6 AM

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---Five hours later---

* The chime of a grandfather clock could be heard...6 AM *

* Dream's alarm clock rang out. He groaned a bit, before finally opening his eyes *

Dream: ...

* Dream stared at the ceiling for a minute, before getting up, and smacking the snooze button on the clock. Dream slowly inched his way to the edge of the bed, and then landed on the ground *

Dream: Ugggghhh...

* Dream rubbed his eyes, as he headed to the bathroom...and then he turned to the hallway *

* The lights were still on...usually Dream was the first one to wake up *

Dream: Huh...

* Dream went to the hallway, as he looked down to the bottom floor. With a chandelier hanging from the ceiling above *

Dream: Hey Admin? Lucid? Auto Message? 

* ... *

Dream: Is anyone there?

* ... *

Dream * thinking *: If no one is downstairs, why would the lights be on?

Dream * thinking *: Or was one of them to lazy to turn them off?

* Dream slowly went down the stairs...and standing behind where he originally was. Was a figure *

* Dream headed into the kitchen, the lights were on. And as soon as Dream entered, he was greeted with a huge mess on the floor *

Dream: ?! 

* All the food from the fridge was thrown to the ground, the cabinet's fronts were ripped and were slowly swinging, only one bolt stopping them from completely ripping off *

Dream: Ok, this is getting weird. I don't think none of the others would do this...

* Suddenly, a large snapping sound could be heard from upstairs. Then the sound of someone screaming. It sounded like Admin *

Dream: ! ADMIN!

* Dream ran to where the stairs were. And he was quickly greeted with the fact that the chandelier had broken from its chain *

Dream: O_O

* Dream quickly jumped to his south, narrowly avoiding the chandelier drop by only inches. Glass flew EVERYWHERE! Pieces of some glass had landed on Dream too. His legs hurt badly, so he couldn't really get up. *

Dream: H-How did the others not notice this?!



* ... *

Dream: ...H-Hello?

* ... *

Dream: Guys! This isn't a jo-

* And just like that, Dream flung forward. He sped through the air, aiming directly for a wall *

Dream: !!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO-

* ...CRACK! *

* Dream's body smashed into the wall and fell to the floor quickly. His entire body was twisted and mangled, his arms under his back in some weird posture *

* Then, he woke up *

* Dream was panting and sweating heavily. His eyes were a dull gold, and he looked terrified *

Dream: W-What was that? T-That couldn't have been a dream...t-that felt so real.

* A grandfather clock chimed again...6 AM *

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