Riding the Shuttle

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( Your choice: Optimistic )

Hatred: Even if Dream or Auto try to ruin it, I'll still be making new parties, you can't just let those things get to you, after all.

Admin: I guess you're right...

Hatred: Now, I got work to do, I'll see you around.

Admin: ...See ya?

* Hatred left the house, and set the beer in his car, and drove away to his apartment. *

Admin: ...Huh, Hatred actually acted nice for once.

Admin: Strange.

---With Dream---

* Dream walked down the Hotel hall, he looked around and saw a woman at the front desk, he walked up to her. *

Dream: Excuse me, miss.

Woman: ?

Dream: Do you know how to get to the Tour of Cold Cove?

Woman: Oh yes! You can take this map here!

* The Woman gave a map to Dream, he looked at it, and nodded. *

Dream: Thanks, miss!

* Dream looked at the map, as he walked to the parking lot. *

Dream: So I take a left, and then a right...got it.

* Dream looked up and looked around. *

Dream: Now, how do I get there?

* Dream didn't rent a car and took a shuttle to the resort. So he would have to rely on the shuttle, which was supposed to stop off at the area where the tour starts. *

Dream: Shuttle...where is the shuttle.

* Dream suddenly heard a loud screeching of tires, he looked to his left and saw a large shuttle. *

Dream: Finally!

* Dream ran to it, as the doors opened and he entered, he walked up to the guy who drove it. *

Dream: Do you drive to Cold Cove?

Driver: Yes.

Dream: K, thanks!

* Dream walked inside, with his cold-suit and bag still, and sat down in a seat. *

Dream: .-.

* Dream waited for the shuttle to continue on, when it did he sat back in his seat and waited for his stop to come up. *

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