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(( Sorry if I don't respond today, I'm sick and I really just want to not worry about writing anymore chapters. So some of these chapters may be a little bit boring and plad. Sorry ahead of time. ))

Admin: F-Fine...

* After persuasion, Admin jumped off the Gondola and towards the forest. The Pterosaurs attempted to try and hurt Admin, but he managed to dodge. *

* Admin had landed onto the forest ground 5 minutes after Dream did *


Admin: I was scared to jump off...

Dream: Could've told me that BEFORE we jumped...but at least you're ok.

* Dream looked around his surrounding, there was forest...and that was about it *

Admin: Where are we?

Dream: Somewhere near the main area or the Center of the park. I saw the Main area was somewhere off to he left of us.

Admin: Well c'mon ten.

* Admin walked towards the left, Dream shrugged and followed. With you behind. *

Dream: Frick.

Admin: What now?

* Dream stood infront of an intersection leading to the left and right *

Admin: Why does this always happen to us?

Dream: Well, we're going to the left. So logically, it would be to the left, right?

Admin: Yeah. I guess so. Come on then.


- Be logical and take the left path.

- For some odd reason, take the right one. ( DON'T CHOOSE THIS PATH! )


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