Chapter 9

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I bolted upright, hands instantly searching my back for any wounds. 


 Letting out a breath of relief, I tossed the blankets off of my legs before getting up and going to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was finished washing, drying, and tossing on the same clothes I had fallen asleep in, I left the bathroom to find my mother sitting on my bed. She was going through my jewelry, setting some aside while returning others to the jewelry box. 

"You must look your finest tonight Rosalie. Your mate could very well be waiting for you." She kept her gaze on the necklaces and earrings in her hands, but glanced up while telling me to get my dress. I smiled and did just so, getting the midnight blue dress from the open closet. The older woman stood from her spot and went to the closet where she searched the shoes on the floor in the back. After finding a suitable pair, she returned and urged me to strip and change into the dress we had bought on our shopping trip. 

Mother's eyes lit up as she agreed immediately with the dress that I walked out in. I did a few twirls for her before stopping to face my mother as she spoke. "Oh Rosalie, you've grown so much. And what a lovely lady you've turned out to be. I'm so, so proud of you." She stepped closer to give me a hug before pushing me down into a chair, "Now. You sit here and let me make you look like the goddess herself." 

I was about to protest but clamped my jaws shut at the look she gave me. "Okay. I won't move." She nodded in approval with a smile gracing her lips as she began her task of styling my hair and doing my  makeup. 

A few hours later, she finally finished touching up the braided updo as well as the makeup look she determined to be suitable. She awed silently before grabbing my hand and literally dragging me off my chair and down the stairs. We paused at the front door, her asking me if I was ready and me only responding with a nervous nod. No more was said as her arm looped with mine and we headed outside and into the clearing. 

Where almost the whole pack was already waiting .

How is it that even when I get ready early I'm still late? 

Someone's melodic voice rang out as they started howling the song of welcome to a lost packmate, their voice soon mingling with that of others' who joined in. I couldn't help but smile proudly at hearing such a beautiful song from the people I had grown up surrounded by. The song was an old tradition of our pack's that had started for returning wolves that had been lost, but it slowly developed to welcome the young wolves that were ready for their first shift. 

In a way our souls were lost until our eighteenth birthday, when we could possibly meet our mate and shift into our true forms for the first time. It is also believed that the song calls to the dormant wolf within, pleading for them to awaken and take their rightful place within the pack.

The song soon slowed to a stop as the Alpha walked onto the stage, commanding everyone's attention once I had reached my seat. "Tonight is Rosalie Taylor's birthday. Tomorrow shall be her first, official day as a wolf. So tonight we shall celebrate before the real world begins for this young wolf. What do you say Rosalie?" His proud, fatherly gaze looked away from the crowd and down to find me.

 I cupped my hands around my mouth to make my voice louder, "Hell yeah!" Wolves around me chuckled in amusement while others whooped in agreement. 

"Then let the celebration begin." At his words, no one was sitting or even standing still. They milled around with smiles, offering happy birthdays and encouraging words. Once that died down a bit everyone moved onto the actual partying, eating snacks and dancing to whatever song was playing through the strategically placed speakers.

About two hours into the party a howl broke through the loud music and chatter. Everyone gradually fell silent, looking around for the source of the howl. My attention focused on finding the source as well, looking around to see who had let loose the howl. But my surrounding packmates appeared to be just as bewildered. 

The howl drifted once again through the air, sending a wave of shivers down my spine at the haunting sound. 

"It's nothing to be concerned about, folks. Lets not stop the party, we're just getting started." My father's booming voice reassured the crowd, encouraging everyone to continue on with the party. The atmosphere slowly shifted back to how it was before the howl disrupted the gathering. In almost the blink of an eye, it was five in the afternoon. 

Someone approached me from behind, arms wrapped around my torso swiftly before I was picked up and tossed over a shoulder as I carried away from the party. No one seemed very surprised as I was carried behind the stage to a sectioned off room of sorts. I struggled within the person's arms before their distinct scent allowed me to recognize the man beneath me, Tony. "What are you doing?! Put me down Tony."  I demanded, smacking his back in annoyance before quickly biting down on the soft flesh of his hand as it covered my mouth. 

The action earned a startled cry and my mouth being uncovered swiftly. "OW! Moon! What the hell Rose!" Tony placed me back on my feet to tend to his hand, scowling as he assessed the potential damage.

Shying away slightly as he shot a glare my way, I decided that the ground had an interesting hue as I dropped my gaze. However, I raised my head to shoot my own glare back at him defiantly. "Oh, I'm sorry. Should I not have bitten a hand covering my mouth?"

Tony rolled his eyes, turning on his heel and leaving the room. Letting me realize that. Josh was in the room as well. The could-have-been-Beta scowled at me from where he was seated on a cushioned chair before rising to his feet. "Tell me Rosalie, what has the prisoner told you." The male stalked closer slowly.

