Creature of the Dark.

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(( The music above is MOSTLY synced with the words, so if you want to have a better experience. Play with music! ))

* You were reading the diary, when Dream came. Dream had grabbed his diary and put it back in his bag. He warned you not to touch it. EVER.  *

* Eventually, all the tents were set up. And it was getting pretty dark outside *

Dream: Ok everyone, you can get inside your tents now. It's getting late.

* Admin went to the far right one, you all had a choice of which tent to go in. *


* Choose Which Tent to go in *

- Middle

- Far left


* You were inside your tent, it was now dark. Crickets chirped outside your tent, as the starry night sky took over the once birght blue one. *

* You were (Awake/Asleep) when you suddenly heard noise. You could hear footsteps coming from outside your tent. *

* Once again, curiosity take over you. There were some things inside the tent for you to use just in case. *


* Grab one item *

- Knife / Machette 

- Use your own Magic

- A tool you brought along


* With your weapon, you slowly crawl to the front of the tent, you slowly reach for the could hear footsteps still *

* You open it, and take a small peek outside. And oddly enough *

* Nothing. *

* Not one thing, it was just dark outside...but you swore you heard something! *

* Maybe it was as if- NO THERE IT WAS AGAIN! A thumping noise! Something was out there... *

* You could hear bushes begin to shake...yeah, something was watching you. * 

* You end up slowly coming out, your weapon ready to attack... *

* The bushes stopped shaking...the chirping of the crickets took place. *

* Maybe it was just some bird? Or something else? It couldn't be a dinosaur. It didn't fit.*

* It was silent, almost too silent. It was probably just some false alarm...probably. *

* You head back inside your tent, as you try and get some good night sleep...but something still wasn't right. Something didn't sit well with you *

* That's when you heard the second was a little louder this time, and much more obvious. You were skeptical, but then heard the trees rustling. It was back out. * 

* Carefully, you open up the tent...there wasn't anything once again. It must be your imagination *

* But that can't be, you heard the noises, you heard it all happen, and all after it perfectly timed with you going inside an out. How could it be your imagination *

* You heard more thumping, it was almost on a beat. Every second you could hear it, it didn't get louder. Just, one pitch of thumping *

*  After a little while, the thumping stopped. Whch meant you could FINALLY get some sleep *

* Once again, you start to go back in...and of course, it starts up. What sort of sick joke was this? Who was doing this?*

* This time...was different however. Now, it started to get louder, and louder, and loude. You quickly take a look outside your tent. *

* ...It stopped. *

* But there! You saw a quick glimpse of an eye, a deep dark red eye. It dissapeared. It didn't look like any of the other dinosaur eyes, more similar to a snake eye. Was it a dinosaur? Some abomination of a hybrid? *

* You were thinking for a moment...When then the sound of some low and quiet footsteps caught you off gaurd. *

* ...The trees began to shake this time, as you caught something running by you. *

???: *very quiet snorting *

* You aimed your weapon, was this- yes, this was a dinosaur. It was tall creatue, with a stubby head. You had little details, but it looked like a dinosaur*

* A shadow appeared on you right side, it began to circle around you. The trees covering what dinosaur it was. The snorting got louder and louder. But it was a fair ways away*

* However, you noticed the shadow was getting closer, and closer. Footsteps could be heard at this point, quiet but still there. *

* Even if it got close, you had a weapon and could easily kill it. Right? When you looked at the shadow, you noticed the tail was extending. A body began to take form at the start of the tail. What was going on? It took you a minute...but then it hit you. It wasn't growing another body *

* There was a second shadow... *

* The brush began to rustle, and a large creature suddenly burst out of the brush. It had a low grumble as it charged, and it wasn't roaring.*

* You ( Swiped / Fired / Used ) your weapon on it as it got close...but the animal quickly avoided it. It had turned to the right, and was now...running away? *

* Nothing happened for a moment, the shadows had gone. What was it trying to do? Was it trying to scare you and try and bite  *

* A jarring pain suddenly came from your left, you couldn't quite get a glimpse of what had happened. But you were suddenly knocked down, as a huge bone-crushing bite bit right into your arm. You managed to see an animal run away almost on impact. *

* The bite hurt, quite a bit. But it wasn't devastating, whatever it took a quick bite. *

* Then, the shadows circled you again, this time forming a tighter circle then the last time. They ran around and around you. Toying with you. *

* Now, you could hear a very soft roar. It was high and low at the same time, but was leaning more to low. *

* The thing charged right back at you, it rammed into your body. And quickly took a bite of the wound you already had. You were bleeding heavily now *

* The animals formed the circle again...and now they were only a few yards away. *

* You could try and call out for Dream and Admin, but that may be too late now. You might already be hurt and possible dead by the time they hear you and come out. *

* In another sudden bolt, the animals charged once more. They were close, maybe 2 yards * 

* You grab your weapon, and jump at the creatures, you close your eyes ready to die...when you suddenly land on the ground. *

* When you open your eyes, the animals were gone. The bite was still there, hurting, but they were gone. *

* was silent *

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