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* Dream, Thunder, Zoey, Emily, Flame, and YOU were in a car. You had just crashed on the left side of the car, debris flew in, the glass was shattered, and you had been tossed up and down *

* Dream was unconscious, with scars EVERYWHERE, and Emily was talking to a GPS ahead *

* Things couldn't get worse...could they? *  

~~~With SQUIP and the SQUIPped people~~~

* They were all in a dark room, you saw the SQUIPped people with BUCKETS full of white pills, HEAPS of Mountain Dew *

SQUIP: Hurry up workers, I don't have all day...

* Suddenly, lights flashed on above their heads, allowing you to see what they were doing *

* They were in the water facility, that spread water to the entire COUNTRY *

* They were dumping MANY pills into the water, and tons of Mountain Dew as well, but all it took was a little, and it would work *

Hailey: how much longer, boss?

SQUIP: You can step back, let the magic take its course.

* They all walked back. The pills started to fizz, as they disintegrated, and turned into TINY SQUIP's, which then flowed through the water, ready to be shipped *

SQUIP: Jake, did you pour the liquid and pills into the drinking water range?

Jake: Yes sir.

SQUIP: Good. Now...

* The SQUIP raised up a small video of the car driving away on the highway. The SQUIP looked shocked *


* The SQUIP lowered it, and sighed *

SQUIP: No worry, all it takes is one simple CLICK

* The SQUIP flipped a red switch, which caused the water to flow through a pipe...which then lead to the area where the drinking water would be sent to pipes and faucets *

SQUIP: Let's see how the human race does NOW~ = )

~~~In a home~~~

* A women had a glass, she walked to a faucet, and opened it, putting the glass cup under it *

Women: I need a drink, especially when it's THIS hot-

* The Women had raised the glass to her mouth, and began to drink *

*  The glass was dropped, causing glass to fly everywhere *

* she fell to the ground, holding on to her arms, as computer lines came down her cheek, and her eyes turned light blue. She screamed for a moment, before stopping, she smiled *

* The women stood up and walked to a cupboard *

* She opened it, and took out MANY glasses, she filled them with water *


* Three children plummeted down the stairs, bumping into each other, and finally turning the corner. Two were young brother and sisters, the other looked about 13 *

All the kids: What is it?

Women: Drink this, would you?

* The women pushed three glasses full of water towards them, they looked at it *

Older child: Why?

Women: Just do it, you'll see. It's, a special "fruit" juice...

Two younger kids: That's cwea?

Women: Yes clear, it's really good!

* they looked skeptical, but took the glasses and began to drink. Their eyes widened in pain *

* The three fell down too, and began to scream, but then stopped, computer lines had formed over their cheeks, and they had light blue eyes *

~~~In ANOTHER house~~~

* There was a husband and wife, sitting on the couch watching some Tv. They looked to be watching a sports channel. The husband leaned over the couch, and shouted from downstairs to upstairs *

Husband: Hey sweety? Could you get us a drink?

Child: What kind?

Husband: Anything honey! Maybe like a soda or something like pop like?

* The Husband went back to watching the Tv. But the child upstairs, however, had ALREADY gotten blue computer lines over their cheeks, and light blue eyes. She had a little bit of water in a glass, which she poured it into a Mountain Dew bottle, then did the same thing to ANOTHER mountain dew bottle. She walked downstairs. *

* She walked into the living room and handed them the drinks *

Child: Here!

Wife: Thanks, Christina!

* the wife and husband drank some of it, but almost as fast as they had drunk it *


* They almost LEAPT out of their spots, as they flew onto the floor, soon, the pattern began to happen again, the liens formed, and their eye color changed...*

* This was happening to SO MANY people, people who were SQUIPped began to run into streets, forcefully make others drink it, some people even went as far to fill lemonade cups with hints of the SQUIPped water. Which caused even MORE mayhem *

~~~T.v shows~~~

ABC News: We interrupt the show your watching for a breaking news story

NBC News: Adults and kids ALIKE are starting to have major reactions to tap water.

CNN News: Some people are blaming a disease or pipes, but what is know is that whatever is inside the piping is causing people to be hostile to OTHERS, and SPREAD the water through any means necessary.

FOX News: We advise you watch the type of water your drinking, and watch for people with any symptoms, which are listed as followed, and to steer clear of those people. Reactions come immediately from drinking the tap water, and people are suggesting not to drink ANY water forms EXCEPT some forms bottled water. 

CBN News: Also, be careful of what people you know or see are doing. If you notice any signs of the people you see or are with constantly trying to make you drink a clear liquid or ANY liquid at all, DO. NOT. DRINK. IT.

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