Yestië Aiano (Surprise Guest)

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Recap -

I shut my door, and began to explore.
There was a washroom, a single bed that didn't look particularly comfortable but again, better then nothing.
I silently wondered when I would have a chance to bathe again. Sighing, I decided to pull a chain signaling I'd like hot water for a bath. A few ladies soon arrived with steaming hot water and poured it into the tub.
"Thank you." I spoke.
"Your welcome, miss." A blonde young woman spoke.
As soon as they left, I got into the bath and scrubbed my long hair and body.
Soon I was out, dressed and into bed, ready for the next day to come. - Hobbiton.

What it held in store, was unknown.

You'll need these from now on -

*Apostrophe marks in italics ' are thoughts

Example: 'can I do this?'

* Italics without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)

Example: "run!"

* Asterisk symbol * in bold is a translation for any of Tolkien's languages.

Example: "Tharkûn." *Gandalf.*

I was awoken with three loud knocks on my door at what seemed to me, as the regular time we usually start packing.
"I'll be right their!" I yelled.
Fighting with my covers, which were thin and tangling with my legs I ended up falling out of bed with a loud thump and a groan.
"Elena, are you alright?" I heard Thorin's muffled voice ask concerned.
"I'm peachy, just peachy." I responded, getting up.
It was a minute or two later that I discovered something completely new. My eyesight had enhanced.
This, shook me but keeping Gandalf's words in my mind helped in a strange way.
"I'll be alright..." I whispered.

Opening the door, Thorin examined my body to make sure I had no visible injuries.
"I fell off the bed. Blame the covers." I explained.
Thorin shook his head, smirking.
"Are you almost ready?" He asked.
"Nearly. I just need to brush my hair and possibly braid it."
"That would be a good idea."
I sat on my bed, and started to brush then braid my hair, one I've done countless times. - I tied it off with a hair tie one I luckily had on me, and planned on keeping. If possible.

Minutes later, I had done a side braid, hoping it would stay for a majority of the journey.

"I'm ready now, I think. Though, can we buy a horse perhaps?"
"Aye, that we can."
"Thorin, something new has arisen. My eyesight, its developed."
"How are you taking these changes so far?" He asked.
"Alright I suppose, it's not like I can go back. Nor would I. How about you? Don't you hate elves?"
Thorin looked me in the eye, "You have nothing to do with my hatred for the elven kind. I will not turn my back on you, Elena."
I nodded. My fear had evaporated.

Heading downstairs, and returning the keys, we left The Prancing Pony behind us.
"I won't miss that place." I spoke. Disgust underlying my voice.
"I agree with you there."

We found the stalls, Thorin examined the horses and found a nice mare.
"We'll take her." He informed the stable boy, who informed his boss.
An exchange of coins was seen once more.
Thorin gave me the reins once a saddle was on her. "She's yours now."
"I'll think of a name." I spoke, mounting the mare.
She was gentle but I could sense a "spark" in her.
Thorin led the way out of Bree and towards Hobbiton once on his pony.

"How long will it take to get to The Shire?" I asked.
"A days ride. We'll be their by nightfall." He informed me.
"That's good to hear." I spoke, relieved.
"How will we get me a weapon?" I questioned, the thought reoccurring.
"We'll find one for you down the road, until then you may use one from the company's."

Night had fallen, it was much tricker getting to Bag End then I had thought. The house was visible, sure. But getting their? Well, that was a problem. The Shire was a maze.

"Do you know which home it is?" Thorin asked.
"Yes, it's that one on the hill." I pointed.

A half-hour later, we had finally found the correct road to take us their.
We had left his pony and my horse, Clara outside of Mr.Baggin's home, tied to the fence.
Walking up the path, I had butterflies in my stomach. There was no music like there should be, no "What Bilbo Baggins Hates." Or perhaps they already sang that?

Thorin reached the door and knocked three loud, solid, knocks. He looked behind himself, at me. I smiled nervously.
Faintly shuffling of footsteps could be heard.
Gandalf the Grey opened the door.

"Gandalf." Thorin spoke, calmly.
Gasps and whispers filled the air.
"Ah, Thorin. Please, do come in." The Wizard spoke.
"Come, Elena." Thorin nodded towards the house.
"Bilbo Baggins, Dwarves of Erebor, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield and his companion miss Elena."
We entered the Hobbit Hole where nothing and everything but stares, whispers, shock and at the same time silence greeted us.
A blond hair colored Dwarf that looked to be related to Thorin stepped forward. "Thorin... I don't understand, how are you alive?"

