The Truth?

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5:11 AM May 13, 2008

Nightmare had been placed in a Secion C prision cell. He couldn't escape, not without leaving the cell. Which never happened in Section C, D, or E prision cells. However, a new event has been brouguht aware. They are saying that a monster had been persudaing Nightmare to fall into these crimes. They say that this person has a long list of crimes in Dreamtale, I have not heard which perso. But, I will be told tomorrow.



* :) typed: No, because i've done ALMOST enough to prove my point *

Dream: W-What point?!

* :) typed: Don't act like a fool, Dream. Don't try and play it off like nothing *

Dream: I don't know w-what you're talking about...

* :) typed: Oh? No memory at all? *

Dream: N-No...

* :) typed: Oh, ok then. Let me set the scene. 2005, Nightmare is backed into a corner, crying cause of depression. Does that help? *

Dream: ...W-What?

* :) typed: It's a shocker you have friends at all. You don't remember? Because that wasn't how you reacted to me? *

Dream: Stop it...S-Stop planting all these false facts.

* :) typed: We all know that THEY  didn't do it. *

Dream: Nether d-did I. Y-You got the wrong guy...I don't k-know what you're doing here, but you've obviously made a mis-

* :) face cam turned on...but there were papers infront . You could clearly make out words *

Dream: W-What are those?

* :) typed: Your police reports. EVERY bad things you've done. Are all listed down here. *

* You could see on the paper at t start where from 2016-2018. There was some bad stuff, not a lot. Shoplifting was really the only thing. *

* But then you got to 2010-2011 *

* ...And you saw some pretty MAJOR bad things. Stealing, Destruction. *

* Then 2006-2010...*

* And almost all, ALL OF IT, was HORRIBLE deeds. These were discriptive ones. Destructing Towers, Murdering Police, Murdering tens of hundreds of Innocent People, Poisoning the Water system, Destroying Airport terminals, releasing Tiger Sharks into Freshwater beaches and lakes. Releasing Crocodiles and Alligators all over lakes. Pushing people off cliffs. Destroying things like the Grand Canyon and White House. Attempt at killing officials, Vandalyzing hundreds of homes. *

Dream: ...

* :) typed: Wanna explain? *

Dream: You m-made these all up.

* :) typed: Hahaha, nice try. These are all official papers. How about explaining this one? *

* The camera narrowed into one...causing the destruction from Nightmare by bullying and physical torture. *

* :) typed: Well? *

Dream: Y-You're a liar. Y-You're a dirty liar...You made these up.

* :) typed: Yeah, once again nice try. *

* :) typed: Your the reason this all happened. You're the cause of all of this. *

* :) typed: You. *

* It narrowed to the top. It read "The Star Killer" *

* :) typed: Are the Star Killer. *

(( Pretty cringey name, I know .-. ))

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