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When I look over, Jungkook's fast asleep again. I prop a book open in front of his lowered head, giving up on the idea of waking him.

He'd looked so tired in the beginning of class— messy, ruffled hair, glasses barely hanging on the corner of his nose. His eyes had shadows under them.

I cross my arms on the desk, sighing softly as I look at the exposed half of his sleeping face. My eyes wander to his broad, arched back, lips tightening when I imagine what's underneath his shirt.

Leaning my head lazily against the desk, I reach out and brush my fingers through his soft hair. I tug off his loose glasses, placing them down next to the book.

His lips are slightly parted in sleep, pink and soft. A smile tilts up the corner of my lips when I hear slight hitches in his breath.

What a baby.

"Hey!" Any traces of a smile dissipate on my lips when I hear the teacher yell, my eyes narrowing in annoyance as it slides up to the front of the classroom.

"Lee Min and Jeon Jungkook! What do you—"

"I was just telling him something in the book." I say, my voice cold although I don't really mean it. "I don't think anything's wrong with that, is there?"

I can feel the students behind me whispering, clearly seeing Jungkook passes out on his desk with just a book in front of him. But the teacher can't see that, so I stare at him challengingly.

"I-I guess so. Just pay attention from now." He finally backs down, and then I turn my eyes to the back of the classroom at the continued whispering.

"Shh." I try to say, but none of them will even meet my gaze.

Then I hear a small groan, and look back to see Jungkook rubbing at his eyes. He looks around with a confused expression for a few seconds, before finally meeting my amused stare.

"Min! I, uh— did I fall asleep again?"

I nod, flicking my fingers slightly to knock over the propped up book. He blushes fiercely at my confirmation, and I find myself smiling.

When the bell rings, I swing my backpack over my shoulder and wait for him, watching as he quickly pushes his books and papers into his backpack.

He looked slightly better, at least.

"Come here." I say, glancing briefly at the time. "We have time until fourth class."

When I lead him to a café to get a drink, he blinks his eyes sleepily again. He does that when he thinks I'm not looking, but I catch him multiple times without him noticing me.

"What do you want?"

He shakes his head once, and looks up at me with half-awake eyes. "Uh— a smoothie, I think. Do they have strawberry?"

I give him an amused look. "Shouldn't you drink coffee? It'd help you wake up a bit more."

He looks up at the menu with a confused expression on his face. I watch with curiosity as several emotions flicker across his face, before finally settling in determination.

"Americano, please."

"Two iced Americanos, please." I say to the cashier, paying and ignoring Jungkook's small mumbles of protest behind me.

Then the orders are out, and I'm drinking my coffee when my gaze lands on Jungkook. My expression instantly turns up into a full smile, watching what he's doing.

He's sucking on the straw like the Americano's going to kill him.

"You can't drink bitter?" I ask, and his face lights on fire. And then I can't help but laugh, finally understanding why he'd looked so determined earlier.

"Y-Yeah. I mean no. I can drink bitter." He says firmly, but that only makes him more childish to look at. His eyes widen when I graze under his jaw with my fingers, stare following me as I order a strawberry smoothie for him.

When I bring the pink drink, he sips on it with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Then he looks up at me, face still slightly blushed. His fingers fidget against the half-empty glass of his smoothie, and I raise an eyebrow when he starts nervously.

"Uh— Min?"

"I can't actually drink bitter things."

A soft laugh escapes my lips. Had he really thought I hadn't noticed that yet?

"I know, baby."

He swallows, and I tilt my head against my elbow as the tips of his ears turn a hot red. The drink disappears unimaginably fast, and I end up having to finish both of the Americanos.

We're going back to school when I hear Jungkook suddenly suck in a sharp breath behind me. My eyes instantly flicker towards his direction.

He collapses, glasses slipping his nose and clattering to the floor.

I catch him before he hits the ground completely, my expression taken aback. One hand still tight on his upper arm, I press my other against his cheeks.


Tugging at my bottom lip with my teeth, I hug his body to mine. But I already know it wouldn't be possible to lift him up— he was heavier, broader.

Quickly, I call Yoongi.

"Hey, Minnie. What's up—"

"Jungkook's collapsed. I need you to help me get him home."

There's a momentary silence before the line crackles to life again, Yoongi's voice suspicious.

"And by home you mean..."

"Our home." I cut off, my eyes flickering nervously when I see him breathing unevenly. "Hurry up."



"What are you talking about? Jungkook's fainted?"

"I knew it was a bad idea to tell you." He mumbles under his breath, but I run after him as fast my legs can keep up. "Jimin, go back to school."


"Fine, then." He sighs loudly, lengthening his long strides. I gasp and huff for breath as I try to match his speed, but I'm so out of shape.

"A-Are we almost there? And Jungkook— he's okay, right? Is someone with him?"

"Minnie." He replies, and I instantly think of the big-eared, girly mouse that I always saw in cartoon shows. My eyebrows raise a bit in suspicion, but I ask anyway.

"Minnie Mouse?"

He just sighs again, before finally getting down on his knees. I'm trying to catch my breath when he presses his lips together and tilts his head towards his back.

"Get on, Jimin. You're so slow."

"I-I'm not slow!" I protest, my face red from running. "I'm just disadvantaged! You have longer legs than me, so it isn't fair at all!"

"Just get on."



"I'm not even going to ask." I say flatly as I watch the short brown-haired boy scramble off Yoongi's back. He just shrugs his shoulders at me. "Come on, help me."

Jungkook's still unconscious, but is now snoring softly. I lightly trace my fingertip down his cheek, giving him up to Yoongi.

"Damn— he's heavy." He groans as he lifts Jungkook into his arms. That boy is all over him, eyes wide with worry as he looks back hurriedly between me and his friend.

"Is he dead?"

"If you can look closer, he seems to be breathing." Yoongi says, and he blushes in embarrassment. When he mutters a soft oh and looks at the ground, I can't believe how much he reminds me of Jungkook.

"He needs sleep." I say, when Yoongi looks to me in question. "Fatigue, I think. I don't understand what could get him so tired."

"So—" Yoongi glances at the small figure next to him.

"You said our house?"

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