Chapter 1

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"Run! Run my love! Don't turn back, keep running!" I listened to the voice, running as fast as my sore legs could take me.

Once I reached the middle of a clearing, I stopped and tried to catch my breath and calm my racing heart that seemed it was about to explode.

I looked about frantically while listening for any sounds, particularly pawsteps. Nothing. Where is he? He promised he'd stay with me....

I nearly jumped out of my own coat when I heard a victorious howl ring throughout the night. My heart fell, that type of howl meant one thing and one thing only. My companion, my friend, my mate...... was now laying at some monster's paws, dead.

The sudden sound of pawsteps caused me to snap my head towards the noise that broke from the howl, I stood up quickly to run only to be slammed back to the ground. A whimper escaped my jaws as my gaze wandered up to the creature much larger than I. I knew I was done for and for what? Finding my soulmate.

A low, husky growl sounded off to my right to catch my attention. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A mongrel, perhaps. No... maybe a traitor. Yes. That's it. How could you run away from someone like that? Tsk-tsk"

I started to kick out, trying to get the mutt that was holding me down off but to no avail. The leader of the rag-tag group chuckled in amusement at my meek attempts, even more so as I whimpered when another wolf purposely stepped on my bushy tail.

"Hush... It'll all be over soon. You can join your friend, or whatever he was to you. All you have to do is tell us where your pack is hiding." His voice was forever low and daring me to do something to challenge him.

But I was not able to turn my head to look at him, as now the mongrel that had tackled me down was now holding my head still as well. So instead I glared murderously ahead, acting like he was standing in front of me instead. "Go ahead. Kill me. I will never in a million years tell you where my pack is."

The wolves that were circling around me guffawed, all of them waiting excitedly for the order. But it never comes. First the pressure from my head left, then the weight on my back left as well. But I didn't get the chance to jump up and run again, for as soon as the weight left I was grabbed by the scruff and dragged away to Moon knows where.

I screamed with everything I had, kicking and snapping at empty space. Something jabbed into my shoulder, then everything began to blur a few heartbeats later before my head lolled to the side.

My eyes closed against my will and the last thing I heard was someone whistling a joyous tune.

I believe chapter one will forever be the shortest chapter, sorry bout that. Just how it works out. On the brighter side however, edited chapters are finally here! Some chapters have been lengthened and/or added to another. So if the chapter titles get a bit goofed that's why.
Til next time,

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