The Paradox World...

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* It had been ANOTHER week since Valentines day. Dream and Hatred had turned back to normal ( And they were disgusted with what they did ) *

* Dream was on his phone, looking at cat memes. Hatred was watching a Netflix Movie on the Tv. And Auto Message was cooking again*

* But then...Admin came in *


* Admin came crashing into the living room *

Dream: ? What is it?

Hatred: Did you get fired yet?

Auto message: Do you have more "REAL" News?

Admin: The Real News was a joke, Auto message -_-

Admin: NO! It's something cool I wanted to tell you about!

Hatred: Well, then spit it out!

Admin: You know the UnderFell AU's?

Dream: Oh no, don't tell me FELL Admin is living with us again ._.

Admin: No! I made this INCREDIBLE world!

Dream: ? Is it another one of those " JurassicTale"  Au's?

Admin: Nope :3. It's something's a PARADOX world!

Auto Message: Paradox World? Do you mean-

Admin: YUP! It's not even a "world" it's a ENTIRE new multiverse! I've been making it for a while now, of course I really just copied Au's and changed them ._., BUT ANYWAY it is FINALLY done!

Dream * curious*: So what is this " Paradox" world?

Admin: In this new multiverse. EVERYONE is a BAD. GUY! EVERYONE!

Hatred: Now THAT is COOL!

Drema: Uhhh, that sounds, cool I guess? What's the point in it?

Admin: It's like a place where you can see WHAT YOU ARE LIKE in a EVIL VERSON! Cool part is, For Hatred, that it last FOREVER to! You can see your counterpart ANYTIME and you'll get the SAME results as if you were to gosome OTHER time

Hatred: Your starting to sell me on the topic of this being a good idea, Admin :3

Auto Message: That sounds, kinda dangerous...

Admin: I can control the opening ANY TIME I want! And EVERYONE is there! Thunder, Star, Zoey, Dream, You, Hatred, Blue, Black, Frost, Bree, Ria, All Trisitinas, ALL Sans types! EVERY SINGLE THING H.E.R.E, IS IN T.H.E.R.E

Dream: Soooo, what you are telling us, is that you made a world where every UnderFell world is mashed together into ONE "World", but unlike UnderFell...there AREN'T any good guys?

Admin: Yup!

Hatred: Your idea sounds cool, Admin. But i'm pretty sure that is PROBABLLY a thing...

Admin: It doesn't matter! But Dream is correct, it's actually ALL UnderFell words, the exception of no good guys, and it is ONE W.H.O.L.E sorta "planet". All the AU'S are kinda mashed together!

Dream: Is there a Evil me?

Admin: Mmmmm-hm!

Hatred: Do I stay evil?

Admin: Yup!

Auo Message: Do I turn evil?

Admin: Yeah! ALL of you do!

Dream: That sounds like a interesting place to go...i'm worried though if we get stuck there...

Admin: Don't worry! The opener to the world will ALWAYS be in the hands of YOU! All you need is to put a sample of your blood/dust in, and it is INSTANTLY connected to you, and will STAY with you!

Dream: I kinda DO wanna see what I look like in this "new world"...One last question, will I look like, or ACT like  Hatred?

Admin: Oh no! I've seen only a FEW versions, like Hatred, Dream, Ink, Blue, and Star...but they are NOT like your evil counterparts in THIS realm!

Hatred:  Admin, when do we go?

Admin: You wanna go? Umm, my next visit is ACTUALLY in maybe 3 days from now?

Hatrerd: I'm coming with you then!

Dream: I'll go to, I guess...

Auto Message: Me too...

Admin: Perfect! Tell me if anyone ELSE wants to go! I'll be staying in my "Fell" realm for around 1 week, so you have PLENTY of time to see your counterparts! 

Dream: Ok...sounds reasonable...I'll get packing right now, actually...

*Dream got up, and headed to his room. *

Hatred: Yeah...

* Hatred got up and went to HIS room *

* Auto Mssage turned of the oven and stove, and covered the food up with small plates. Then she strolled over to where SHE was in, and began to pack *

Admin:  I can't WAIT!

* Admin headed to HIS room, and began to pack*

* ... *

* But for som odd reason, there was the feeling you were being watched *

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