 I looked away from the man to examine the area backstage holding my ground. I never was really allowed back here, no one was. It was more for the Alpha and higher ranks to discuss what would be talked about at that gathering. "Nothing important." My eyes snapped back to focus on him suspiciously. "Why, what's it to you?" 

He huffed, finally stopping once he was less than a foot away in front of me, "Fine. Don't tell me what that mongrel wanted from you." Josh turned on his heel, just as Tony had, and stalked out from the room to return to the party. 

I relaxed once he disappeared, sighing and closing my eyes while trying to figure out what was going on. A soft sound reached my ears through the opened door, a sweet sound that caused me to walk slowly to the door and step outside. I scanned the area in search of the sweet sound, but no one else was nearby.

The wind changed directions as it has been all day, my attention being drawn in the direction it was coming from. 

The dungeons.

After reluctantly returning to the party, time flew by until everyone was dispersing to return home. Once I was finally back in my room, I dressed in a comfortable pair sweatpants and a tank top before laying in bed. The realization that I hadn't found my mate tonight hit a bit hard.  The majority of the pack had been at the party and yet, no mate.

Father had told me earlier not to worry about finding them so soon and that if I don't meet them before my twentieth birthday, I'll then turn into my wolf. That was another let down, I wanted to meet my wolf. To shift into the true form that the Moon Goddess intended for me. Not wait another two years to do so.

Turning onto my side, I pulled the blankets up over my body and held them close before closing my heavy eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The night sky was bright as the moon was full, the Goddess finally opening her eye to see all of her children below. A gentle breeze blew, shifting the branches of trees to cover the night's light source. With the wind came the smell of snow from the mountains, with it a sweet pine scent that urged me to follow it. 

I sighed, looking down at the gentle river flowing beneath the stone bridge. Envy for how calm the water appeared bubbled up inside of me, if only things could be so calm.

Slow and catious footsteps approached from the direction of the castle, soon followed by a soft voice. "Princess, you have a visitor." 

I dropped my hands from the railing to turn and face the page, seeing him already bowing low. "Who would it be, young page." 

He rose back up to his full height, his gaze down cast to avoid mine. "We do not know. He said only you could explain." 

With a slight frown, I nodded while picking up my skirts so they wouldn't trail in the puddles from the recent rainfall. "Alright. I shall have a look then." 

We walked back towards the castle, the page leading me to the dining area. The King was sitting at the head of the table with the Queen to his right as usual, I curtsied to them before going to sit on my mother's right. "I have been told we have a visitor." 

My mother nodded slowly, her hands in her lap. "Indeed but he has asked for you, my dear." I looked around my mother so I could see my father, about to question him on who it was when the doors were opened. 

The man was like a god himself. His hair was as black as my father's beloved stallion. His skin, a soft olive. And as he approached I could see his eyes, as green as the garden's grass during the spring after a rainfall. "Your majesties." He bowed his torso as he stopped at the other end of the long table. "I wish to speak with your daughter, the Princess." 

I knew the page had spoken of the stranger wishing to speak with me, but I had not expected him to outright say it without an introduction. "Very well." The King stood up, my Mother watching him in surprise for a moment before standing as well. 

We'll be right outside if you need us." She placed a light kiss on my forehead before following her husband out of the room. Once they had departed, a guard closed the door from the outside, leaving the stranger and I alone. 

My gaze drifted back towards the man, who had moved closer to where I was still seated. "What is it that you wish to speak with me of, sir?" I stood from my seat slowly  once he stopped a few feet away. 

"Don't be afraid, my Princess. I am here to take you home." His voice held confidence as he stated his words, not a single stutter or hesitation. 

A frown quickly found its place upon my lips, "This is my home. Where else would I live?" 

He ran a hand across his cheek slowly as if annoyed, "It is your home, but your parents haven't told you everything." 

Ignoring my question? Who does he think he is? "What are you talking about."  I demanded, my parents would have told me of something such as what he is suggesting.

His gaze flicked towards the large stained window before returning to me. "You are a wolf, you do not belong in this castle as your parents have chosen. You belong in the forest with your pack." 

I watched him dumbfounded, that was not at all as I expected. "A wolf... Nonsense. Who are you exactly?" My suspicion of him grew as he stepped even closer. When I didn't move away, he came closer yet and leaned in by my ear. 

"Don't you feel the pull? The strange desire to run, to do something other than sit around and wait for a prince that will never love you?"  His breath tickled my ear as he spoke softly, his words hitting a bit hard.

I leaned back slightly after taking a deep breath, only to freeze as a faint scent of pine wafted to my nose. "You're the pine."  I whispered in shock, staring at the man in confusion.

A faint smile spread on his lips as he leaned back, "Not quite." His head snapped back towards the stained window as the howls of a wolf erupted from outside. My hand was quickly in his as he began dragging me, but not without me following willingly, to the window. 

To the howls.

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