Thorin bundled up his cloak and put it near the weapons.
He clasped his brother's shoulder, "Frerin, it's all thanks to this woman, Elena."
"A woman?" He asked, looking between us.
The others had now turned their eyes onto me.
"Elena, is no woman. She is an Elleth. A female elf. Which, before any of you speak out against her! The Valar have brought her to us. She's here to help us on the quest to reclaim the mountain. Elena has the knowledge needed for the dangers ahead." Gandalf informed them.
"But she's an elf!" Ori shouted.
"I've heard more than once, "go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes." Are you sure we can trust her, Thorin?"
Thorin sighed, "Elena has not betrayed me once. We can trust her. It's you she's unsure about."
I rolled my eyes, "Look, I'm just as in unfamiliar territory as you are. If not more so. I felt the pain of your King dying, and the next thing I know, I've ended up here! And now the Valar, have decided to turn me into an elf." I rant.
"Can we please sit down now?" I ask, tired out.
"Yes, yes. We have matters to discuss after all." Gandalf spoke, leading the way.
I trailed behind them all, unsure what to think about the company judging me so fast.

Hearing an "ahem" behind me, I turned to see a smaller being, recognizing it to be Bilbo.
I smiled. "Hello Bilbo, I'm sorry to intrude on you like this..."
He waved his hand, "Oh no, don't worry about it. I've gotten quite use to the thirteen Dwarves in my house by now. One more wont hurt. Plus, I get to meet an Elf."
"Well, I'm a very poor excuse for one I'm afraid." I sighed.
"Why's that miss Elena?" Bilbo asked curiously.
"I haven't been one my whole life like most, you see. The Valar decided that I evidently needed to be a different race for some unknown reason to myself." I explained.
"Maybe you'll find answers somewhere in Middle Earth." Bilbo spoke.
"One can only hope..."
"Lets go join them, shall we?" I offered to the small curly-haired being.

We walked together into Bilbo's dining room where they all sat. - A bowl of stew made for Thorin.
"Miss Elena! Come, sit. We have a bowl of stew for you as well." A cheerful grey-haired dwarf informed me.
"Thank you..."
"Dori, the name's Dori, at your service."
Smiling, I responded "and at yours."

"Any news from Ered Luin, Frerin?" Thorin asked.
"Everyone answered, all seven Kingdoms."
"All of them!" The Dwarves cheered.
"...However, they will not come." Frerin stated.
"Not even the Dwarves of the Iron Hills? Dáin is not with us?" Thorin asked, confused.
"No, I'm afraid he is not, brother."
"Dáin, who's Dáin?" I wondered aloud not quite remembering.
"He's our cousin. Lord of the Iron Hills." Thorin informed me, mood now sour.
"He will not risk his men on such a quest." Frerin informed everyone.
"May I speak?" I questioned the two brothers.
They nodded, "Of course you may." Frerin replied.
"However absurd that may be, if one thinks wisely... It may be better to travel in a smaller number. It would be harder to detect and easier to feed."
The Dwarves murmured, now seeing in a whole new light.
"Smart lass." Dwalin observed.
"You're going on a quest?" Bilbo questioned.

Gandalf turned to face Bilbo, "Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light."
The Wizard pulled out a map and unfolded it.
Standing and spreading the map upon the table.
"Far to the East,
Over ranges and rivers,
Beyond woodlands and wastelands,
Lies a single, solitary peak,
"The Lonely Mountain..." Bilbo read aloud.

"Aye, Oin has read the portents... And the portents say it is time." Gloin informed. - Many groaned, hearing this too many times.
"Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain, as it was foretold. When the birds of yore return to Erebor the reign of the Beast will end." Oin retold the story.

"Beast? What beast?" Bilbo asked curiously.
"A dragon, Bilbo." I responded before Bofur could scare the living daylights out of the poor Hobbit.
I sighed as Ori stood, stating how he wasn't afraid of Smaug. Dori pulled him down in his seat.
"To not be afraid of a Dragon, would be foolish." I exclaimed, remembering Smaug from the Hobbit Movie and Book.
No, I wasn't going to relive all that pain again as horrible images flooded my brain. Images of death, pain, suffering.

I snapped out of it as Fili pounded on the table with his fist then proceeded to speak. "We may be few in number, but we're fighters, all of us, to the last Dwarf."
"And you forget, we have a Wizard in our company. Tharkûn *Gandalf* will have killed hundreds of dragons in his time." Kili said.
"Oh, well, no. I wouldn't say-" He began to argue.
"How many, then?" Dori asked.
"How many Dragons have you killed?" Dori elaborated.
"Go on. Give us a number!" He demanded.
"Leave him alone wont you." I sighed as Gandalf began choking on smoke.
The Dwarves began to argue.
I gave Thorin a look, asking to please do something.
Bilbo tried to calm them down, but failed. "Excuse me, please, please."
Thorin stood, "Shazara!" *Silence!* He then began to give a speech,

"If we have read these signs...
Do you not think others will have read them, too?
Rumors have begun to spread.
The dragon Smaug, has not been seen for 60 years.
Eyes look east to the Mountain, assessing... Wondering, weighing the risk.
Perhaps the vast wealth of our people. Now lies unprotected.
Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours?
Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?!
Du Bekar, Du Bekar! *To Arms, To Arms!*"

They cheered, now convinced they could indeed take back the Mountain.

