The Escape Plan

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It was supposed to be a good school trip. My friends/school mates and I were currently locked in the kitchen, no adults around. It was just after we arrived and set up for the night when we heard a drill. When we gathered near the front we saw the door being boarded up. I was about to ask when a ear-splitting scream was heard. We turned to see Katlin being eaten. I gulp then shake my head to get focused. "Everyone to the kitchen." I yell running towards the kitchen as I see Grace and Ashley following close behind me. Most of the others were with us.
By the time we're all in the kitchen we're down twenty people with thirty left. I look around the room and see mostly everyone in fear and sadness. I look next to me with a blush seeing no other then my crush. He's tall with a mop of black hair and dazzling blue eyes. He was looking at the others. I heard something under the sink that we were standing by. Then in a blink of an eye, he was gone, as there was a struggle going on under the sink. I hold the doors shut as I reach over and grab the gun close to me. I moved away and then shot at him hearing the struggle stop. Then I lit a match and tossed it under, burning the body. I look around and see everyone looking at me as I felt my heart shatter. "We're not safe here, I saw a weapon bunker on the way here." I say as the others followed me out.
We arrived in the bunker with ten others gone. We were down to twenty. I was panting against the steel door when I heard banging behind me. I looked around and saw that we had more guys than girls as everyone was scared. "The door should hold, first everyone needs to learn how to wield a gun." Some of the guys offered to teach and I let them as I went to a side table and started to work on an antidote. I thought up some simple things and used the chemistry kit that was there. Soon I finished a prototype and put some of it in a syringe when the door broke down and screaming sounded behind me. I got up quickly, grabbed my gun and spun around shooting at the flesh-eaters as more came. I realized there were too many here for me to take them on in the bunker. "I'm not dying till the world knows who Kaylub is!" I screamed then lit a match and threw it on the corpses and it caught on some of the others. The standing ones ran from the flames in fear as one bit me on my shoulder tearing through skin and muscle. I ignored the pain as I rotated my gun and shot the Eater in the head as I gripped my shoulder. I stumbled into the room. They all had their guns trained on me. "Calm down...I'm not turning." I stood up and walked over towards the bed. There I took my antidote and injected it into my neck, near my wound. I hate needles. "I'll let you know if you should kill me or not." I said as I started to fall asleep.
When I woke up the guys still had guns trained on me. "Calm down I'm still human." I say standing as my shoulder was healed...weird.
"Oh yeah prove it." I shrugged and pulled my pants down showing them my purple undies and their eyes went wide as I pulled my pants back up.
"No decay around my area so I'm human." I said looking around noticing how most of the girls, except for Grace, were gone. "Where did they go?" I asked the idiot guys.
"Bathroom," I blink at their stupidity.
"And you didn't stop them, or go with them!?!" I practically yelled at them angered as I heard a soft knock on the door. I glare at the guys then open the door to see Ashley with bite marks and torn flesh. The guys aim at her. "How do you feel?"
"I'm tired," I nod leading her to the bed where I lay her down and give her some of the antidote as she falls asleep.
Hours pass and I'm still awake. We decided to take shifts so they could sleep...I haven't slept once. I deal with insomnia, so it's only natural I don't sleep. Grace was awake with me, but I could tell she was soon to fall asleep as well. I heard a groan and got up from by the door and looked over at Ashley who laid on the bed looking at me. "Did it work?" I asked, stepping towards her. She checked under the covers and shook her head. "Don't worry we'll think of-"
"Kill me." She said cutting me off. I blinked as tears formed in my eyes as I shook my head. "Please I want you to kill me before the others do. I don't want to die to them, please Kayla Plea-" I shot her in the head and flipped the cartage and torched her. The others awoke at this time and I held my composure as I felt dead inside. Ashes. I thought as I scooped up Ashley's ashes and mixed them in with my next few batches of antidotes. I hear the door give way.
"Don't shoot!" I yell as I syringe a new antidote and inject it into the Eater who then fell to the floor unconscious. "Help me get the door up...again." I hate this door. I thought as I picked up most of the weight. Soon as the door was again secure, I turned to the blonde man who groaned as he stood up holding his head.
"W-what happened, who are you kids?" He asked as I took a few steps towards him.
"My name is Kaylub, I know I look feminine for a male, but that's due to me having Klinefelter syndrome." I said with a soft smile as I stood there. "I'm the leader of the group. We're here due to an outbreak which turns people into Flesh Eaters." I say as the guys looked at me extremely confused.
"Kayla stop lying, you're a girl...the rest is true though." I rolled my eyes as I led the man to the bed.
"My name is Alastair." He said as I nodded.
"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" I asked as he nodded. "Good, now these guns are different, they have a switch mode which turns them into flamethrowers." I show him with my gun. He nodded as I look around. I exited the room and traveled the halls shooting at any and all Flesh Eaters, but I only shot them in non lethal areas to prevent them from dying. When I returned Alastair was okay and ready to move.
"What did you do?" One of the guys asked.
"Simple, I laced the bullets with my antidote and went through the building shooting the Eaters and now they should be human again." Everyone looked at me.
"Yeah, but where would they go?"

