|| Chapter 3 ||

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-: Collywobbles:-
(n.) Butterflies in stomach

Rishaan's POV,

My lungs. They bursted as I screamed , had my heart almost stopped and was almost getting smashed with the front glass of the car as my body just rolled from the back to the front seat .

How the hell was Nick driving.

I check myself and my face to locate any cuts. There ain't any . Good lord .

I look ahead , there's smoke , loud bickering of people and noises of blaring horns . We're stuck in the middle of a narrow lane , I am getting late and Nick has still not recovered from his shock .

Whose face I saw while waking up today !? Huffs. Sighs.

I need to get his atma back to his body . He looks dead tbh .

Hesitaintly I place my hand on his shoulders and the next thing I know was that I lost both my ears because of his "ear- piercing vocals" .
Damn ! I didn't knew boys can have this level of a shrill voice .

For a minute or two I check my hearing power .

"Fuck .... Did I..... I DID CRASH MY FAVORITE CAR .... " He shrieked again . His sensing and reaction abilities are working late I think , because it has now been almost 10 minutes we have

He turned , eyed me so furiously that if he got laser in his eyes then I would have been ashes now .

"All because of this ...." He pointed at my airpods .

Well... yaa kinda my fault .

Kinda?! It is your fault . Stfu , uncle subconscious , I know.

"You .... you distracted me . You asked for this fucking airpods. You know it right that distraction while driving is dangerous. How could you ?! "He yelled , blabbered and yelled . I didn't stop him , I deserved it .

If not for his driving skills , which he got , then we would have been burning in flames .

"Alright, I'll pay for the damages . Fine ?" I say , an act of kindness. Didn't work, I see as Nick put up his middle finger to me . Okay , yaa , quiet respectfully said "Fuck off".

"You will have to ." Well, I thought that didn't work .

"Gimme my airpods now .... Throw it ..." I say and he does the unbelievable thing.

HE LITERALLY THROWS MY AIRPODS OUT OF THE WINDOW. And I watch it crush under a truck being awestruck. What the Fuck . Well that rhymed .

Stop uncle subconscious... it's not the time . That airpods were customized. Nooooooooo, bitch ! My bacha , my airpods .

Now it's apna time to look at him with laser eyes while he smiled sweetly flashing his dimples .

Not going to work Mr. D'Souza. My jaw twitches, but my heart , it cried.

"You said to throw it ... I did " He says as a matter of fact and got out of the car .

"I said to throw it to ME" I follow him like a lost puppy , getting out of the car too.

"You didn't complete your sentence , I don't know how to do telepathy to read your mind . " Bitch was taking revenge . I feel betrayed.

He kneels down to check the damage while I go to search for the pieces of my lost airpods .

I have to do the antim-sanskar (last rituals) of my airpods.

They were with me since last 5 years . They healed me . Cries.

Nicholas D'Souza I hate you.

Thea's POV,

What's done is done.

I crashed the car but it wasn't my fault , I tried to maneuver it and go to the other way but seems like the other car driver was lost in my beauty .
Narcissistic? Me ? Hell yeah !

"FOR GOD'S SAKE THEA WILLIAMS, BE SERIOUS . This could've turned down nasty ." Inaya shouts at me and I flinch internally.

"Chill babes .... I'll handle it . " I try to calm down the volcano because if it bursts I know I too will be burning with it .

I feel her eyes bore into the side of my head but I thought hatao yaar , apne aap par focus karte hai.
(Chuck  let's focus on myself) .
"God ji bro , to whomever I have crashed into , please let it be a smoking hot man " I pray and hear Inaya shout at my "unprofessional " behavior.
Priorities are first babe, I can't help it.

I exit the car , took a "smoke-fillled" deep breathe , coughed out due to the choking amount of smoke I filled my lungs into , straighten my dress and head to the other car's direction.

Through the smoke, I make out a figure , kneeling down checking the car . It's a boy? Nah .. it's a
man ...

I walk closer ...

It's a SMOKING HOT MAN because when he stood up feeling my presence , his height said it all .

Perfect height difference.

God ji bro, I didn't knew I was your favorite all this time .

"Excuse me ..." I say

"Not excused !" NO . NOT HIS VELVETY, RICH , LOW PITCH VOICE. I can't crush over a voice , I haven't seen him yet . Stop Miss overexcited subconscious.

"Uh, well I don't need to excuse myself because you crashed into my car and I need to settle.down few things . " I say firmly . We can crush over the person later , but let's first crush him
under for the wrong he did .

He then turns but until then I turn towards Inaya as she called me . Girl got some timing .

"Do you need help ? He seems tough . And I do not think that he'll give in easily. " She says, coming out of the car while I too agree giving in the way he replied. Bitch doesn't know I have a
self made weapon . Smirks.

"Let's go . " I cling my hands with hers . I see , she cringes at her our entangled hands .

