Closing Notes

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Author's note

Excuse my language, but I am so damn proud of myself. This is the fastest I've ever, ever, finished a book. It usually takes me years, thanks to procrastination and stalling, but this one was done in months and I'm just so freaking proud of myself.

This was one of those books where I constructed the story around the title. This book actually has some history: the original title that I came up for this book was "Dreams of Darker Days", and it had nothing to do with Forrest and Siegbert. In fact, I was going to have Awakening characters in it. It was going to deal with dreams, though — someone being tortured with dreams of the war, a PTSD kind of thing.

But that story idea got put on the wayside for a long time. When I picked it up again, I'd played Fates, all three versions, and I created a whole new idea, one involving two people being thrown into a horrible dream by evil witches.

I can't exactly remember why I chose Forrest and Siegbert for the roles — I liked Siegbert because he was adorable, and Forrest because of the whole femininity thing. Originally, I was going to ship them together, but then I realized that they were cousins, and I have a low tolerance for relative dating, and not the scientific kind (< Earth Science joke). Not that I didn't make them close — hell, they slept in the same bed and Forrest kissed Siegbert on the cheek and held his hand — I just didn't make them close enough to spark anything more than familial closeness (I kind of wanted to, though. I really did XD). All in all, it was a balancing act, and they were kind of a unique situation.

Anyway, partway through writing the book, I realized that the title "Dreams of Darker Days" didn't make sense, so I changed it to something perfect: "Dreamweaver". A title heavily tied to the story. And it was, wasn't it?

Anyway, writing this story has sparked further ideas in me, ideas that could be put in a sequel, even though this one was written as a stand-alone. I'll have to think over if I really want to pursue a sequel for this guys will be the first to know if I do, though.

Anyway, some Dreamweaver stats:

Words: 70,000

Pages in Microsoft Word: 209

Data Usage: 277 KB

Want more Fire Emblem? > Invisible Ties by MMHunter


The next part contains the art gallery for Dreamweaver (yes, I drew pictures for inspiration). Don't worry, my art is good (as you've no doubt seen from the bloody Leo chapter). Go ahead and check it out!

Thanks for reading!

- Kimiko Gray

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