"Where else except to the ballroom." I then nod to Grace who grabs her gun and follows me out. The others, deciding it was better to stick together, follow as well. I lead the way to the balcony where it overlooks the ballroom. We look over a sea of confused faces, most people have torn clothing, matted hair, and a paleness in complexion. I step forwards as a child points me out causing all eyes to gaze up at me. I gulp then gain my composure. "Hi, my name is Kayla, now I know this may be a bit blunt, but we're in a zombie apocalypse. I'm pretty sure that this forest is the only place infected with this breed of zombies that we have dubbed the Flesh Eaters. So on this note, my colleagues and I will protect you as we exit the forest." I smile at the end to hopefully boost morals as I feel someone coming up behind me. I spin around and aim my gun directly into my crushes face as he holds his hands up in surrender. I lower my gun as my heart and head asks the same I decide now's not the best time to ask silly questions as I pull out a syringe filled with the antidote and inject him with it. He doesn't flinch. I then walk by him without a word as Grace again resumes my second in command spot. We all regroup around the main door. "Okay, here's how this is going to work. Everyone will remain inside the ring of guns for the best protection." After I receive confirmation nods, we head off.

After a while of walking, and of me constantly trying to stay away from my crush, who for some reason now wants to be by me, I over hear the guys talking including my crush. "Is there a reason she's avoiding me?" He asked as I kept an ear out for movement besides our own.

"Well, I don't know she's always been a weird one." I have half a brain to turn around and punch this male dead in the chest.

"I know, but if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be alive right now." I smile at this.

"True, look at it from her perspective, she thought she killed you only for you to come back, not infected, and now you're finally noticing her. Do you even know her name?" I feel my heart grow heavy as he doesn't respond. I feel a pat on my shoulder and look over to see Grace standing there, a smile on her face that reminds me that everything's going to be all right. I smile back at her as I hear someone complain. I look back to see most of the people exhausted then I look to the sky.

"We'll camp here for the night; guards all around the perimeter." I say looking at my group. They nod and spread out. To my dismay, my crush chooses to stand near me. I can tell he wants to talk, but in my mind I don't want to hear it. After a few minutes of us just sitting there in silence, a bush ruffles to reveal a large dog with blood dripping from its growling mouth. I can tell that it's infected due to the hazy eyes that only see kill. I see my crush about to shoot when I get in his way pulling out an antidote and healing the dog who promptly passes out. I then turn towards my crush giving him my famous death glare as I see him physically shiver. That's when we hear a choked scream that makes my blood go cold. I rush to the back to see my one nightmare come true. I shoot the Eater and then burn it to a crisp as I rush to catch Grace in my arms. I notice not her ripped open gut, but the smile on her face that makes me tear up. I put a hand over her wound applying pressure, but I can tell it in her eyes. She's not planning on coming out of this alive.

"K-Kayla, c-can you p-pet my hair l-like you always did in class, a-and sing me off?" I nod unable to speak as I pull her against my chest and pet her hair in the calming way that I used to do.

"~Sleep now, close your eyes, the day is nearly over. The sun has set, the stars arise, the moon is shining over. Tomorrow is another day, full of joy and laughter. For now just sleep, and rest your eyes, the worry gone and faded.~" I couldn't continue as I saw the last of her life flicker out of existence during the song, the smile on her face still bright and calm. I let the tears flow freely as I stand up laying her softly on the ground...I torched her and filled a vial with her ashes putting them next to the remains of Ashley's ashes in my bag. I couldn't stop the tears. I just lost both of my friends, and I had to kill them to prevent them from being in so much pain. I then remembered the people behind me and I build back up my emotion wall as I turn and walk ahead of them.

It was silent as we continued through the forest. No one dared to speak as they were all probably trying to let me grieve in peace, but I was okay, I was used to having any hope drained from me. I could tell that one of the scout that I sent ahead was stalling. I look toward on of my trusted males and gave him a nod. He returned the nod and I rushed off ignoring the calls of my crush telling me to come back. I went over toward Alastair who held his gun up at a female Flesh Eater. "T-that's my wife." He said as I nodded. I pulled out a syringe and inject it into her neck from behind. Alastair dropped his weapon to catch her. I smiled a bit. "Thank you Kaylub." I hear him say as I went a bit pink but smiled nonetheless.

By the time we reached the exit, everyone made it out that was saved. I also gained three dog friends, all who look like wolves. But then, when I tried to pass over onto the pavement...I couldn't. I saw everyone look at me with confusion, concern, or both except for one person. Alastair's wife held anger in her eyes. I started to think as of why she would hate me? Then it hit me."You're the witch who caused all this aren't you?" Her glare was ever present.

"They took this land from my family, so I took their humanity from them." She said with a smirk as Alastair looked at her in horror.

"You killed hundreds of people. You nearly killed me. If it wasn't for Kaylub-"

"KAYLA!" My classmates yelled as he just shook their comment off.

"I would have had a bullet in my head. Don't you care?" He asked as she rolled her eyes.

"All I wanted was revenge." He pulled the trigger killing her as she fell into the forest. I took a step forward and was relieved when I passed through. My crush stepped forward.

"I'm sorry Kayla for everything." He said as I rolled my eyes then leaned up and kissed him on the lips wrapping my arms around his neck. At first he was shocked then I felt him kiss me back and his arms around my waist. I could hear people cooing us. I broke away and smiled at him.

"You're still my crush."

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