Am I being clingy? Yes . Will I do something about it ? NO !

"Well , hello there ! " Inaya said , that confident tone . Till then, I leave her hand .

And then he turns . His hazel eyes glowing in the sun . His eyes . It's ethereal. That catch my attention .

"Hey . So it's your car that I crashed into . Am fortunate to crash into this gorgeous lady. " He tricks and bows in front of Inaya to impress her and I watch the twitch of Inaya's lips . I just
know what that means . Wrong move Mr. Hazel eyes .

"No way you are fortunate , infact I was blinded by the delicate rays of your ethereal hazel eyes. " Inaya's way with her words . Laughs.

I watch his facial expression switch from smirk to smile to shy to confused . He's probably comprehending and questioning his vocabulary.

Inaya walks past him , kneels and checks the damage and then moves to our car to check the same.

"So it seems that our car is a bit more damaged than yours. What do you think? " She asks.

"I... I don't know . I just know that... that my car has got damages . " Hesitation , uh-huh wrong move Mr. Sexy voice.

"Acha chalo let's change the question , Who do you think is the guilty in charge here ? " She questions again and the aura she is creating is awesome .

"Maybe... yo--"

"Yes yes that's the point . It's us , I know right , girls can't drive properly . Yes I agree . I was distracted right ? " Inaya's capability of switching conversations. Who would tell this bitch suffers
from trauma.

"No no no m'lady. I don't believe in these senseless things . But , you know I was driving focused and I don't know how this happened , actually I wasn't even looking at anything, and I definitely didn't kneeled down to search for my airpods and ---" He just blabbed . He went nervous and just
blurted the truth , and swears under his breathe as he realizes.

"Tch Tch Tch . Too bad . Negligence and Ignorance both are bad . Especially when you are driving . Isn't it ?" Uff Ina , am so proud .

He fidgets with his long , slender --- what the fuck , why am I describing his fingers .

Am I just being horny and stuff?

"Look ! I .. well I am sorry ! But ... see the point is you too could have just turned your car to the left to avoid the crash. " He says and watch as Inaya sighs .

"Explain now . " She shuffled the ball to my court . How will I talk with him. Inaya urgh !

"So , uhm , it was me driving and uhm , I didn't got a chance to drift because you came close to me ---"  Inaya coughs , and I shut my mouth up . Shit.

"Excuse me? " He straightens himself.

Thea wtf .

"I .. I mean your car came too close that I didn't got a chance to drift ." I cover up .

"So, the fault is from both sides , I see . Let's, make it 50-50 ." He puts up a deal .

"No !" I deny .

"You were at fault . 90 % percent fault was yours . So it would be 80-20 . " I say and he shakes his head .

I watch him turn to find someone.

And whom I see next shocks me to the core . Him ? Here ?!

Out of all the people I needed to crash , my car chose him . No way I am letting these two meet .

I look for Inaya , she's talking to someone on call , faraway. Probably bad network here .

And then I see Mr. Rishaan Malhotra jogging up to Mr. Sexy voice .

"I found the last pieces of my airpods. You need to buy me a new one Nick " He says , huffing.

Nick .... Hot .

He then sees me and through his eyes asks Mr. Sexy--.... Nick , while Nick narrates him the drama.

"Look , Miss I know our fault was ---" I put my palm up , indicating him to stop .

He looked confused . Nick too.

I jog up to Inaya just the moment she was going to turn back to us.

"Uh.. I was getting late ... the arguement was baseless so I told not to bother , let's go . " I dragged her with me and pushed her inside the car .

Well, shit , we have to pass them , I just hope she doesn't see him . No fuck , why the hell they weren't going already .


I ignited the car , and the engine roared to life .

Alright Thea , time to use your driving skills .

90 km/s , 45 degrees to the left and she'll not be able to see him .

I pulled the brakes and tried to do the same but fuck my life , an auto had to overtake me only to go at the least possible speed .

Okay, great .

"Uh... Inaya ... don't you want to know why did I not convince him ?" Yes , Ina look at me and not outside .

"Cause he was hot ?" She reasoned .

This woman knows me too much to shut me up.

She then looks outside just the moment when he turns , giving us the clear view .


Inaya ?!

She stilled.

Damn it .

Inaya's POV, 

My heart . It accelerated so much I feared it would leap out .

I expected the least to see HIM here . Hell, I didn't expect to see him EVER .

But what I felt after seeing was
collywobbles . Literal collywobbles .

Him ?! After all these years ?! Him ? Why ? I am sure he didn't see me . I wish he did , I so wanted to look at him to see the shame and guilt shining through his eyes .

My lips trembled , now I know why Thea left the place abruptly.

I feel my hands shiver a bit but was soon comforted with my best friend's warm ones.

