2.9 。Friday Filter

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❛ ᶠⁱˡᵗᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠʳⁱᵈᵃʸ ᶠⁱˡˡᵉʳ. ᴸᵉᵗ'ˢ ᵖᵃʳᵗʸ! ❜

August 29th, 2019

"And the winner is..." Haejung paused dramatically, drawing the anticipation out.

Junjie's foot was tapping quickly,
"Just say it!" He called, running
out of any patience he had left.

Haejung flashed a glare at him before
finally announcing the winner, "Sam!"

Samyeong simply smiled, after biting
a chip, to lazy to get up once again.

"What does he get?" Hangyu asked,
excitedly, wanting to see the prize.
"Beef?" He further questioned, hoping that
he wasn't missing out on anything good.

Haejung shook her head, "No. Ice cream!"

Jealous noises circled around the room, specifically from Hangyu who frowned and said, "Aw pooey"

A "oh guess it's good I didn't win" came from Jinwoo, who received a judgey look from Choa.

"Wait was I actually disqualified?" Junjie quirked an eyebrow, displeased by the fact he wouldn't be getting ice cream, "It was a great hat."

"Ha" Soonyi scoffed, "I gave you like two points."

"No one asked you." Junjie pushed off, crossing his arms as he leaned against the pool table.

"You kinda did." Yoonha said quietly from beside him, keeping an innocent look as Junjie meet her eyes to say something. However, he backed off after not being to look at her eyes anymore.

"So where's the ice cream?" Jihoon asked, directly the conversation back to Haejung.

"Um.." Haejung started, "at the ice cream shop, I couldn't convince the teachers to let me store some in the freezer so.."

Samyeong frowned, clearly showing disappointment, but didn't feel the need to voice it.

Haejung caught his expression, "But, you get to come with me to an ice cream shop tomorrow!" She tried cheering him up with a smile.

Samyeong's preceded to show an 'ugh' look, not happy to have to actually leave his house on a Saturday, but he still agreed cause ice cream. "Ok."

With that the room was filled with silence before the members floated off to do their own things.

Yiren stick herself to Jihoon like a piece of gum on a shoe, something she had done ever since he introduced himself. Now she had forced him to let her give him a look similar to hers.

"Come on Hoony, smile!" Yiren commanded, earning a forceful smile from Jihoon, who had just seen the madness she did to his eyes.

Over on the floor, another game of candy land was happening with Yoonha, Junjie, Soonyi, and Haejung, who joined after Jinwoo left to return to his damn responsibilities.

Samyeong was about to play with them, but he complained about being too hungry to look at the board. While Soonyi played, purely, just to be able to watch Choa.

And by watch Choa, I mean watch Choa and Hangyu narrating and acting out their game.

"Ooo Junjie is now entering the cold, minty peppermint forest." Choa narrated using her deep announcer voice, "Is that a peppermint cane attacking him?!"

Choa swung herself at Hangyu to signify herself as the candy cane, she even kept her body straight with he hands curved over.

"Ow" Hangyu released as he fell to the ground from the force and lack of balance. He looked up dumbly and hurt, "I'm Junjie and I just got beat up by a candy cane" He stated, using a voice that was a result of him trying to copy Junjie's.

Haejung bursted out laughing, receiving a scowl from Junjie himself.

"First of all, I don't sound like that." Junjie complained, "Second of all, can you guys stop, I'm just trying to play a peaceful game."

"Stop being such a party pooper." Yoonha hit his shoulder lightly before rolling the dice.

"Yeah" The others agreed.

"Okay okay." Junjie backed off, letting the game get to Haejung's turn before making himself entertained.

"Hey Yoonha" Junjie whispered to catch her attention only, "Hangyu wasn't the only one that fell."

"Huh?" Yoonha looked at him confused.

"I also did for you." Junjie trailed of, leaning his head closer to her as her cheeks heated up.

"I-I" Yoonha stumbled as Junjie smirked at her blush, cute.

"Not in my goddamn christian surver." Choa pushed Junjie away by the head, causing him to tilt over. "Dreamy may not."

The others bursted out laughing as Choa made Junjie switch seats with Soonyi to get him as far away as possible.

While the makeup session and board game were going on, a certain pair were hanging out in the corner in beanbag chairs.

Changmin had drifted off towards the calm boy earlier to escape the loudness that was starting to make him uncomfortable.

Despite his awkwardness when it came to starting conversations, he was easily able to start a conversation with Samyeong and he quickly started to talk about anything that came to mind.

