, closing his eyes. The club was a slightly better place for him to hangout instead of detention, but he didn't know how long he could be here before it became a nuisance and people started asking.

He stayed for another hour, pushing himself up, grabbing his backpack and locking the door after turning off the lights. He took his time, but made sure to get out before the doors were locked.


My condolences go to Changmin who got no scene time because I didn't have an idea for a reaction and knew he wouldn't come the first day, so I ran out of ways. He'll be in the next chapter for sure though, even at the beginning.

Not everyone joins the first day, based on their reasons for joining. They will be joining in the next chapter though.

I'm actually sorry for the uneven screen time. Literally all of Jihoon's screen time is in two texts.

Anyway, have a nice nice/day!

Word Count: 3076


question of the chapter

How should a triangle hat look like?


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