Back to Gyrosphere Valley

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* Dream, Admin, and you had walked down the left path and ended up getting back into the main center. It was getting slightly dark, so Dream and Admin were really just wondering where to go next *

Dream: I say we head towards Tyrannosaurus Kingdom. There's bound to be some small dinosaurs there. The T-rex must have left some flesh lying around for those small meat eaters.

Admin: How about look around here? I'm sure there are some dinosaurs we can capture around the food shops!

Dream: There doesn't look to be any dinosaurs here, and there are TONS of food courts around this area.

Admin: They're hiding! You just gotta look!

Dream: How about this, we head back to Gyrosphere Valley-

Admin: Are you insane?! There is a Albertosaurus and-

Dream: LET ME FINISH! We lure the Albertosaurus out, then we try and find some babies! I'm pretty sure that there should be nests somewhere near the edges. Considering there is a lake nearby and tons of trees and ferns.

* Dream pointed to the large lake thing in the center of the park, it was pretty close to the edge of Gyrosphere Valley's bushes and trees. Maybe only 40-50 yards. *

Admin:  Yeah, great plan. One thing though, what is going to be bait? All our food is in our tents, we only have some Protein bars and some trail mix.

Dream: That's what you think! >:3

* Dream reached into his backpace, and took out what looked to be a dead compy *

Admin: ...How did you...nevermind.

Dream: Beach fight. Now, what we gotta do is this. You hide in the bushes with ( You ) while I make a whistling sound when I see the Albertosaur, then when it turns to me I throw the compy. This'll make it come towards the area that it saw the compy land. Once it reaches down to swallow it, i'll tranq it and from there. You and I sneak off into the bushes and find the babies.

Admin: Hmmm, seems reasonable enough. At least i'm not the one in danger this time.

Dream: Ok, give me a sec.

* Dream ran down one alleyway, as he turned a corner and was away from view *

* 5 minutes later, he came running back to Admin *

Dream: Ok, the Albertasaur is by the bushes. 

Admin: Great, now what?

Dream: Nothing much, you just have to stay with me while I distract it. Then we both head off in the same direction

Admin: Dream, you know how anxious I get in a life threatining situation. I'm going to end up making one noise.

Dream: Well, unless you want me to knock the sh*t out of you, you're going to do this and stay silent. So man up or else you're going to end up being eaten.

Admin: Couldn't we just run AROUND the bushes? There is a whole forest out there after all.

Dream: I don't know if you noticed but that dinosaur is faster. If it does see you, you're dead. There is no mountain that is to steep for it to climb up down there.

Admin: UGGGGGGGH WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS RIGHT?! Fine. Let's just get it over with. But if I die, i'm blaming it on you.

Dream: Sit inside that shop over there.

* Dream pointed to a gift shop near where Gyrosphere Valley enterance was. Admin ran over and hide inside, hiding under the window ledge. *

Dream: Now wait there...

* Dream walked again away from view, while Admin and you hid under in the shop *

* Admin was trying to stop himself from talking, when you heard a loud whistle. Next you heard some deep footsteps. Some light footsteps, then a sudden bang! *

* It wasn't like a gunshot, so Dream didn't shoot the thing...but instead of something hitting the wall. *

* You heard grunting, getting louder...oh wait, of course it wasn't a gun shot *

* It was that dead compy he threw *

Admin *whispering *: Why that little scum bag...

* You heard more grunting, and then loud stomping that got slower and slower. You heard the low rummble of a predator looming over your head *

* You saw the tip of a dinosaur looking down at you. It growled, but sounded more like a very low laugh. When. *

* BANG! The dinosaur stopped, as it screamed in pain for a minute. It's head left the window, as all you heard next were loud stomping sounds. Then another bang, slower stomping sounds, then one last bang. Before you heard a loud crash, something large fell to the ground *

Dream: Ok, you can get up now...

* And boy did Admin get up, he threw himself over the window as you were standing up *


Dream: It's kinda hard to aim properly when you'e trying to run and hide inside some bushes from a meat-eating animal that's faster then you!

Admin: Out of ANYWHERE, you aim for the SHOP.

Dream: I WASN'T AIMING FOR THE SHOP I SWEAR! Cmon, let's just go and hurry up! The Albertosaur is knocked out, we're going to shoo away those herbivores and smaller carnivores. Then this will all be a waste.

* Dream walked towads the feild, Admin ran up to him and began to silently argue with him *

*  You follow behind, whilst they're arguing again...not paying any attention to you. *

* You have this weird feeling that something was watching you, and because of course since that is how all horror movies go. You check behind you *

* You saw the quick glimpse of red eyes, before they fade away as light stomping sounds are heard. *

Dream: Hey, ( You ) c'mon!

* It's probably for the best you tell them sometime soon, in the meantime though you should catch up and try and do what Dream and Admin are focusing on *

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