06. the one who wasn't happy to see him

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"You're a great friend."

I woke up feeling my eyes burning, my throat was also burning maybe from the alcohol that I drunk last night.

I heard a knock on the door and saw Shawn standing here, I smiled and patted the place next to me, he came next to me and sat. "How are you feeling?" He asked

I smiled. "Better, but why my eyes are burning?"

"You cried last night." He said as I frowned. "You told me it was about your family."

Then I remembered the message that I got yesterday, I chocked trying to hold my cries as he looked at me. "What happened?"

"My little brother is in the coma for a month now, and they're going to unplug him," I said as the guilty ran into me, I wasn't here for him.

"Hey, hey Rachel it's going to be okay," He said getting closer to me.

"No, he's my little brother and I'm not here for him,"I replied as Shawn rubbed my back.

"What about I book tickets for Los Angeles?" I looked up and my eyes opened wide.

"You will do this?" I asked as he nodded

"Of course Rachel." He said smiling, he kissed my forehead. "So you want to?"

"Yes please." I cracked a smile as he nodded. "I will repay you."

"Don't worry," He said.

A few minutes later, he came back and told me to pack for one week, I grabbed all I needed and texted my mom telling her that I was coming in town.

"Are we going to stay at the hotel?" asked Shawn as I shook my head.

"No, I have a place in Los Angeles, we will go there," I replied.

"Are you rich?" He asked out of nowhere as I chuckled lightly

"Yeah you can say that, but I don't like to boast about it you know?" I said as he nodded.


Hours later, we were finally in Los Angeles in a taxi who was driving to my apartment. My mom was really happy about the fact that I was coming here, for my little brother. Also, the guys called us asking where were we, they were a little surprised that I was in Los Angeles with Shawn but they understood why.

The taxi parked in front of my building, I paid him and thanked him. Shawn and I walked to the door.

"Which level?" He asked once we were in the elevator

"The last." I said as he nodded. "You will absolutely love my place and there we are" I opened the door revealing my parents and my sisters. "Oh hey guys."

"Hey Rach, who is this?" Asked my mom pointing Shawn behind me.

"He is one of my roommates, and he knows about everything so he offered me to book tickets for Los Angeles." I explained as they nodded. "So everyone meets Shawn."

"Nice to meet you Shawn." Said my sisters. "I'm Candice and this Summer." Said Candy

"Nice to meet you girls." He said smiling. "Nice to meet you Mr. Plaras and Mrs.Plaras." He added smiling nervously

My dad stood up and shook his hand. "Thank you for coming with my daughter, Shawn."

"No problem sir." He said

"We're going to leave, but meet us a the hospital tomorrow morning at nine." Said my mom, they all left as Shawn and I went on the couch.

"Sorry for my mom." I said. "She's not really happy to see you, I guess."

He shrugged. "Can I know why?"

"She doesn't love when I bring boys at home because she loved my ex-boyfriend and she still thinks that he was the right one." I said as Shawn licked his lips and nodded.

"I understand, it's not like I was your boyfriend." He laughed nervously.

"Thank you for coming with me." I said putting my hand on his knee. "You're a great friend."

He smiled at me as I kissed his cheek, I showed him my apartment. "I'm sorry but we will have to sleep together, is that okay?" He nodded.

update: i am sick again sksksk
hello, I'm sick lol but everything's is okay
sorry for the mistakes

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