The Lab

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---20 days of school left---

* Dream was in the hall, it was a free period, and he was talking to someone else. The SQUIP watching over him *

???: So that's how I hit the goal

Dream: Pretty cool, if you ask ME, Caleb.

* Dream turned his attention to a slouching kid. He looked alone, and he was looking down. He had big glasses, and a striped shirt, plus blue jeans on. He was coming thier way *

SQUIP: Well well well, it looks like we have a geek. Hmmm wonder what would happen if, oh I don't know.

* The SQUIP pointed forward, causing Dream's foot to stretch out. The kid tripped on his foot, falling to the ground, and dropping all his stuff *

Dream: What'd you do THAT for?

Caleb: Wow, trip much geek?

???: S-Sorry! I-I'll be going now!

Caleb: You better be going...

* Dream felt horrible about tripping the kid up. He wanted to appoligize, but instead of a sorry, out came-*


* Dream covered his mouth, and this time, glared at the SQUIP *

SQUIP: Heh, sorry! Couldn't help it!

SQUIP: Now excuse me for a moment, Dream. I'll be right back...

* The SQUIP vanished into thin air. But then reappered in a dark hallway, it was the same halway to Rose's lab *

* The SQUIP floated forwards, and turned a left, entering the room where the lab was *

* Inside, three people, Hatred, Rose, and Admin *

SQUIP: How's the work coming?

Admin: It's coming up great! We're almsot done with the project!

SQUIP: Rose, inform me on how close they are to figuring out our weaknesses.

Rose * bored*: Probably about a hour. I don't know, I don't care really.

SQUIP: Excuse me?

* The SQUIP went to Rose *

SQUIP: Up Up Down Down Left Right A.

Rose: Wait, NO-

* Rose flung backwards, smashing into a wall. She groaned, and slowly got up *

SQUIP: What I apply to Dream, applys to your SQUIP's, and you, too.

All of them: Yes, boss...

SQUIP: Hatred?

Hatred: Yeah?

SQUIP:  Have you created the shells?

Hatred: Yeah, of course.

SQUIP: Oh, ok good. I mean, it would be a TEEEERRRIIIBLE thing if you were lying to me. You know what happens to workrs who lie, correct?

* Hatred froze, and began to sweat *

Hatred: Y-Yes of course, boss!

SQUIP: Good. Now get back to work before you end up like Rose.

* Hatred started fidgeting with his hands, and made shells *

SQUIP: It won't be long before Drean finds out the REAL truth of what I am doing.

SQUIP: But by the time he does...

SQUIP: It'll be too late = )

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