Changes PT. 2

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---Tuesday. 7:30---

* Dream walked down the hallway school, he passed many kids, waving, or shaking hands with them *

???: Hi Dream!

Dream: What's up, Caleb?

???: Yo, Dream!

Dream: Hey Jake!

???: Hi Dream! Hope you enjoyed the party last night!

Dream: Thanks, Hailey! I really did!


Dream: You're looking GOOD in those, Charelson.

* Dream continued to walk forward, soon, he reached his locker *

* He looked both ways, before he hid his face with the door of the locker *

* You could hear him drinking something *

* In a instant, Dream threw whatever he was drinking in the locker, and closed it. Before heading to his next class *

* Looking down at Dream, once again *

SQUIP: Dream, we need to talk...

Drem: About what?

SQUIP: I have been watching your popularity rating.

Dream: ? Well, what does it say?

SQUIP: You're stll at only 85%. While it was better then the 15% you had before, much better really, you're going to have to TRULY change. Not just fix some stuff about you.

Dream: What do you mean? "Truly Change"

SQUIP: Dream. As we are speaking right now, your popularity just went from a 85% to a 80%. You need to change this.

Dream: But how?

SQUIP: You need major repairs, not just simple fixes. I realize that now, and it is my job to fix these errors.

Dream: ...I don't know, I kinda like this! What do you want me to change?

SQUIP: You. But not just the outisde, the inside as well. We must change your personality. 

Dream: WHAT?! What's wrong with it?!

SQUIP: Many things. You have potential, but you're not handling it correctly...

Dream: ...What's going to happen to me if you change my personality?

SQUIP: You're going to feel more changes, and act...different. I gain a little bit more control over your body. You just aren't strong enough to hold all this weight of being cool on your shoulders. Me and you BOTH know that.

Dream: ...

SQUIP: Don't you wanna go to the top? If you keep on going like THIS you're going to  be forgotten the next year...And don't you want to be popular FOREVER?

Dream: I do, but...I'm just not sure...

SQUIP: Go all the way, or stay where you are. Your choice.

Dream: I. Let me think about it, i'll make my descion at the end of the school day...

SQUIP: Fine. Your choice.

* The SQUIP's eyes turned dark blue, and then a large popping sound could be heard *

Dream: ? What was-

SQUIP: Ignore it.

Dream: Alright....if you say so-

* Dream looked up ahead, he could see Zoey. He lit up, he hadn't seen her in a LONG TIME! Then again, he hadn't seen a LOT of his friends in a long time...*

Dream: Zoey?!

* Dream ran to her, super happy to finally see her *

Dream: Where were you? I've been looking for you and the others for WEEKS now!

Zoey: Right, "Where was I". I've been here the whole time Dream.

Dream: What?

Zoey: You've been ignoring me...

Dream: That doesn't make sense, I haven't been ignoring you....

Zoey: Listen, it's fine Dream. Just, don't do it ever again, ok?

Dream: But I haven't.

Zoey: Llike I said, it's fine.

Dream: O-ok...

* Dream walked off, before turning to the SQUIP *

Dream: What is she talking about? I don't remember...did you something?


Dream: ? What?

SQUIP: ONB. Or Optive. Nerve. Blocking. It's a feature that allows me to block anyone or anyTHING in your field of view.

Dream:  ...

* Dream stopped *

Dream: You've taken it too far. Changing me a little, sure, but deleting my friends? From my view? You were trying to seperate ME from all of THEM

SQUIP: It was for your own good.

Dream: What "Good" comes out of THIS?

SQUIP: If I had let you stay with your friends, they would have put a stop to this a LONG time ago. They would deny me, they would force you to get rid of me, and the would force you to be un cool. Just from this one measure I made, you've drastically increased in poularity, no, more like exponetnially!

Dream: That doesn't make a difference, they are friends. MY friends.

SQUIP: They are not your friends any longer...

Dream: What are you saying?!

SQUIP: If you want to continue, and grow on your popular strides, you're going to have to make choices. Tough ones, yes, but choices nonetheless.

Dream: I-I don't know if I WANT to be cool anymore...

* The SQUIP stopped, it froze at his words *

SQUIP: Oh, so you would rather put this to waste? You would rather be harassed? 

* The SQUIP sounded truely pissed. As it slowly turned it's head around, it's computer stems from it's eyes had turned red, INCLUDING the eye as well *

Dream: No! I don't-

SQUIP: You go back to being the idiot you were, you're going to ruin it all. Your reputation, your popularity, and those jocks will have EVERY right to attack you. And, I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I wouldn't care if they did EITHER.

Dream: T-That's not true-

SQUIP: Oh it is true. See, this is the problem with people like you, you never take chances. You, my friend, YOU are a utter disgrace to everyone you have EVER met. The weak die, the strong live. You either TAKE this chance, or you gain NOTHING. ZERO. You will be hated by your little "girl friend", wait no, she ALREADY hates you! 

Dream: * Starts to tear up * THATS IS NOT TRUE!

SQUIP: Oh, what now? As if I had even MORE reason to turn against you. You're a whimp, you always were, you always will be. BUT LIKE I SAID, IF YOU WANT TO BREAK THAT, THEN YOU ARE G.O.I.N.G TO ACCEPT THIS DEAL. 



Dream: n-no...


* Those last few words stuck in Dream's brain. It repeated, over and over. She doesn't love you, she doesn't love you, she doesn't love you...*

* Dream's soul, which was always yellow, was now completley grey. It was just grey, just that *

* Dream looked down at his hands, and then his eyes turned grey. Just like in the tent*

SQUIP: Do you ACCEPT? Or will you deny...

Dream: ...

* Dream began to softly laugh. Before replying.*

Dream: Heh. You got yourself a deal... = )

* The SQUIP smiled, it got through to him *

SQUIP: Good. I think you know what to do next.

Dream: Yup. = )

* Dream started to head for the exit, when he heard Zoey * 

Zoey: Dream? Where are you going?

Dream: Optive Nerve Blocking...

Dream: On.

* In a instant, Zoey faded from his view, and her voice faded away *

SQUIP: Come now. 

SQUIP and Dream: We have a lot of work to do = )

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