Water City

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Jamie was a slim sixteen year old who lived in Water City, a small town that was on water, and the means of transportation was to swim, boat, or water ski to where you needed to go. Jamie was an excellent swimmer one of the best in the town and he lived with his mom and was an only child as his father died when he was six due to the beast in the bay. The beast in the bay was half lion and half fish with the upper body of a lion and the lower half of a fish. They say it arrived during the storm that founded the Water city and now it lives in the bay guarding its territory. "Jamie hurry or we will be late for the anniversary party." Called Jamie's mother who stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming mom." Jamie called looking in the mirror at his slick black hair and slightly pale skin along with his six pack and arm muscles to make him slightly less skinny. He looked up and looked into his own sea blue eyes and smiled his signature white smile. Okay, just remember, this is for the town. Ignore all their comments and spiteful words, and at all costs avoid Davin. He nodded then grabbed his water resistant black backpack and went downstairs and saw his mother who shared his hair and skin complexion, but he had his father's eyes. They nodded to each other then stepped out of the house and dived into the water and started to swim. Jamie swam with delight, yet strong strokes. Jamie felt the water around him and kept pace hearing it move along with his own breathing, which was controlled, and his heartbeat.

Soon they arrived at the party and climbed out of the water. Jamie went into the house to change out of his swimming wear. He entered the bathroom not realizing that a certain blond jock was in there. As he was changing, Davin had a bright red blush and a slight nosebleed at seeing Jamie's body. Jamie exited the bathroom with a sigh at not having to deal with any bullying by fellow classmates for his body. Dame he has a really nice body, today I will make him mine. Davin smirked as he wiped his nose and exited the bathroom. He went downstairs to see Jamie sitting with a book in hand about strong swimming techniques. He snickered at Jamie's usual behavior as he went up behind him. "Hey Jamie," He said taking the book out of his hands.

"Stop calling me Gu- wait did you call me by my name?" Jamie said turning to look at his usual bully.

"Yeah that is your name?" Davin said smirking. Jamie just looked at him in shock making Davin rub the back of his neck at the look. "So...um what do you wanna do?" He said nervous as Jamie looked at him confused. Sea blue eyes meet chocolate brown ones as they stared at each other for a few minutes Davin was the first to look away as he felt his face heat up he cleared his throat. "So...wanna grab some food, I heard they got your favorite candy, gumballs." He saw as Jamie's face lit up and he jumped over the couch and grabbed his hand dragging him over to the food table. Davin's face was flushed red as a tomato. Jamie released his hand and started to make his plate as Davin watched with a smile. So far so good. He thought as he also made a plate. Jamie sat down at a table outside and watched the clouds. Davin sat next to him and looked at his crush as his skin glistened in the sun and his eyes held sparkles of delight. He realized he was staring and blushed as he started to eat his food. Jamie looked at him with confusion. Davin was more muscular than him and his skin was tanner than his pale skin. He shrugged and started to chow down on his food. Davin kept taking glances at Jamie every chance he got. When both boys finished they went back inside and sat on the couch chatting to each other. Why is he being nice to me and he didn't call me Guppy like he usually would. It's probably due to his friends not being here or that today is the city's anniversary or his parents told him to be nice to me. Jamie thought this and his face fell making Davin look at him confused. When he was about to comfort him another kid came in.

"Yo, Davin, your dad is flirting with Jamie's mom." Both boys looked at each other then jumped up to go to their parents. Dad did you have to put the plan in effect right now! Ugg I was so close to touching him. Davin thought as they both exit to see Jamie's mom in the water.

"Jamie we're leaving." She said as she started to swim. Jamie nodded wanting to leave the weird sensation he got being near Davin. He took of his suit to reveal his bathing suit.

"Wait," Davin tried to grab him but he was too quick and was already in the water catching up to his mom. Both Davin and his father got into their boat and raced after the two swimmers.

"Show him who you really are!" Jamie stopped as did his mom. He looked at her confused as she just looked away.

"All I wanted was a family, a son." She said tears pricking her eyes.

"Mom what do you-"

"I'm not your mom!" She shouted at him making him flinch. Then they all heard a roar like the beasts but deeper. They looked past the bay to see a pride of liomades. James looked at his "mom" to see her smile and cry tears of joy as she shifted to her true form. She looked at Jamie who smiled a sad smile as she lept out of the water, over Jamie, and swam to her family. The pride left the city and vowed to never return leaving the citizens in peace. Davin looked at Jamie who was still treading water and looking at the path the liomades left in.

"Hey need a lift?" Davin asked as Jamie turned to him nodding. He helped him out of the water what he saw shocked him. Jamies eyes were wet with tears as he cried. Davin, not use to seeing Jamie cry, lifted up his head and landed a sweet and tender kiss on his lips. Jamie, shocked at first, melted into the kiss feeling safe and secure in Davins arms.

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