Chapter 12 - The First Kill

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☽ ⚜ Erosvent's Pov ⚜ ☾

Erosvent could see the drooling man in his hold for what he really was. He'd been in his mind, seen the sickening things he had done to Elaina, seen what he had made her do. He would not allow this man's life to continue.

Elaina lay sobbing and broken against the darkened wall of the room. Her blank stare only proved that this piece of meat in his grasp wasn't even good for sustenance. He was nothing, a worthless excuse for a human being, a pest, the realm would be better off without him.

The human finally stirred in his grip, coming to after the assault on his mind. He was groggy and only mildly responsive as he fought to come back to himself, somewhat regaining his bearings. 

Yes, he wanted him awake for this. 

A twisted grin crept across Eros's lips, he wanted to make this bastard suffer.

"W-What did you do to me!? Did you drug me?" The human spouted as he found himself fully alert.

It didn't matter, Erosvent wasn't in a talkative mood anymore. He just wanted to see the creature's blood coating the walls and floor. An animalistic growl escaped as he reached forward, a clawed hand enchasing the human's slender neck. The audible gasp the thing made from his tight grasp only increased his excitement. What other noises would his prey make when its life was fading? He wanted to know.

Kneeling on the firm mattress of the bed once again, his vision focusing solely on the quivering animal in his hold. Then, he placed his free hand on the creature's shoulder as a second anchor, the grip on the thing's neck only tightening. It made a horrible gurgling sound as though choking on its own saliva in an attempt to breathe beneath his hold. He released it was still trying to speak, but no words escaped as its face appeared to slowly change colour, a hint of blue spreading with every passing moment.

If this light hold was crushing its wind pipe shut, just how strong was he? Curious he suddenly decided to test it. If he squeezed hard enough would this human's head pop like a grape? Or...

He pulled upwards with his hand clasping the man's throat, holding firmly onto the thing's neck while pushing down on its shoulders.

How easy would it be to detach the limb from its body? Would it even come off?

He watched as the skin began to tear, giving way to the sheer force he was applying. The elasticity of the skin gave way and the man's head detached from his body with more ease than he had imagined. The arterial spray from the severed carotid and vertebral arteries jettisoned outward, dousing Erosvent and his surroundings in a thick red liquid. The man's body fell backward onto the filthy mattress, with each beat of the heart more blood oozed until there was nothing more it could beat. There he lay a corpse, and so quickly.

He watched as the thing's eyes darted around a few times before they finally faded and stilled, interesting. Was human life always this fleeting... He felt... Powerful.

Erosvent was breathing heavily, gasping wildly for air, his hand still gripped tightly around the man's neck. Adrenaline rushed wildly through him,  a manic grin across his feathers as the metallic smell invaded his senses, it was alluring, hypnotizing, addicting.

"W-What have you done." Elaina's muttering scared voice caught his attention.

His head snapped toward her. That's right, there was another little thing in this room. Something else to play with.

She gasped, her body tensing and her eyes filling with fear.

He dropped the head he held, it bounced lightly on the ground before rolling on its side. A horrified expression, seemingly frozen in time on the corpse's face looked up at her as it gently oozed blood onto the ground.

She squeaked pushing her body tightly against the wall behind her, wanting to create space between the severed body part and her legs.

Erosvent found the little mouse amusing. He chuckled, a deep uncanny sound that would put anyone on edge. He took a step forward. His mind was relishing in the idea of what this woman would taste like. The scent of her fear was different to the rat's that he had disposed of. What fun could he have with this one? He stretched out a claw-like hand, droplets of blood dripping from the tips of his fingers as he went to reach for her.

The air shifted and his hand was abruptly stopped. 

A man appeared before him, blocking his view of the female. He snarled, this was his prey, his kill to make!

"Stop!"  The stern voice resonated deep within his mind as the words were also spoken aloud. They held enormous power over him compelling him to freeze on the spot.

Erosvent growled at the newcomer, his mind was only filled with rage and hunger. This newcomer was of his blood, the Alarian he had met recently, but that didn't mean he wouldn't attack given the opportunity. How dare he interrupt his hunt.

"Leave this place!"

The words filled with power clawed at the inside of his skull, try as he might he couldn't resist the command. His eyes were trained on the girl as he strode past her and was forced outside, not without resistance on his part. However, nothing he tried worked. It was aggravating, he could still hear her elevated heat rate enticing him to struggle harder against the hold over him. The veins on his forehead threatened to burst in sheer protest he was forced to surrender to the other Alarian power.

"Head for the stream, clean yourself up and wait for me there."

