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* As everyone got in their positions, the Gyrosphere rolled off the platform and onto the ground.  Admin was freaking out, while Dream looked around for any dinosaurs. The sound of a man could be heard from the Gyrosphere *

* Gyrosphere: Hello! Ad welcome to Gyrosphere Valley! Here, you can get glimpses of natures most prehistoric herbivores and carnivores! On our trip, you may be able to get glimpses of Ankylosaur's, Tricerotopsians. Or maybe even some of our fan favorites, the Edmontosaurus, and Parasaurolophus! *

* Gyrosphere: Don't worry about the trikes and Anky's, we got ya covered! Our Gyrosphere is on an invisible path that blocks any dinosaur from getting to close to us! *

* At this point, Dream and Admin started to zone out. Until Admin shot up. *

Admin: OH! I SEE SOMETHING! IT LOOKS LIKE A SMALL HEADED- Wow...that's a big dinosaur.

* A large tank like animal popped out of the ferns. It stumbled and gave low grumbles, as it's armored body slowly made it's way to the ferns. *

Dream: That's gotta be the Ankylosaurus.

Admin: I think I see a Triceratops!

Dream: Admin, be quiet. You don't wanna upset the dinosaurs, righhhhhhhh...

* As Dream and Admin looked around, Dream trailed off in his speech. There were dinosaurs EVERYWHERE! There was a Parasaurolophus in the middle of the field, hooting towards you all. There was an Ankylosaurus off to the right, and a Triceratops off to the left. Maybe one or two Apatasaurus's and/or Brachiosaurs's, and even some Gallimimus running along the pasture. *

Dream: This is amazing O_O

* Gyrosphere: Make sure to look out for some other sneaky predators though! The Dilophosaurus loves to prowl along the sides of the ride. If you are lucky enough to see one, make sure to take a picture and tag it to Jurassic World for your expert finding skills! But also, be aware the Dilophosaurus has a venomous spit projectile, that can reach almost 20 feet! But don't worry, our invisible forcefield will keep them out of your reach! *

* Dream looked kinda concerned that a dangerous carnivore was allowed, but Admin didn't care. He quickly steered the Gyrosphere towards the Ankylosaur *

Admin: I wanna see them closer! I need to get a good drawing!

Dream: Admin, did you forget? Invisible forcefei-

* Dream looked forward and had widened eyes. There was a Gallimimus on the path...which meant that if the Gallimimus could get on the forcefield *

Dream: But I thought...

* Admin steered the Gyrosphere closer to the herbivores still. *

* ...That meant they could get off the path they needed to take. And so could the dinosaurs.*

Dream: Admin! STOP!

* Dream grabbed the handle and pulled it back, but Admin pulled forward. *

Admin: Let go! We haven't even hit the invisible forcefield yet!


* ...There was a low grumble, as Dream and Admin stopped talking and turned to the herbivores. The Ankylosaurus was thumping its tail on the earth and was grunting. Its armor pointed towards you all. *

Dream: ...Everyone duck, NOW!

* In the blink of an eye, the Ankylosaurus spun it's body around, and its club whacked the Gyrosphere's, with you all inside. *

* The Gyrosphere spun in mid-air and bounced backward. Each bounce that was landed, caused the glass around that area to crack. The Gyrosphere bounced back 10 times, 2 of those times the glass shattered and spun everywhere inside, before screeching to a halt. And creating a large line of unearthed soil. *

* Both Gyrosphere's were upside down, Dream and Admin were hanging by their seats. The glass below was shattered, and the one above was severely damaged. Dream managed to make Admin and himself fall to the bottom, as he crawled his way out. Admin woke up, and started to panic *


Dream: Shhh, s-stay calm. Give me a sec.

* Dream pulled Admin out, then went over to you and pulled you out / brought you in next *

Dream: There...that wasn't that bad, was it?

* Admi was shaking in fear *

Dream: Listen, what matters is we're ok now. Come on, I think we can walk from here...

* ... *

* A high-pitched snarl could be heard from behind Dream *

Dream: ...Not again...

* Dream quickly turned around. To see a large meat-eater standing right there. It had a long snout, large teeth, short arms. It looked like a juvenile t-rex, but different. It was bouncing left to right, much faster. *

Admin: ?! WHAT IS THAT?!

Dream: I-I have no clue! I don't remember Ingen putting something like this on its list!

* The large animal snarled and lunged at you all. Dream and Admin grabbed each other and started running, you had to follow behind. *

* They ran towards the mountains, with this new animal chasing you. It was much faster than expected, and it was practically bouncing on its feet after you. *

* Eventually, after 10 minutes of stopping to rest for a minute, you managed to reach the area of the mountains. The animal was still after you, LITERALLY right behind you. As the slope began to incline, the animal began to slow down. After about another few couldn't see it anymore. *

* Looks like your home free *

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