The two bonded, mainly, on their love for cooking and once that bond was made the awkwardness was history. Samyeong even let Changmin take a few gummies.


The time had dwindled down until everyone had gone home and the clock had stricked 7:00.

Plenty of the members felt reluctant to leave, especially Junjie, for pain, fun, or pure loneliness.

One member actually had plans with other friends at 6, sadly they didn't include beef nor cats, but he still left bouncing.

Another had left for a last minute dinner party of sucking up and drinking.

Others returned for dinner or harbo gummies or movie nights.


Haejung laid across the couch lazily, watching a weekly drama as her father rushed around the house.

"Why are you so worried?" She called out to him, "She's going to love you."

"I sure hope so." Her dad called out as he exclaimed at the finding of his tie.

Haejung simply rolled her eyes while her dad finished getting ready.

"See you" Her father leaned over the couch, giving her a peck on the forehead as he said goodbye.

"See ya!" She responded back before calling out before he left, "Bring back leftovers!"

A chuckle escaped father's lips "Of course."

And about 10 blocks away a similar evening was happening, except with more worry.

"Are you sure about this?" Soonyi questioned her mother, zipping up her dress.

Her mother nodded, "Of course, it's about time."

Soonyi pursed her lips, not believing that was true and feeling as if it was just yesterday that she was comforting her mother after her father left. "If you say so."

"I do." Her mom stated, firmly, turning and taking her daughter's shoulders in her hands, "I'm ready baby."

Soonyi nodded, "sure sure."

Her mom squinted her eyes at Soonyi, "I mean it okay and if it goes wrong, I'll let you tell me 'I told you so'"

"Oh," Soonyi crosses her arms, "I'll do nothing less."

The two preceded to laugh until the doorbell rang and Soonyi's mom rushed to finish.

Soonyi went and opened the door, meeting the man with an intimidating glare.

The man grinned at her, trying to hide his nerves in his stomach, "Is your mother here?"

Soonyi nodded, "Yes and if you hurt her, you die."

"Soonyi! Stop threatening the man!" Her mom approached the two, "Hello." She greeted the man.

The man greeted back, lending his arm for her to take. She took it, giving Soonyi one last goodbye before leaving the girl to her own devices.

From there on, Soonyi spent her Friday night playing games.


[ you have 1 new message from BH ]

Samyeong blinked at the notification, wondering what Haejung would want at this time of night.

BH : Wanna meet at Won Cream
tomorrow at 2?

He stated at his phone in confusion before understanding what she was on about, free ice cream. And just as he was about to respond, he got another message.

bi bi 💕 : hey, i'm sorry for lashing out on you.

Eunbi had felt even lonelier since their conversation on the rooftop and had felt bad for pushing him away once again. She didn't except him to forgive her, I mean who would, but she still sent it to get it off her chest.

Sam : it's okay! i deserved it

A part of him told him not to forgive her, but he sent the text by following the part of him that kept on to his love for her. No matter how hard she pushed him away.

bi bi 💕 : no you didn't

bi bi 💕 : what I said was too harsh and for that I'd like to apologize

bi bi 💕 : how bout I treat you to ice cream?

Samyeong thought back to his plans with Haejung, he wanted to say yes to Eunbi, but didn't want to answer Haejung with a no since she asked first. Instead, he landed on a certain thought.

Sam : sure! how's 2?

bi bi 💕 : 2 is good!

Sam : okay (^-^) see you then!

Samyeong then continued to the other message.

Sam : that sounds good

Sam : oh and can I bring a friend

BH : of course!

Despite her happy text, Haejung felt the sudden need to bring someone else along too. So she made her move to text a few others. One of them being Jinwoo.

Haejung : hey you want to come with me and Sam to get ice cream tomorrow at 2?

The JINther : i'm lactose intolerant you know?

Haejung : so...
Haejung : you don't have to get ice cream

The JINther : i'm also watching some demon spawns

Haejung : bring them with
Haejung : kids are fun!

The JINther : no

Haejung : plz 🥺

Jinwoo, being the tired one he is, didn't want to deal with the spam of text he knew he would get, so he agreed and then went to sleep.

The JINther : ok fine

Haejung : yay!



Okay I didn't want to write much this week, so I'm not really counting this as a complete chapter. Next will be longer cause I have . more plans for that one so...

Still I hope you enjoyed this!
Have a good day/night!

Word count : 1601



Give me a funny story from your life


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