"You forget, the Front Gate is sealed. There is no way into the Mountain." Balin reminded everyone.
"That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true." Gandalf informed, pulling out a key from his robes.
Thorin looked on, astonished. "How came you by this?"
"It was given to me by your father, Thrain. For safekeeping. Before he went missing. It is yours now." He handed the key over to Thorin. For the Dwarves, this was a very special moment. Their only way into the mountain.

Fili, then stated the obvious, "If there is a key... There must be a door."
"These runes speak of a hidden passage to the Lower Halls."
And Kili, spoke the very obvious. "There's another way in."
"Well, if we can find it, but Dwarf doors are invisible when closed." Gandalf sighed. "The answer lies hidden somewhere in this map. And I do not have the skill to find it. But, there are others in Middle Earth who can."
"Such as Elena. That's why she's with us, is it not?" Nori asked.
"I'm afraid I can't give you all the answers, Nori. Some things have to happen and can't be avoided."
Once more, sighs and slight arguing on why I was here if I was of no use.
"The information I behold will be useful, trust me. You'll have to wait and see." I argued.
"I believe Elena is correct, however the task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth, and no small amount of courage. But if we are careful and clever, I believe that it can be done." Gandalf informed.
"That's why we need a burglar!" Ori yelled.
'And... I forgot about that bit.'
"Hmm. And a good one too. An expert, I'd imagine." Bilbo observed.
"And are you?" Gloin asked.
"Am I what?" Bilbo questioned Gloin.
"He said he's an expert, hey-hey!" Oin yelled excited.
I shook my head, 'why doesn't Middle-earth have hearing aids...?'
"Me? No, no, no. I'm not a burglar. I've never stolen a thing in my life." Bilbo argued.
"Well, I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr.Baggins. He's hardly burglar material." Balin agreed.
Bilbo shook his head agreeing, "nope."
"Aye, the Wild is no place for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves." Dwalin stated, looking at Bilbo then myself.
"He's just fine!" Kili argued.

Gandalf rose from his seat, the room growing darker. "Enough! If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is." - the room had now returned back to normal, - "Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet. In fact, they can pass unseen by most if they choose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of Dwarf, the scent of Hobbit is all but unknown to him. Which gives us a distinct advantage. You asked me to find the 14th member of this company, and I have chosen Mr.Baggins. There's a lot more to him than appearances suggest. And he's got a great deal more to offer than any of you know. Including himself. The same goes for Elena. You must trust me on this." Gandalf insisted.
"Very well. Brother what do you say?" Thorin spoke.
"I agree with Tharkûn."
Thorin nodded.
"Then we will do it your way."
"No, no." Bilbo protested.
"Give him the contract." Thorin ordered.
Balin handed Bilbo the contract, explaining what was on it.

"What about Elena?" Balin asked.
"I will look after her, The Valar put Elena in my care." Thorin informed the company.
"She will need a temporary weapon, however."
"We can find one for her." Fili offered.
"Thank you, nephew."
Bilbo read the contract allowed.
And as he did so, Bofur spoke up scaring the Hobbit. Before long, he fainted.

As he awoke, Gandalf helped him to his chair by the fire and Dori gave him some tea.
It was here that Gandalf gave him a speech. One could hear it from many tunnels away.
Doilies and Dish's...

I followed Fili and Kili around who were in yet another hall with Bofur, who was telling tales of Erebor.
It wasn't long before we all trailed into his sitting room, Thorin looking into the fireplace.
A low hum began, then a song started.

It chilled me to my bones, just as it did in the theater. And many times after. Bringing tears to my eyes.

"Far over the Misty Mountains Cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away 'ere break of day
-The others joined in-
To find our long forgotten gold
The pines were roaring on the height
The winds were moaning in the night
The fire was red, it's flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light..."

I stood, staring into the fire, scenes from the movies once more playing through my head. The good, and the bad.

Thorin and Frerin then ordered us to bunker down for the night, for we would be heading out at dawn.
I could tell that most of the Dwarves, when Thorin wasn't looking were staring slightly. Trying to believe that their King was alive and breathing once more.

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