He's living his life in the best possible way isn't it ?! Huh! Look at me , the Inaya I so wanted to give to the society is broken to the extent that she can't put the puzzles back to it's places cause
well , it's confusing.

Thea focused on the road , neither of us breaking the tense silence . I looked through the window , the shops , the pedestrians. Few flashbacks hit me like a cold wave . Shit , I don't want
to remember .

My ...my passion was snatched away from me , my confidence, my trust everything and now I am just a mess with a bunch of unwanted memories in return. The past Inaya would be so
ashamed of what I have become . The comeback was easy , but I chose not to . Put myself in a nutshell , gather the leftover pieces of me , which were , well broken , used by unworthy people
whom I gave away I had everything .

Life's so easy na ?! To break someone just for our own benefit and then don't give a shit about what the other person's life would become . It's just easy to ignore and let go . Ignore the
mistakes they do and let go of the people who became "useless" with time . Because for them, they were correct at their place while time was not. People really do blame not only each other but the nature . "Time was good" , "nature played the part" ," my luck wasn't good this time" , "Her
fault" ," His mistake" . But where's the "I am sorry" ? Ma'am and sirs? Just a word yet it takes so much to say , then
comes EGO. Yes . And the cycle continues. I am not a saint too , maybe I have made some feel like this too but I would die to say them sorry . I know what it feels . How it feels. Because time doesn't heal but kills . Again see , I blamed time . Vicious cycle .

A mirthless chuckle escaped my throat causing Thea to look at me .

"Wish I could reverse time and prevent myself from doing those mistakes. Prevent myself from getting where I am . Wish I could revert back and be the Inaya I promised myself to be." I say and Thea sighs .

A lone tear rolled down my cheeks .
If I sit down to list the things which was taken away as some kind of because "souvenir " to flaunt to the world just because of THAT NIGHT , the day will be over even before I finish listing.
I detest not just them but the thought process .

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Thea pushed the break , I notice it's our "usual spot" , "BitterSweet" as they call it .

Thea didn't say anything but I got the gist that I need to accompany her .

We enter the cafe , smiling up at the receptionist, a good old lady , her face wrinkled and hairs grayish, a sign of experience about life .

We met Sheena , the barista on our way to our usual table . Yes , now that I realise , we spent here the most after our respective work places .

We have coming to this cafe for 5 years straight, every weekend. Our visits became often after that unfortunate incident. That time , it was just a little shop at the bay of the roads . Nothing
special , a little rundown with the coffee being worse in quality . That time aunty was the only one working here . She couldn't afford much, neither helpers . The cafe didn't turn out a big shot either so most of the time we came it was empty .

The long summer afternoons , when the sun shone at it's brightest with people being less on the streets and more inside the artificial cold of their abodes , the only sound of birds chirping and little to o horns blaring , people having a pause to rest under the trees , and this cafe , where tiny rays of light invaded through the slivers
of woods of the walls .

I and Thea still loved the place just for it's serenity, yes because people were less , no one's there to eavesdrop, it's simplicity and aunty's loving nature.

Because of our frequent visits and
the influence we had , the cafe bursts with people coming back and forth . Aunty renovated the place keeping in mind that the place's popularity was because of it's simplicity.

I sighed , time went by so fast .

Sheena placed two cups of black coffee and two pieces of lemon cake slices, our "usual" again.

We don't realise how much we talk over a cup of coffee and slice of cake until Sheena arrives to take them away nodding her head at us in disbelief. Yaa we have chewed the spoons until it had starches, I know "eww" but hey they were kept just for us . Special treatment.

"Didi , kemon acho? Koto din por ele!" Sheena asks .
(Sister, how're you ? Long time no see !"

"Bhalo re , tor porashona theek cholche toh? Kichu help lagle bolis kemon?"
(I am doing good , how's your studies going? Please tell me of you need anything , okay?") I say , smiling at the young  woman .

She nods , smiling and goes back to her work .

I look up at Thea who still looked amused at the exchange . She still has not coped up with the language I use sometimes. Yes, I am a bengali and I still hate the fact that we had to shift to
Mumbai from Kolkata . I sulk at the thought again.

"You still are not accustomed with my bengali, isn't it?" I ask and she sighs .

"What are we here for ?" I ask and see she shot a text to someone before looking at me .

"We are here for----" She stopped, her face disgraced, looking something behind me .

I turn my head and feel as my stomach dropped to a new low .

Here we go , fucking again .


Author's Note-  Hey biscuits <3 !

Firstly thanks for 92 followers on my instagram and for the 1k  views on the recent reel .

Long- ass chapter for my long-ass  absence.

Anyways , I know a shit chapter .  But , bear with it .

Alright few things ,  boards are starting  , 4 days left  *shrieks* .

And then Neet and then other exams so  updates  will be irregular to the power infinity


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That's it for today guys .

Tab tak ke liye BYE!BYEEE!

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