A searing pain shot through his skull as he was forced to obey yet another command. His blood was boiling as his body moved on its own. He could hear a conversation start up from within the room. Each agonising step away from his prey only made his anger grow, but the words that were spoken didn't register, couldn't register. Only the anger and resentment of a meal stolen filled his being.

The camp they had made wasn't too far from the building, which had been intentional. This thankfully meant it wasn't a long walk before the seedy establishment was out of sight and he was surrounded by nature. Though it did little to nothing to quell him.

His feet dragged him into the small stream of calf-deep water that was slowly trickling down the gradient of the land. With utter distaste, he splashed water over himself washing the blood of the rodent from his form. Soon all that remained was his now slightly pinkish-stained white shirt and wet and soggy leather pants. The scent of blood still lingered but it was nowhere near as potent.

Several long agonising minutes passed as he stood in the water still unable to move. The command held him firm, he couldn't disobey. His heart rate was slowly calming as the adrenaline rush from earlier dissipated.

He was returning to himself, though a clawing hunger still held a steady grip over him. The clarity of what he had just done, of what he had just become. And how close he had been driven to madness, who was he kidding, he had been there. He'd let the beast out and it had taken hold.

A branch snapped behind him as someone approached. As Zeph came into view the command over him was fulfilled and he was released from under its hold. He gasped falling to a knee at the sheer release of pressure from his mind.

"Back to yourself?"

His head snapped up. "How did you-"

Zeph cut him off. "Another time, right now the girl is more important."

What was more important than an ability that was only meant to be from the royal bloodline!? Who was this Alarian and why didn't he know of him? A resounding headache was setting in, a painful reminder that this man was not what he seemed. And far more powerful than he. There was no denying that he would be a fallen right now without this man's aid.

"Is-Is Elaina okay?" He managed as he forced himself to stand and exit the water. His boots had filled with water, making for a not-so-comfortable walking environment.

"No. She's rather traumatized, I've done my best to calm her, but she does not trust me. She needs to speak to you."

"I don't think that's the best idea-"

"I couldn't agree more. However, you started this, you must end it." Zeph stood with his arms crossed over his chest. "You need to gain better control of yourself, I won't always be around to stop you from eating her."

Eros cringed. The truth of his words struck a cord. "I-I don't know how." 

He'd avoided humans for this very reason, he'd felt temptation and a lust that came with the hunger, but never had he experienced the rush of what the curse provided when he killed someone. frowned up at the Alarian, what in the world was he talking about?

"It must be you. She wants to see it with her own eyes, her brother that is."

He sighed, so that's what he meant by finishing what he started. With a grim look, he nodded. "Can you command the hunger to not bother me?"

Zeph humphed. "If only." He muttered with little explanation.

"I... I need to feed before I see her again, I don't trust myself." He admitted.

"It won't help," Zeph stated taking him by surprise. "You may have washed it off but you're still covered in human blood, that scent will continue to entice you until..."

Then what was he meant to do!?

"You need to feed from her-"

"No!" Eros shook his head cutting Zeph off.

"I've already explained this to Elaina, she understands."

"No!" He repeated more firmly.

Zeph let out a frustrated sigh. "You barely understand the curse, you haven't even tried to understand it-"

"I will do no such thing, are you trying to turn me!? Is that it? Are you actually fallen and you're toying with me!?" Anger reared its head.

"Calm down Eros, anger is the trig-"

"CALM DOWN! You're telling me to feed from a human!? The one thing we are taught never to do!" This idiot didn't know what he was saying, he was trying to trick him, and he wouldn't fall for it. His heart rate was increasing as an overwhelming sense of hatred filled him. His life on Earth would have been better if he had gotten rid of the rat earlier... he could do the same with this creature.

"Eros." Zeph warned. "You're dipping again, don't make me use a command again."

"Stop! Just stop already. No more arguing!" Elaina stepped into view. "Please..."

"You bought her with her!?" Erosvent was bearly holding on by a thread.

"You would have me leave in her the blood-coated room? Of which we still need to clean up, unless you want her to be on the next wanted posters."

His eyes were trained solely on Elaina, she was trembling and her heart was pounding in her chest. She shouldn't be here. He stiffened becoming all too aware of her presence. Of his want of what was rushing through her veins.

"I-I want to help you..." She managed in a quiet tone. Now that all attention was on her she was appearing slightly shy and hesitant compared to her outburst just prior.

"You can't help," Eros responded turning his head away from her, trying to block all that she was from his senses. He glared at the other Alarian and took off into the woods leaving the pair behind. How dare he even suggest such a thing!

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